
International non-governmental organizations: list, role, goals, development. International governmental and non-governmental organizations

To date, 252 countries are located on 7 continents of planet Earth. Each of them defends its private interests, but complete isolation is impossible.

The emergence of international organizations

All people live on the same planet, breathe the same air, and face similar difficulties. Therefore, world peace cannot be achieved by solving problems. domestic policy each individual state. Only international governmental and non-governmental organizations can effectively cope with this task.

For the first time, they began to think about this two centuries ago. Then the main threat to the further development of all countries was infections and diseases, which no nation could cope alone. It was necessary to prevent the impending global epidemic. The only possible way out of the situation was the creation of an alliance of all leading experts, medical workers and scientists.

Regional Government Organizations

For intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations to arise, a strong local base was needed. So there were local organizations. They had to establish contacts within one state and between different countries. Thus, a single space was formed, within the framework of which the further creation of larger, global associations was carried out.

International non-governmental organizations

International governmental and non-governmental organizations

Initially, it was only about the need to create international organizations. This would give the leading powers the opportunity to join forces, jointly think out a plan for the salvation of all mankind. The founders of such organizations were the states that included them. Such associations exist to this day. History knows cases where organizations were not a permanent formation, they appeared suddenly, on occasion, and just as suddenly ceased to exist as soon as the problem was resolved. There are also such international governmental organizations that are quite stable.

International governmental and non-governmental organizations

With the passage of time, the number of problems that needed to be addressed increased. The need for the activities of such organizations, especially after the Second World War, also began to increase. However, for obvious reasons, the appointed leaders could not cope with everything on their own. This was the reason that international non-governmental organizations officially appeared in the second half of the 20th century. They, unlike government ones, are characterized by the fact that they are not established by states on the basis of a formal agreement.

International non-governmental organizations of the world may include, for example, volunteers with an active lifestyle. They can still be called the power of public opinion. If the government of the state performs various functions, managing internal foreign policy countries, then activists form mass consciousness. In both cases, the delivered people have real power. Therefore, it cannot be argued that today international non-governmental organizations are ineffective. On the contrary, their activity often leads to impressive results.However, international governmental organizations have far greater legal powers.

Features of international non-governmental organizations

Activities that allow solving global problems are very attractive. Therefore, often the founders of socially useful organizations are private companies. This provokes the development of international non-governmental organizations. Successful confrontation requires not only authority and power, but also economic injections. They are usually implemented either by private or intergovernmental enterprises.

Intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations

But the founder is not the only thing that characterizes international non-governmental organizations. The objectives of such associations may differ slightly from those inherent in their government counterparts. For example, they are not created for profit. Despite the fact that none of the leaders of many countries of the world is a member of such an alliance, it still must have an official status. An international non-governmental organization is only such an association that is recognized by several powers and is regularly funded by more than one state. The activities of such organizations should also be carried out in several countries, otherwise this is already a local association.

The goals of creating economic associations

International non-governmental economic organizations are characterized by the fact that they are created to achieve certain goals, and the act of their creation is supported by an agreement. Unlike other non-governmental associations, economic ones have a certain set of rights, which means they bear a great responsibility to society. Among a number of such organizations, it is customary to distinguish several groups. The first and most important is one that is based on the interests of the people of the whole globe. One of the most famous such associations is the United Nations (UN). It is designed to maintain peace and order around the world and should protect the population of all countries from wars, mass killings and destruction, as well as facilitate networking among the world's leading political leaders. Smaller organizations deal with smaller issues, for example, the World Trade Organization works only in its specialized field. However, her activity, one way or another, is reflected in everything that happens in modern society.

The creation of interstate organizations is possible. They include those countries of the world whose unity of interests is determined by the common territory.

The role of international non-governmental organizations

International environmental organizations

There are various signs that may be a sufficient basis for unification, from economic to social. If everything is completely clear with the former, then the latter is much more complicated. This is largely due to the fact that the very classification of social problems is constantly increasing, new difficulties arise before society. So, in the last century, in addition to the obvious threat to humanity in the form of war, the problem of nuclear weapons and complete hopelessness, another important issue clearly began to emerge. It concerns the limited supply of fresh water, the purity of air and soil.

Mankind has begun to realize how important nature conservation is. It was at that moment that organizations began to appear that set themselves the task of solving the most important environmental problems. According to various estimates, by the 90s of the XX century, more than two hundred associations appeared, positioning themselves as international non-governmental environmental organizations. This is, for example, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which appeared in France in 1948.

It was International Union for the Conservation of Nature that initiated the introduction of the Red Books. Their activities continue today, because a number of different species of animals and plants still need protection.Another organization, established in 1968, the International Legal Organization, is mainly involved in the creation of laws that would protect nature from human interference. And, of course, the International Environmental Court, approved in 1994. All this contributed to the emergence of real mechanisms to fight for a clean environment.

International non-governmental organizations of the world

Medical organizations

International governmental and non-governmental organizations daily solve a variety of problems, including in the field of science, art, ecology and medicine. In the 21st century, we are talking not only about attempts to prevent epidemics and cognition of diseases that have not yet been studied, but also about methods of alternative medicine. The list of international non-governmental organizations is simply huge, and each association individually selects for itself suitable goals and objectives. For example, the Cochrane Collaboration organization has been engaged since 1993 in studying various treatment methods and techniques, evaluating the degree of effectiveness of each of them. It helps people around the world make the right choice. Based on the publications of Cochrane Collaboration, everyone can decide for themselves which medical method to solve their problem is best to resort to.

International non-governmental environmental organizations

Some international non-governmental organizations are so large that they can form a number of branches, subsidiaries. For Cochrane Collaboration, this is Cochrane Fields. They turn their attention not only to the study of modern methods of treating various diseases, but also consider the needs of people of different ages in certain procedures. The quality of medical services provided worldwide is also subject to assessment. In fact, this is a study of world medicine, from the point of view of a market approach, when special attention is paid to the quantity of demand and the quality of supply. Such studies help a person decide, for example, with the clinic in which he would like to undergo an examination, or draw for himself certain conclusions about the staff of a particular institution.

The role of medical organizations

International nongovernmental organizations today, as never before, are aimed at solving various issues of medicine. There are over 45 different associations. Some of them, like Cochrane Collaboration, conduct research designed to help people in something personal. Others are fighting for something in common. This, for example, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, the International Federation of Dentists, the International Cardiology Society and others. Cancer research is of great importance today. This really brings people together around the world, because no matter what language they speak and whatever religion they are, everyone becomes equally helpless when trying to overcome a poorly understood disease. Whatever organization is discussed, any of them is equally aimed at improving the quality of life, medical care and more. Many of the non-governmental medical associations are trying to help people in a hopeless situation, give them hope.

International non-governmental organizations goals

Why do we need

The role of international non-governmental organizations cannot be overestimated. In whatever area they conduct their activities, invariably every day it brings its positive results. The legislation is improving, the scope of relationships is expanding. All this contributes to the fact that people from different states have the opportunity to receive from life what they need, as well as give away what they can unselfishly share.

Significance of international government organizations and their development opportunities

The forces of the government and the people of a single state have long been insufficient to solve any important problem.The point is not only that one power apparatus is simply not capable of participating with the same degree of efficiency in resolving a huge number of issues. Just international organizations, each of which has its own tasks and goals, are usually interested in a specific field of activity. It is for this reason that they are more versed in the issue, which means they can solve it much faster. It is noteworthy that the degree of interest in the case of such associations is determined not by financial indicators, but by a real desire to help people.

Understanding why international organizations are needed is also not difficult. The thing is that there are a number of issues that go beyond the interests of one country. Therefore, their solution requires interstate cooperation. This, for example, achieving peace, caring for the environment, global business, the study of various diseases and medical services. Various international governmental and non-governmental organizations are perfectly able to cope with all these tasks. Their activity is not only effective in modern society, it is also able to smooth out global friction, thereby hindering the development of conflicts. Therefore, such associations are actively funded by many states interested in the development of mankind and its security.

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