
Personal income (personal finance). Sources of cash income

Today we will be interested in personal population incomes. Material support of one’s own life is very important. And so you have to understand where this or that money may come from. What kind of income are there? What will be taken into account when calculating these? To understand this is not so difficult. Just remember - there are a lot of sources of personal profit. All citizens have some options, and some do not. You should not be surprised at this. After all, the population has different opportunities.

Imputed income

The personal finances of each person is a rather difficult question. But they have an impact on such an item of the economy in a particular entity as imputed income. It is very important in making economic forecasts for the development of the country. The higher this indicator, the better.personal income

Imputed income is the profit of an economic entity, which is calculated taking into account some factors. They affect the receipt of certain funds. We can say that imputed income is only the estimated profit of a citizen or an economic entity. An important factor in forecasting the economy.

Revenues are different

It is worth paying attention to the fact that incomes themselves can be varied. Their classification depends on some factors. What are the possible scenarios?

Firstly, there is a minimum income. As you might guess, this is the minimum amount of money that citizens will receive. There are no indicators below it. Lower bound, "gender" in the economy.

Secondly, there is a maximum income. By analogy with the previous option, this is cash that is received by the population (usually per month) as much as possible. We can say the upper limit (or, as it is also called, the "ceiling") in forecasting economic development.

Also, the profit of citizens is divided by its stability. There is a steady income. As you might guess, this is a fixed amount of money, which is obtained by one person or another every month for a long (regular) time. It can be said on an ongoing basis. This option is the main source of budget formation. Both the population and the state as a whole. Constant profit is stability, the guarantee of tomorrow.personal finance

There is an intermittent income. It usually turns out once or unstable. And often its dimensions are not set in a clear form. We can say that this profit is usually a pleasant addition to a person’s main source of income. In principle, this classification is enough to fully understand the sources of monetary incomes of the population. So what are the options? What is included in the personal income of a person or citizens as a whole?


So, the first and most obvious scenario is salary. This item, as a rule, is not only a regular income of a citizen, but also the main source of profit. It turns out only by a working population for the performance of certain works. And it doesn’t matter if you officially work or not. The fact remains.

Earning is a reward for labor. Usually paid in advance and salary by employers. All this is included in personal finance. After all, they will be disposed of by the one to whom the payment is made. As a rule, it is due to this source that a person is provided with everything necessary for living and existence.

Entrepreneurship and business

Recently, entrepreneurial activity in Russia has been gaining tremendous momentum. And business as well. All this is personal income of citizens. That is, if you are registered as an individual entrepreneur or have your own business, then the profit that you will receive (of course, after paying taxes and all mandatory contributions, paying salaries to employees) is your personal income.citizens income

As a rule, this item is permanent, but it is obtained monthly in a different amount. It rarely happens that a businessman or entrepreneur has not earned anything and has gone “minus”. Thus, this source of profit is not very stable, especially at first. But you should not exclude it from the options for obtaining additional money.


The income of citizens is diverse. Sometimes you may not even realize that certain funds will be counted as personal profit. For example, gifts and gifts are also income. Though non-standard.

As you might guess, it is usually a variable value. Moreover, to predict the size of gifts is generally impossible. So you can call this source just an additional pleasant "bonus" for your personal treasury. Gifts are not taxed, unlike salaries or profits from entrepreneurial activity / business.minimum income


The amount of income may be different. Of course, it’s good when you can more or less predict how much money you will receive in a given month. In addition to the personal incomes already listed, several stable sources of additional funds for citizens can be identified. For example, pensions.

It is not necessary to reach retirement age in order to receive this support from the state. Pensions can be paid for a variety of reasons. Usually they are fixed, they are credited to the account monthly. That is, it is a constant income that is provided to the population at the expense of the state treasury. True, its size, as a rule, is not too high. But this is better than nothing at all.


Citizens income is generated due to numerous sources of cash. Sometimes it’s easy to get confused. In addition to pensions, the state provides another type of assistance to the population. It is about paying benefits.

This support, as a rule, will be assigned to certain citizens for various reasons. For example, if you are registered with the labor exchange as unemployed, then for a certain period of time you will be charged unemployment benefits. This is your personal income, although they are provided at the expense of the state, not your personal merits or as a result of labor activity.amount of income

There is also a disability allowance (paid to both adults and children), child care (up to 1.5 and up to 3 years old, respectively), maternity leave (lump sum, paid only once in a fixed amount). So there are a lot of options. You can still find benefits for low-income families as well as for large families. Typically, benefits are systematic, lump sum payments are also available, but there are not so many. Such personal incomes are not the main source of profit. Is that extra.

The property

What else is worth paying attention to? Per capita income The population is calculated taking into account the profits of all citizens. The higher this indicator, the more favorable forecasts are made regarding the development of the economy. That is, personal profit has a direct impact on the economy of the country as a whole.

As another source of funds, you can select real estate. Its implementation is included in personal finance. It can be both permanent and one-time. In the first case, usually the rental of property is meant, and in the second - its sale. The first scenario is very common. Sometimes he is able to fully provide the family with cash. Such a personal income is very pleased with its stability.True, he, unlike benefits and pensions, is taxed. Some citizens do not claim profit from property in order to save money. This is wrong, illegal. Try to declare all sources of your income. This will save you a lot of problems with the tax authorities in the future.imputed income is

Side jobs

Among other things, personal income often includes a variety of side jobs. They can be official or gray. A very popular option for increasing the family budget for women on maternity leave.

Often, side jobs are an irregular source of money. Moreover, their size is not too high. It is rare to meet a person who regularly earns money, receives a fixed reward, and even in large sizes.


The personal finances of the population also include scholarships. Usually they are paid to students who study on a budgetary basis at the university. This also applies to cadets. A scholarship is paid only to the student. And she is considered his personal finances.

As a rule, the size of such payments is not too high. The scholarship, like a gift, can be called a pleasant and regular addition to the family or personal budget. By the way, sometimes certain scholarships are awarded for certain services to the university.


As you can see, personal income is diverse. And you can meet both regular and irregular profits. In addition to the options already listed, there are several sources of funds that can be used by citizens.fixed income

We are talking about profit from the sale of agricultural products, as well as interest on deposits with banks. This also includes money received through the sale of any securities.

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