
The duties of the cook. How to make a job description?

Official cook's duties - a set of strict rules. Violating them is strictly prohibited, but, in fact, this is not surprising. After all, any mistake made by a cook can affect the health of a person who tasted his dish. And therefore, any organization dealing with catering should have its own job description.

But what exactly should be indicated there? After all, the duties of the cook are extensive, therefore, all of them are quite difficult to enter into one document. Therefore, let's look at all the points of the job description more clearly in order to finally understand them.

cook's job responsibilities

A few words about the job description

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the work of any specialist should be regulated by a special document - job description. First of all, this is necessary in order to outline the entire spectrum of those duties and privileges that will fall on the shoulders of an employee when he is hired.

This document often consists of four chapters: general provisions, duties, rights and responsibilities. If necessary, some enterprises increase the usual number of points, for example, adding a section "prohibited". Now let's look at the job responsibilities of the cook, based on what may be indicated in the instructions.

chef's job responsibilities

General Provisions

So, the first section reveals the basic information about the position. It indicates the requirements for the cook, the required level of training, as well as the hierarchy system in the enterprise. Examples may be as follows:

  1. Only a specialist with the necessary education can apply for the position of cook.
  2. Admission and dismissal are carried out by the director of the enterprise.
  3. In his work, the cook submits to the director or his deputy.
  4. The specialist is obliged to know and comply with all the norms and standards specified in applicable laws.

Cook's Responsibilities

The most important is the part describing the duties of the cook. After all, it is in it that the instruction is laid down, according to which a specialist in the kitchen will work. Therefore, it is necessary to approach its compilation with all seriousness, otherwise, obviously, it will not be possible to avoid difficulties in the future.

Let us give an example of what the duties of a cook in a canteen might look like. By the way, the specified text is only a template, which means that it can be changed and supplemented depending on the needs of a particular organization.

dining room cook duties

The cook must:

1) Always act in the interests of the organization.

2) Strictly observe the work schedule established by the management of the enterprise.

3) Perform the following actions daily:

  • at the beginning of the shift, inspect the workplace for malfunctions or gas leaks;
  • turn on devices in accordance with established safety regulations;
  • monitor the cleanliness in the kitchen throughout the shift;
  • remove garbage in the workplace at the end of the working day;
  • close all gas valves and turn off the power before leaving home.

4) Follow all orders of the manual, as well as follow the nutritional schedule that they set.

5) Monitor the status of all equipment assigned to the kitchen.

6) Make a list of all the necessary products, and submit them to the management in advance.

7) Do not allow strangers into the kitchen without the consent of the authorities.

8) Monitor the sanitary condition of the room, and if necessary, put it in order.

9) Keep a record of products according to their expiration date.

10) In case of danger or unforeseen situation, inform management.

It should also be noted that depending on the type of dining room, the requirements for the cook will vary. For example, the job responsibilities of a restaurant chef will be much more complicated and eventful than that of his colleague, a simple factory catering worker.

school chef job responsibilities

Rights and Responsibilities

If we talk about the rights of a cook, then, first of all, you need to specify the following three points. So, he has the right:

  • require management to deliver all the necessary products and ingredients on time;
  • participate in meetings devoted to the labor process in the kitchen;
  • to demand compliance with all the norms that are indicated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

As for responsibility, everything is pretty simple here. This part indicates the punishment provided for non-compliance with certain rules or negligence. For example, for violation of labor discipline, they can apply to a cook administrative penalty or warning.

job responsibilities of a cook in kindergarten

Features of work in restaurants

A public dining room is good, but in no case can it be compared to a restaurant or cafe. And therefore, certain points should be indicated that should be taken into account when drawing up the job description of a cook in a restaurant.

So, it should be understood that the quality of food in restaurants is in the first place. So, the cook is obliged to monitor what products he uses, how closely his subordinates follow his orders, and also personally check each dish to taste.

An equally important aspect is the cooking time. After all, visitors do not like to wait, which means that the chef should do everything possible so as not to let them get bored.

The duties of the school cook

Children's cooking is different than usual. That is why the duties of the cook in kindergarten or school should be drawn up taking into account some features.

For example, a stricter attitude to sanitation, as well as security, is established here, because small fidgets need constant monitoring. Also, do not forget that baby food is a special section of cooking, which has its own rules and regulations. Therefore, all this should be spelled out in the job description.

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