
Business plan: well drilling. Is it profitable to drill water wells

Many entrepreneurs thought about how to drill wells. But there are many nuances in this matter. For example, before you begin to take specific steps, you need to draw up a good business plan. Well drilling is impossible to produce anywhere without modern expensive equipment. The same applies to high-quality advertising, thanks to which, in fact, people will learn about you. But this is far from all the important points.

well drilling business plan

Business Plan: Well Drilling

As already noted a little higher, everything needs to be thought out in advance. What exactly does a business plan provide? Firstly, this is the execution of all documents, and there are quite a few of them. For help, contact a professional. So you can save not only time, but also your own nerves. The next item is the purchase of equipment and advertising. Do not forget about the staff. Another important point is the optimal process technology.

It is worth paying your attention to the fact that for one well with a depth of about 20-30 meters, you can earn from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles, which, in principle, is decent. But keep in mind that orders can be different - both large and not very. Let's look at each item in our business plan separately.

drilling of the wells

Equipment price

So, the most important thing is the purchase of a drilling rig. Its price starts from 40 000 rubles. In addition, we need a direct current generator, since it is impractical to feed a drill from the network. This is another 20,000 rubles. You probably know that all work is done with drill pipes. A meter of material will cost 1200-1500 rubles.

If you are going to make good money, then you need to buy high-quality equipment. For example, high-quality picobur and a high-performance motor pump. This is another 20,000 rubles. As you can see, the initial cost is relatively small. 150,000 rubles will be enough for everything about everything. In principle, these are non-recurring expenses. You buy everything and are ready to work. Naturally, in the process you will need to repair equipment, buy fuel, etc.

is it profitable to drill

Well drilling as a business

It has not yet been said that it is advisable for you to acquire a roomy car. This is necessary in order to easily transport the rig for drilling. As for the staff, there is little need to speak here. You do not open a factory, so two or three people will be enough.

This is due to the fact that the rig itself has a decent weight (about two hundred kilograms), so a team of three people is the best option. If you are looking for potential customers yourself, well, excellent, if not, then you will need a professional marketer who will find so many people who want to drill a well that there will definitely be no downtime. You can post ads on the Internet or stick flyers in your city. It is also advisable to get business cards.

Well, now let's move on to the next stage and deal with technology. There is nothing complicated, but the sequence of actions must be strictly adhered to.

About technology

This is one of the most significant points included in the business plan. Well drilling without the right technology is simply impossible to produce. The first step is to examine the site for groundwater. At the next stage, their quality is determined, after which they proceed directly to work.

Everything is extremely simple here. Once you find water, you need to drill a hole and hammer a pipe into it.If you have access to electricity, then the joints of the structure are connected by welding. If not, then a clutch can be used. Next, sealant treatment and pump installation are performed. The latter should be at the top of the pipe.

Consider manually drilling wells. Here is a slightly different technology. It is necessary to use a clogged filter and a bump. The only negative is that it is difficult to get a depth of more than 15 meters. And the advantages are the cheapness, which is due to the fact that the equipment can be rented.

You will drill a well where the owner of the site will show you. This is due to the following factor: underground there is water everywhere, the only question is at what depth. When it comes to groundwater, it's about 5 meters. If you failed, the loss will be only about 2,000 rubles, which is not so significant.

manual drilling

Business payback

If you are still wondering whether it is profitable to drill water, we will give a definite answer: this is a business that can bring a lot of income. Just want to note that in a month or two you will fully recoup all costs. And this taking into account the fact that there will be no more than 2-3 orders per week.

Naturally, you should periodically purchase pipes and other consumables. In addition, it is important not to forget about the salary of employees. This is about 60,000 rubles a month, and you can get about 100,000 rubles of net income.

It is difficult to say how full the modern market is with such offers. Such a business has appeared relatively recently. However, there are already enough entrepreneurs who offer their services. A lot depends on how you show yourself. If people find out about you, then the matter will not burn out.


drilling as a business

So we reviewed the business plan. Well drilling is undoubtedly a profitable activity. The main thing is to start well, purchase modern and high-quality equipment. If you do not have practical experience in this field, then only knowledgeable people who have already drilled should be taken as assistants. Much depends on the area. But again, this is more of a seasonal business, the main profit will come in the summer. The less rain, the more you earn.

If you give good advertising, for example, in summer cottages, then there will be no end to customers. With quality work, rumors about your professionalism will spread more and more, and you will no longer need to look for potential customers, because they will come to you.

Now you know all the subtleties of this case. As you can see, everything is quite simple, and the initial costs are not that big. If you take the matter seriously, then making decent money is not difficult.

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