
How to choose equipment for the production of cotton candy

Almost all children love sweets. And if they look bright and attractive, like cotton candy, then there will be no end to the small buyers. Making such a baby treat is easy. All that is needed is to purchase equipment for the production of cotton candy.

Cotton candy manufacturing equipment


In general, this process is more characteristic of small businesses. That is why the installation for the production of cotton candy is an oversized apparatus. Such a device will simultaneously process an average of about one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar.

And if you transfer this mass into finished products, you will get about a hundred servings of cotton candy in one load. In this case, it is allowed to use almost any kind of raw material. It needs to be poured into the apparatus, in which it will begin to melt as a result of the rotation process.

Cotton candy makingI must say that the equipment for the production of cotton candy is not only small-sized, and therefore simple, but also relatively inexpensive. Similarly, you can characterize the technology for creating this children's goodies.

Cotton candy machine

The cotton candy plant itself consists of such basic elements as an engine and bowls for the formation of sugar threads, as well as tena and several small parts. The power consumption of this equipment is from one and a half to two and a half kilowatts. The standard network requirements for all manufacturers are standard: 220 watts.

In today's market there is a sufficient variety of devices that produce cotton candy. However, the principle of operation is the same for everyone. And the difference in price is due to the presence of a variety of additional features. At the same time, the simplest equipment for the production of cotton candy costs within thirty thousand (or slightly more) rubles. Mid-range devices will cost the buyer seven or eight times more expensive, although there are also slightly cheaper ones.

Manufacturing process

Cotton candy machineThe principle of obtaining this sweet product is simple: sugar grains, when sprayed, form strands.

The result is cotton wool, which is simply placed in a cup or wound on a stick.

Sugar heating in all devices is carried out using an annular ten or a spiral.

Under equal conditions, experts recommend giving preference to the first version of the equipment, which has a number of advantages. Ten serves much longer, thereby ensuring long-term operation of the installation.

To ensure profitability in production, the equipment must process at least three kilograms of raw materials within an hour. Moreover, to ensure such volumes, the head of the device should rotate at a speed of about three thousand revolutions per minute.

Cotton candy machine

Such equipment for the production of cotton candy will make about two hundred servings per hour. This is not only an excellent indicator, but will also help to quickly recover the costs of its purchase. It should be borne in mind that the optimal device for cotton wool should not be equipped with an inert head.

Moreover, its performance should in no case be limited by mains voltage. Specialists attribute such indicators to the minuses of the device producing cotton candy, which means that they will adversely affect this type of small business as a whole. Nevertheless, the production of cotton candy may well bring excellent income.

Cotton candy plant

Necessary equipment

To produce this children's treat you will need:

  • the device itself;
  • a protective dome that prevents the “leakage” of air sugar product and protects the metal drum from dust;
  • trolley during installation, if a mobile station is open for trade, for example, in a city park;
  • tent.

Raw materials

As a rule, cotton candy is made from the usual refined sugar, and cane and beetroot can be used. For each serving of the product, two teaspoons of sand are needed: approximately fifteen or twenty grams. Sugar is then poured into the central part in the drum, into a recess specially designed for it.

After starting, the sand begins to melt and forms a web, which is sprayed in the direction of the sides. At this point, it must be assembled by winding on a stick. Cotton candy can be harvested for future use, so that it can later be sold through the store. At the same time, the use of food coloring, flavoring is allowed. To do this, sand must be mixed with other components before use.

A bit of history

Cotton candy first appeared in the sixteenth century in Italy. At that time, it was available only to the elite. In the eighteenth century, confectioners began to make a variety of decorations from it. The Easter egg was the most popular, with silver and gold cobwebs made of caramel woven into the same place.

In 1897, William Morrison and John Warton invented a cotton candy machine. Its essence was that a product made from melted granulated sugar poured through a sieve onto rotating cold metal drums or cones. In the process, very thin threads were formed, which gathered in a lump.

Since then, this delicacy has become available to a wide range of gourmets. Today it is sold everywhere and in large quantities. The main part of cotton candy is nothing - air, which is why the size of this sweet can be very different. Some say that this product, so beloved by children and some adults, causes tooth decay. But they are mistaken, because the sugar in this delicacy is only one or two teaspoons. Even in ordinary ice cream it is more.

Cotton candy

Equipment profitability

The average productivity that the apparatus possesses is three kilograms of raw material per hour. This means that within sixty minutes it is possible to cook one hundred and fifty servings, unless, of course, there are interruptions. Moreover, the average revenue per shift will be about five thousand rubles.

If you calculate the costs, you get the following picture. Considering the cost of one portion of cotton wool at one hundred rubles and the manufacture of fifty pieces from one kilogram of raw materials, the cost of each portion will be 1.65 rubles. In the most rough calculation, the entrepreneur’s profit will amount to about a thousand dollars a month. This means that the equipment for the production of cotton candy will pay off in a maximum of two months.

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