
Bank card fraud. A new type of fraud

Quite often today you have to hear the term "fraud." The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation recognizes it as a crime and provides for appropriate punishment. The interpretation of this definition in pre-revolutionary times was somewhat different from the modern one. bank card fraud


Fraud is the theft of property or the acquisition of rights to it through abuse of trust or deception. The first definition of this crime, close to modern, was recorded in the Decree of Catherine the Second in 1781. Today, fraud of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is interpreted as the gratuitous seizure or treatment of property in favor of the guilty person or other persons, committed with the mercenary purpose of abuse of trust or deceit, causing damage to the owner or other owner of the thing, or unlawful acquisition of property rights using the same methods.


Fraud exists in many forms and forms. Thus, unlawful acts may be committed in writing or orally. The crime may consist of falsification of the subject of the contract, the use of cheating methods in the game of cards, the substitution of a sum of money, a kit, and so on. More recently, a new type of fraud has appeared. Let's consider it in more detail.

Bank Card Fraud: General Information

The criminals involved in such fishing, make up the "elite" of the criminal world. They are distinguished by high intelligence, possess knowledge in various fields of science and technology. Each new type of fraud appears in response to any transformation in a particular area. So, with the improvement of the economic system, people began to store their money not only in ordinary accounts. The card payment system has spread everywhere. It eliminates the need for citizens to carry large amounts of money with them, which, in turn, eliminates the possibility of theft.

Nevertheless, the introduction of such a system of storage and circulation of cash does not prevent the commission of crimes in this area, and over time, facts of fraud with bank cards began to be revealed. Every day, hundreds of cases of unlawful seizure of money by citizens are recorded in the country. It is common fraud with bank cards of Sberbank and many other large and small financial commercial organizations. In this situation, you need to know what methods criminals use in order not to become a victim of their illegal actions. credit card fraud through a mobile bank


In practice, there are different types of credit card fraud. One of them is the capture of the PIN code of the holder of funds. To enter numbers to identify him as the owner and carry out cash transactions, a special device is used. It is called a PIN-PAD. Quite often, scammers install a false device next to a read sensor. The PIN pad simulation remembers the code entered by the card holder. Further, using advanced computer technology, in the presence of an electronic key, cash is withdrawn from the account.


Bank card fraud can be carried out using the Internet. Phishing is the sending of emails on behalf of a service organization by e-mail. As a rule, the attachment contains a request to confirm confidential information on the company's website. A person follows the link and himself provides his data to criminals.


Bank card fraud in this form has appeared recently.Wishing is voice phishing. Phone Fraud with bank cards are considered one of the most common crimes. The essence of vishing is similar to the content of the method described above. However, this case has its own specifics. A fraudster simulates an autoinformer call. The holder of funds receives the following information:

  • A warning that fraudulent actions are being performed with his card.
  • Instructions and recommendations. In particular, the holder of funds receives a phone number by which he should immediately call back. An attacker who receives calls calls a false name and says that he acts on behalf of a financial organization.

If a person calls back to the specified number, the simulated computer voice suggests reconciling and entering the card number from the keyboard of the mobile device. In addition, an attacker can request a PIN code, account number, code word, card expiration date, and verify passport data. Thus, fraud with bank cards through a mobile bank is committed. /static/img/a/20380/200106/14577.jpg

Advanced method

Bank card fraud through a mobile bank was especially popular in 2012. During this period, attackers massively sent SMS messages. The text indicated that the user’s card was blocked, to unlock, call back the given number. Some people were following the criminals. When such credit card fraud occurs, you should not immediately follow the instructions received. In order not to become a victim of fraud, you must first clarify the information received. If a person calls back to the specified number, the attacker, introducing himself as an employee of a financial institution or its security service, finds out from the victim whether he connected the Mobile Bank service to the card.

If this option works, then the offender asks to provide basic account information. In particular, he finds out the card number, personal code and validity period. Under the pretext of unblocking, an attacker obtains a citizen’s consent to perform a number of operations. Using the Internet, the criminal removes the money in the account. However, not everyone has a Mobile Bank connected. In this case, the attacker offers the citizen to go to the nearest terminal and perform several operations. In the course of them, misleading the victim, he transfers funds to other accounts or phone numbers with his own hands. Fraud with bank cards through a mobile bank is due to the simple ignorance of people that no one, not even the financial institution itself, has the right to require an electronic key and customer account number.

Non-electronic phishing

This fraud with bank cards is associated with the implementation of various purchases by bank transfer with the introduction of a PIN code. Non-electronic phishing schemes include actually functioning trading and service enterprises or use existing companies. Card holders make various purchases, withdraw money or receive services. All operations are carried out when the client enters a PIN code. At the same time, employees of such fraudulent enterprises secretly copy information, record information located on the magnetic strip of the card. Subsequently, through the terminals, funds are withdrawn from the account. types of bank card fraud


This is one of the newest ways to capture map information. Attackers launch a virus in the terminals that monitors all operations and collects information, and then sends it to criminals. Such bank card fraud requires in-depth knowledge of computer technology and the ability to compose various programs.

Other common fraud

The easiest way is to steal a card and reset the account. This happens when the financial institution does not lock in time.Card counterfeiting is very common. Unlawfully obtained information about a citizen's account is transferred to plastic. Information on the original map may also be changed. Ordering by Internet, mail of various services and goods using payment details by a person who is not an account holder is also a fairly popular type of crime in this area. An attacker can gain access to the card by changing the address or by requiring the reissue of a credit card. Often criminals use "double rolling." Such credit card fraud is carried out with the collusion of trading and service companies. Repeated rolling allows you to get additional copies of slips, with the help of which illegal actions are subsequently carried out.

Bank Card Fraud: Article 159.3

The Criminal Code provides for liability for illegal actions with a citizen’s money. For fraud - the theft of someone else’s property that was committed using another person’s property or with a fake payment, credit or other card by deceiving an employee of a trade, financial or other organization, the perpetrator will be fined. Its amount may be 120,000 rubles. or equal to the size of the salary or other income of the offender for the period up to a year. Also used as punishment:

  • Correctional work (up to a year).
  • Restriction of freedom (up to 2 years).
  • Mandatory work (up to 360 hours).
  • Arrest (up to 4 months).
  • Forced labor (up to 2 years).

When committing the same acts by a group of persons, the law provides:

  • Fine (up to 300 thousand rubles or in the amount of income or salary for 2 years).
  • Mandatory work (up to 480 hours).
  • Imprisonment (up to 4 years with or without restriction of liberty).
  • Forced, corrective labor and so on. bank card fraud

When using one's official position to commit unlawful acts, the law provides for a more severe punishment. In particular, the fine may amount to 150-500 thousand rubles. An official may be sentenced to imprisonment with a subsequent ban on engaging in certain activities for several years or without it. With a particularly large amount of theft, a fine of up to a million rubles is provided. Perpetrators can also be imprisoned for up to 10 years.

What to do if a person becomes a victim of a crime?

Recently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been alarmed by bank card fraud statistics. With the improvement of the settlement system, the introduction of new technologies, the number of crimes in the sphere of financial turnover of citizens also increases. Today, the most common way to take possession of other people's money is considered to be fraud with bank cards. Where to go to victims of intruders? To start with the fact that upon receipt of doubtful messages should immediately verify the accuracy of the information. To do this, you should contact a bank or a credit institution and ask if the information received is true. If this was not possible for some reason, you must go to the police.

Recommendations of specialists

credit card fraud facts

Each person is able to prevent attacks on his money. Following fairly simple tips will help in this:

  1. Under no circumstances should you tell anyone the PIN code. It is not recommended to write it on paper and store it next to the card.
  2. Withdrawals are best done directly at or near the offices of a financial company. The area near the bank and inside it is viewed by security cameras. In some cases, it is better to withdraw money directly at the checkout.
  3. Do not be shy to close the ATM keypad from entering the eyes of strangers when entering the PIN code and ask people of special interest to leave.
  4. You should not resort to the help of strangers in case of difficulties in withdrawing money. In this case, it is better to call customer support or contact the bank directly.
  5. You should not make purchases on sites that are not trustworthy. When carrying out any operations on the Internet, attention should be paid to 3D-Secure technology support. Its presence on the sites is indicated by the Verified by MasterCard and Visa SecureCode logos. This technology allows you to confirm the operation with a one-time password. Check digits are sent to the mobile phone.
  6. When making purchases on the Internet, it is necessary to update the anti-virus system in a timely manner.
  7. If "Mobile Bank" is connected on the phone, then you can block by sending a message to a special number. Features of this action should be clarified directly in the office of the organization where the account is open.
  8. It is not recommended to keep large amounts on a card designed for online shopping. For large acquisitions, it’s safer to release a “virtual” payment item.
  9. When opening an account, you should pay attention to the possibility of obtaining bank card insurance. Such a service in some cases allows you to return the funds. For example, insurance is valid in case of loss of the card itself or information from it, when money is stolen within 2 hours after withdrawal, and so on. Connect to insurance program will provide round-the-clock protection of finances.
  10. If you lose your card or if you suspect that the information has become available to third parties, you must contact the bank for immediate blocking. This can be done at any time of the day.
  11. It is advisable to connect SMS-informing. This service allows you to track all transactions made with the card.
  12. The establishment of a daily withdrawal limit will also help protect funds. To do this, you should apply to the bank.
  13. In the store, cafe and other retail outlets, you should carefully look at all the operations that are performed by the cashier or seller. Do not be shy to ask to roll a slip in your presence. You can also go to the checkout yourself.
  14. If the slip was rolled in the store, and the bank did not give authorization or something else happened that interferes with completing the purchase, it must be ensured that it is destroyed. A slip is a print of a card, and it is not difficult for a fraudster to enter the necessary amount into it, to forge a signature.
  15. It is recommended that you check your account statement at least once a month. If you have any suspicions or questions, you can make a complaint to the bank, and he, in turn, will deal with the payment system. bank card fraud where to go


In the current situation, it is necessary to pay great attention to your means and methods of their maintenance. Using a bank card greatly simplifies operations with money. However, along with this, the introduction of innovative methods of calculation, improvement of existing ones opens up vast horizons for attackers. In order not to become a victim of fraud and theft, you need to independently protect your funds. If the measures taken were not enough, and the fraud still happened, you should not hesitate, but contact the law enforcement authorities and the bank. Before writing a statement to the police it is necessary to put a lock on the account. In this case, there is a chance to save the remaining funds on the card. When performing any operations, regardless of location, you should be vigilant, do not allow unauthorized persons to show excessive curiosity.

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