
Culinary business: how to open cooking. Cooking business plan: equipment and necessary documents

There is an opinion that cooking as a business brings a good income and is characterized by a quick payback investment. However, this statement must be dealt with in more detail. To do this, consider the business plan of culinary, as well as culinary production.

The origins of cooking

business cooking planBack in the 80s, there were a large number of culinary companies offering carrot cutlets. However, the first half of the 90s is characterized by their massive closure.

Such establishments began to replace them, on the menu of which appeared the so-called "Korean" salads. In many modern grocery stores, special departments began to be organized in which various salads and simple snacks can be purchased.

The first cooking arose with the opening of the first supermarket back in 1994. Since then, many stores have such departments where products for every wallet and taste are located. Here, for example, always hungry students can buy simple boiled potatoes with dill, and a constantly busy woman can buy dinner for her family at a fairly reasonable price.

The range of such departments is extensive and may include over one hundred names. Since cooking is the kind of activity that will always be in demand in our fast-moving age, therefore, a cooking business plan may be needed by people who are in search of an activity "to their liking."

Organization of a culinary department in a supermarket

Today, in any supermarket there is not only a department of cooked food, but also its own culinary workshop. Such an organization of this service sector is quite profitable due to the availability of the necessary space. Indeed, in any supermarket there is always some corner empty. The next positive thing is the location of the so-called "adjacent" departments.

For example, a buyer, buying a good snack, will buy something from alcoholic or low alcohol drinks. It should also be noted that supermarkets mainly purchase their goods at wholesale prices. Therefore, you do not need to buy additional products in the culinary workshop, and the cost of cooked food (and, accordingly, its price) will be slightly lower, which will also contribute to the influx of customers.

How to open cooking?

This question is asked by many people who have a little free money and want to invest it in some break-even business. At the very beginning, this idea needs to be discussed with your close ones and relatives. They can always give practical advice, and sometimes help with money in case of shortage.

The next stage that implements the opening of cooking is a business plan. This document should be thought out to the smallest detail. In its sections, it is necessary to reflect, first of all, all expenses. Options are also provided for further business development at this level.

Choice of premises

The answer to the question: "How to open cooking?" lies in solving organizational issues. First of all, the room must be correctly selected. Especially if the cooking will not be in the supermarket, but in a separate building. It is desirable that the premises are located in the residential sector, as this will ensure a constant influx of customers. An entrepreneur who is interested in the issue of “how to open cooking” needs to understand that at the first stage, his main expenses will be related to the repair and equipment of this building for the profile of the selected type of service.


This stage may also be accompanied by certain official and unofficial expenses. We are talking about the execution of various permits, starting with the BTI (if it comes to acquiring premises) to the SES and the fire inspection. It is necessary to remember about the mandatory medical examination of workers employed in the kitchen. And we are talking not only about the chefs, but also about the staff.

How to open a culinary workshop: purchase of equipment

opening cooking business planEquipment will have to purchase a lot. Firstly, it is necessary to equip a trading floor, in which refrigerated counters should be located.

Secondly, the kitchen should be equipped at the proper level. We are talking about powerful ovens and ovens, as well as various food processors and dishwashers. In the last century, dishes were washed by hand. Today, with great difficulty, you can find specialists in this area of ​​work.

Therefore, the further development of the business depends on how carefully the question of how to open cooking is considered. This applies specifically to premises with a high-quality range hood. Important for visitors is the absence of unpleasant odors of frying and cooking food. It is much more pleasant to taste the aromas of ready-made food. It must be remembered that the first impression a visitor receives who has crossed the threshold of cooking depends on whether he comes here again or not.

Staff recruitment

This is an important section that contains a cooking business plan. It is necessary to optimally calculate its structure and abundance. If a round-the-clock cooking mode is selected, an exit schedule should be provided, taking into account the fact that workers must rest after at least two days at home.

culinary school business planAs for the cooks, then again the owner must decide for himself. If the work of the culinary workshop will be reduced to the preparation of simple salads, then these specialists must have one qualification.

If we are talking about some pastries or cooking muffins and desserts, then these are completely different culinary specialists. Therefore, the best option is to have staff of various qualifications.

It is necessary to remember, as already mentioned above, the regular passage of all medical examination workers without exception.

Since culinary excellence is in constant dynamic, it is necessary from time to time to improve qualifications and improve the skills of their employees. A culinary school serves for this; the business plan should contain an appropriate item of expenses for such events.

The expansion of the customer base

It is not necessary to say for a long time that the income of any cooking depends on the formation of the client base. Therefore, the owner should work on this issue from the moment the very idea of ​​the foundation of this business arises.

In addition to a well-thought-out location of the premises, planned for the opening of cooking, a great help in this matter is a correctly conducted advertising campaign. Moreover, billboards must be equipped at least a month before the opening of the cooking itself. You can also give relevant announcements to the media.

Support Services

The owner of cooking should be well thought out all the nuances that can leave a favorable impression from visiting this institution. For example, a nearby free car park.

For the successful development of business in this service sector, table setting can serve (an example is the equipment of a summer playground). Such a service does not incur significant costs. However, a cooking business plan may contain an appropriate expense item that can pay for itself in one season. For example, a person who has been traveling all day will always be happy to stop near the culinary department, where you can not only get delicious food, but also immediately have a place where you can eat it comfortably.

Another option for generating additional income is the delivery of finished food to addresses. Of course, this will require additional costs in the form of a car. However, such a service will be very popular in commercial organizations. It will be very convenient for people to order lunch directly to the office. You can also consider entering into contracts on an ongoing basis for the delivery of food at lunchtime in the company.

To summarize the above, it is safe to say that with the ever-growing employment of people, they are less and less willing to spend on cooking their own meals. It’s easier to buy ready-made food. Therefore, the culinary market indicators are constantly growing.

Statistics say that the circle of clients of such institutions is expanding more and more. Previously, these were business women or unmarried men, today whole families join the ranks of clients of culinary institutions. This is a great way to feed your family quickly and fairly inexpensively. That is why the culinary business is a promising area of ​​business activity.

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Reason for complaint
Before proceeding with the implementation of the plan, you must clearly understand what kind of audience your institution will be designed for. Do not forget that the backbone of customers will be busy people, and therefore it is necessary to think through a convenient menu that can be implemented not only in the hall.


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