
Poor family: status, subsidies and allowance. What kind of help is given to poor families

The state provides comprehensive support to those families that have the status of the poor. To receive such assistance and enjoy certain benefits, you must clearly know what the law guarantees in such cases. It is also worth taking seriously the collection of necessary documents, so that all payments laid down by law are scheduled on time. You can contact any lawyer who will provide comprehensive information on this issue.

Whom to recognize the poor

To determine whether you fall into this category or not, you must first calculate total income and divide it into all family members.

A poor family is one in which the income per family member is below the minimum subsistence level established by the state. If both parents or one of them receive a salary, pension or some other type of earnings, as well as if any material allowance is paid for children, all these incomes are summed up and then divided by the number of family members. At the same time, all types of income must be taken into account. This may be profit on stocks and securities, rental housing, royalties and royalties, and so on. Income is taken for the last three months. Accordingly, the total amount is first divided into three (by the number of months), and then by the number of all family members.poor family

At the same time, remember that in different regions of Russia the minimum living wage different. For each region, it is adjusted two to three times a year and has certain differences in one direction or another.

Assistance to low-income families can be appointed only after the fact of the difficult financial situation is confirmed.

Where to begin

To receive assistance to low-income families, it is necessary to go through the process of proper paperwork. To do this, you must first write a statement of material support and submit it to the social protection authorities. This is done at the address where you live. The status of a poor family will be assigned only after all the documents have been checked and the social protection authority will put you on the appropriate lists. After this, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with social protection authorities for the provision of state support. Then, during the entire period of assistance, once a year, it will be necessary to confirm that the family is still poor and entitled to benefits and judges.helping poor families

Documents for a poor family

To obtain the status of a poor family and, accordingly, the right to financial assistance from the state, you need to hand over the following documents:

  • certificate of the number of all family members;
  • certificate of all actual incomes of all family members;
  • descriptions of the kinship of family members, which are confirmed by certain documents;
  • passports of all adult family members;
  • statement;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • extract from the house book;
  • documents on the ownership of real estate or a certificate stating that housing is rented;
  • documents on income received, which are filled in the prescribed form;
  • employment books, disability certificates, certificates from the employment center and others (these documents are needed for a certain type of state aid).

It is worth noting that state aid is provided to children under the age of 18. If they study full-time at a higher educational institution, such assistance is extended to 23 years.

Persons who care for young children who are not yet three years old can apply for a supplement.

Material assistance is also provided to low-income families if there are persons with disabilities with a labor restriction or a pensioner over 65 years of age.

What amounts are paid

The allowance for poor families varies and depends on a number of indicators. For example, if a family has an average income of less than half the cost of living, then the state will pay 150 rubles each disabled member of the family every month.

a poor family is

If an application for one-time financial assistance is written, then it can amount to one and a half thousand rubles. Such assistance to poor families is paid no more than once a year.

Child benefits for low-income families are estimated at 450 rubles each month. It is assumed that this amount is paid for food. To obtain the right to such assistance, it will be necessary to submit copies of the documents of the parents, as well as the birth certificates of the children, to the social protection authorities.

Do not work and get help

Sometimes families are in extremely constrained material circumstances, however, they cannot apply for help from the state. Here you should clearly clearly understand what a poor family is. This is not just a lack of money, but a situation when a difficult financial situation arises for reasons beyond the control of a person.

For example, there are alcoholics in the family or those who use drugs and do not want to work. Would such a family be recognized as poor? No, in this case the social protection authorities give a categorical refusal. Because these people are of working age. And they do not work solely because of their unwillingness and laziness. Therefore, they are not entitled to any benefits from the state. It is very important to consider this point when applying.poor family status

Only families in which people of working age are employed or are registered in the employment center can count on state support. This does not apply to women on maternity leave.

Who can be a member of a poor family? How many people should be? Are there any restrictions? Legislation provides clear answers to these questions. The poor family is:

  • one parent who brings up one or more children;
  • two parents with or without children;
  • two parents (or one) and many children with the status of a "large family";
  • grandparents with grandchildren;
  • stepmothers or stepfathers and stepsons;
  • guardians and their wards.

As you can see, family ties can be very diverse, the main thing is that they be confirmed by at least some documents. At the same time, uncles and aunts, as well as cousins, do not belong to the concept of "family members". All non-first-line relatives cannot claim to be equated with family members. Even if they live in the same room.

What is the help

Forms of providing state assistance to low-income families can be diverse. First of all, these are direct money transfers. These may be grants or scholarships for those studying. Assistance can also be provided in the form of the necessary medicine, clothes, shoes, as well as fuel for the home or other material goods.

It is important to note that subsidies to a poor family do not cancel other benefits and payments that are intended for all families with children. These include a one-time maternity allowance, monthly childcare payments, and maternity capital. All these types of assistance will certainly be saved.subsidies to low-income families

It is worth noting that assistance to poor families is provided at both the regional and federal levels. For each subject of the federation, this type of assistance is developed separately and is adjusted each year depending on the capabilities of the region. Funds are laid in the local budget, from where payments are made. Most often, these are benefits for children from a poor family.They depend on the age of the child, on the number of children in the family and the size of the whole family.

Federal assistance and its forms

Federal assistance to poor families is more extensive and diverse, and it is the same for the entire territory of Russia. It includes the following types:

  1. Tax exemptions. Poor families are exempt from taxation of subsidies and benefits paid by the federal and local budgets. But at the same time, all payments must be made within the framework of approved programs.
  2. Housing subsidies. The state helps pay utility bills and rental housing. In this case, the recipient can be both the owner of the housing and the tenant. If a person rents a house, he is obliged to provide a rental agreement, which indicates the monthly amount of payments. The law provides that residents pay for these services no more than 22 percent of the total family income. For poor families this figure can be reduced, for this special calculations and decreasing coefficients are applied. Subsidies to poor families are paid for six months, then this type of assistance can be renewed.
  3. Legal Aid. For this category of citizens, it is free throughout Russia. Legal advice can be obtained in writing or orally, at the request of the applicant. If you have to go to court, then poor families have the right to ask to represent their interests also for free. By the way, with regard to all benefits and allowances - such information can also be obtained free of charge from any state lawyer.

Educational assistance

The state helps children from low-income families to get education on favorable terms. For example, children can enter secondary schools and universities, bypassing the general competition of applicants. When enrolling, they have an undeniable advantage and their candidacy is considered first.

But not everyone has the right to enter without a competition, but only those children who have:

  • there is one parent in the family, and he is a disabled person of the first degree;
  • a child who enters a university has not yet reached the age of 20;
  • during the entrance exam or exam, the applicant scored the minimum number of points that can be considered passing. documents for a poor family

As a rule, such children are enrolled in budgetary education and receive a scholarship during the entire period of study, regardless of what grades he receives in the semester (except for unsatisfactory, of course).

If you have problems

All documents submitted to the social security authorities must be truthful and reliable. In the event that fraud is detected or deliberately false data is found, the family is denied recognition of its poor.

If all the necessary papers are collected correctly, the special commission decides that the recognition of the poor family is officially held. This should be done within 10 business days, and no later. In some cases, when it is necessary to send an official request or conduct an audit (members of the commission have doubts), this period can be extended to 30 working days. In this case, the applicant should certainly be warned that the terms will be increased and explain the reason.

What to do if the whereabouts of one of the family members are unknown? Indeed, in this case it is impossible to determine the average monthly income. In this case, you need to open a criminal case that this member of the family is wanted. And then when submitting documents it will be necessary to bring a certificate from the police department.

If an application has been submitted for subsidies to low-income families, it is necessary first of all to provide a certificate stating that there is no debt for utility bills. It is also worth remembering that the purpose of this subsidy is the responsibility of the local executive authorities.

What will be new in 2015

Every year, the list of benefits, allowances and subsidies for poor families is expanded.The state is trying to pay more attention and care to this category of citizens.

This year, the following rights will remain for poor families:

  1. Admitting a child to a preschool, bypassing the general queue.
  2. Two meals a day in all schools of Russia.
  3. If the family has children under the age of six, the family has the right to receive the necessary medicines from the state.
  4. Providing free school and sports uniforms.

In addition, if a child needs treatment or rehabilitation in a sanatorium, once a year he has the right to a preferential ticket, as well as a 50 percent discount for traveling with intercity round-trip vehicles. The parent who accompanies the child receives the same discount.

Parents whose family is recognized as poor also have several advantages:

  1. They are given work where the working conditions are preferential.
  2. They have the right to retire earlier (according to the law).
  3. If they are engaged in entrepreneurial activity, they may be exempted from paying the registration fee.

Significant benefits in general remained. A poor family has the right:

  1. Get a preferential mortgage.
  2. Get a garden plot out of the general queue.
  3. Once a month, the family can visit exhibitions and museums, as well as parks, for free.

allowance for low-income families

In 2015, the list of benefits and services for low-income families that are financed from the local budget expanded significantly. For example, a family may receive funds to pay for babysitting services. This requires a number of conditions (age of children, and so on), but you can take advantage of this privilege now. This is very important for those families who cannot identify a child in kindergarten, as well as single parents.

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