
Small-sized drilling rigs: technical specifications and installation instructions

The need for a well for water in its own area may be due to various reasons. As a rule, the owners of private houses who do not have access to centralized communications decide to create such a source. An alternative may also be the formation of a well on its own, but this option is not always possible. A small-sized drilling rig allows minimizing the cost of creating a well. Drilling for water with such a machine is less expensive than in the case of medium-sized equipment. In addition, mini-installations practically do not harm plantings and structures located within the working area.

small-sized drilling rigs

The device of small-sized drilling rigs

The most widely used are installations that are designed for drilling wells by rotating working elements. In the process, they transport the masses of the destroyed rock through screw mechanisms. Using this technique, screw piles are also twisted. In the basic configuration, a small-sized drilling rig for a well contains: a mast with two winches, a gear motor, a movable carriage, as well as connecting units and assemblies. The main connecting component is the mast. A carriage is mounted on it, carrying a motor with a safety sub and swivel. Winches are also fixed on the mast.

To perform drilling operations, the safety sub is connected to the drill rods and the drill. Power is provided by an electric generator installed at the base of the structure. In addition, small-sized drilling rigs are equipped with a motor pump, which is also located in the base area. This component is connected to the swivel through a special sleeve.

small drilling rig


There are many versions of this type of equipment that differ in both power and size of the resulting well. On average, such a unit allows drilling to a depth of 30-50 m. If the design is supplemented with auxiliary hoses, this figure can be increased to 100 m. As a rule, the diameter of the drill is 100 mm. This is the best value if you need to provide a well to supply a small private house. The power available to small-sized drilling rigs for water, on average, is 8-10 liters. with. Units running on an electric motor provide power returns from 1.1 kW. Depending on the characteristics of the soil, it may be necessary to use different speed modes. The richer their set, the more efficient the drilling process will be. The minimum frequency is approximately 1.1 revolutions per minute, and the maximum can reach 6-7 rpm.

small-sized drilling rig

Preparing the installation for work

Despite the relatively modest size compared to full-fledged installations, small-sized machines require brigade maintenance. In the preparation of equipment, for example, a driller and several assistants should participate directly. First of all, the condition of the machine is checked. For this, an analysis of fasteners and grease is carried out. If the installation has not been used before, then it is necessary to remove the factory grease from the surfaces, then rinse these places with gasoline and wipe them.

As for the fasteners, you should evaluate the reliability of fixing screws with nuts.Typically, small-sized drilling rigs provide free access to the most important components and mechanisms, so there should be no difficulty in checking the equipment. If all parts are in good condition, you can install the machine at the place of work. This procedure will not cause any particular difficulties either - the main thing is that the place of the future well should have a flat surface.drilling a small-sized drilling rig

Work Instructions

Immediately before drilling, it is necessary to properly configure the working components of the installation. In particular, the motor pump should be connected to the pressure outlet. Further, a pressure hose is connected to it. Then water is poured into the motor pump - this action activates the function of the pump. If necessary, add oil to the engine. The gas generator is also fueled with appropriate fuel. From this moment you can start work. Drilling of wells is started by a small-sized drilling rig through a special starter, which will begin the rotation of the drill. Typically, control is carried out using the remote control on the winch - he also immerses the drill in the prepared pit. When the swivel reaches a low point, stop the rotation process. At this stage, the motor pump is turned off, and the drill is turned back by the appropriate command through the control panel.

small water drilling rigs

Installation lift

Through the effort from the winch, the gearbox is lifted to the upper position. In this case, the rotation of the drill should continue. After that, turn off the gearbox and motor pump. The bottom lock should be at the bottom of the drill rod. An elevator is placed under it, and then the pipe string is lowered down to the stop of the lock in a special slot. As a rule, small-sized drilling rigs involve alternately unscrewing the drill rods in the lower and upper parts. To work with each of them, it is necessary to keep their base with a special key. Next, the corresponding button on the control panel is pressed and the process of unscrewing the swivel from the rod is started.

Safety rules

If you plan to work with electrical equipment, you should provide grounding through the special elements included in the kit. Before starting work, the driller must coordinate with the assistants warning signals that will be given during the work. It should be borne in mind that small-sized drilling rigs for drilling wells pose a particular danger in the process of work. In this regard, safety rules prohibit touching the rotating parts of the installation, carry out repair operations until the machine stops completely, open the control panel in the presence of voltage, etc.

small-sized drilling rig

Maintenance Nuances

After completion of the work, the equipment should be cleaned of dirt and wiped thoroughly. Rubbing surfaces, bearings and joints are subjected to lubrication procedures using solid oil. With regular use of the machine, lubrication and broaching of the threaded fasteners should be performed monthly. The condition of the carriage, which is supplied with small-sized drilling rigs in almost all versions, is separately assessed. This element should freely and unhindered to move along the rack in the directions provided by the design. Experts recommend starting a journal in which all operations on lubricating and replacing machine parts will be noted. In the future, this will help to quickly identify the malfunction and take appropriate measures to eliminate it.

The advantages of small-sized drilling rigs

One of the main factors of the widespread prevalence of such installations is ease of use, as well as low costs for the organization of drilling events. Also, when it is impossible to use massive and more powerful installations, this option becomes the only possible one.In addition, a well with a small-sized drilling rig is formed with high accuracy, which allows you to carry out work without damage to the ennobled garden or site. The problem for medium-sized equipment is often the inaccessibility of the drilling point due to dense buildings. In turn, small-sized installations can cope with direct tasks even in hard-to-reach areas.

small-sized drilling rigs for drilling wells


The scope of this type of machine tool rarely goes beyond the needs of private homeowners. Here already have their limitations and disadvantages that a small-sized drilling rig has. Drilling with this technique rarely allows you to form an artesian well, and a depth of up to 100 m becomes available only with additional equipment. There are other weaknesses due to structural design. For example, in the process of drilling with some small-sized machines, one can notice the horizontal movement of the main pillar and the overall unreliability of the structure. However, such disadvantages are relevant only with regular work in industrial fields.

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