
Driving without insurance: how much will the penalty for lack of insurance cost?

After buying a car, each owner must take care of its reliable protection. It is for this purpose that car insurance is carried out. A correctly executed safety document, of course, does not guarantee complete safety on the road, but allows the driver to leave the garage without fear for his car.

driving without insurance

Why do I need insurance?

Unfortunately, even the most experienced motorist cannot be absolutely calm while driving. There are frequent cases when drivers with impressive experience who did not violate traffic rules got into an accident. The reason for this may be a negligent car driver from a nearby stream, difficult weather conditions or a kitten crossing the road. That is why today the legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits driving without insurance and obliges each driver to conclude a car insurance contract before leaving the road. Its essence is extremely simple: in the event of an insured event, the respondent insurer company will indemnify the plaintiff for losses incurred as a result of the accident.

fine for driving without insurance

How much is the CTP policy?

The cost of the insurance policy is strictly fixed and cannot be artificially high or, conversely, underestimated. The price of the insurance policy is determined by the coefficient of the age and length of service of the driver. The higher the age and experience of the car owner, the cheaper it will cost the insurance policy. That is, for people aged 18-22 years, insurance without driving experience will be the most expensive. It is worth noting that any attempts by employees of the insurance company to increase the cost of the insurance policy are illegal! In this case, the car owner has the full right to apply to law enforcement agencies.

Insurance coefficient calculation table
Driver age / Driving experience up to 3 years (inclusive) more than 3 years
up to 22 years old (inclusive) 1,8 1,6
over 22 years 1,7 1

driving without insurance without a host

Fast payment - big savings

According to the new traffic police rules, a driver who has received a fine for driving a car without a car insurance can save a lot if he pays it right away. Moreover, the amount may be significant.

So, having paid a fine for driving without insurance in the first 20 days after his discharge, the car owner will reduce its amount by half!

However, it is worth considering that in the presence of aggravating circumstances this relief is not valid. These include: drunk driving, significant speeding, driving a car that has not passed the state registration procedure, leaving for the oncoming lane and participating in road accidents that have caused bodily harm.

driving without insurance punishment

What is the fine for driving without insurance?

So, the driver was stopped by an employee of the state automobile inspection. During the inspection, it was found that there is a driving without insurance. What threatens such an administrative offense? According to the current Russian legislation, such misconduct threatens the car owner with a fine of 800 rubles. This amount is quite modest, which is why a huge number of motorists are in no hurry to draw up a car insurance contract, preferring to drive a car without insurance. The punishment of 800 rubles is, of course, not so much, but do not forget that in the event of an accident, we will talk about a different amount, exceeding the size of the fine tens or even hundreds of times!

Driving a car by a person not included in the car insurance contract

Very often, a fine for driving a car without insurance is issued in the following situation.The owner of the car specified in the car insurance contract is sitting in the passenger seat, while the car is driven by a person who has a driver’s license but is not indicated in the contract. In this case, it takes place to be driving without insurance, but with the owner of the car. The presence of the car owner, however, as well as the availability of all necessary documents, will not affect the need to draw up an act on an administrative offense. This situation is classified as a violation of traffic rules if limited insurance is issued.

Exactly the same offense is driving without insurance without a car owner. The amount of the fine in both cases is the same (500 rubles).

If the insurance policy is issued for an unlimited circle of people, then, accordingly, anyone with a driver's license can drive a car. Such a policy is slightly more expensive than usual, but it greatly simplifies life if there is a need to trust a wide range of people to drive a vehicle.

punishment for driving without insurance

Lack of insurance at the time of stop

As you know, remembering absolutely everything is impossible. Probably, every motorist once while driving in his car recalled that the bag of documents had remained at home (at work / in the store). It’s great if you can return for them without meeting the traffic police on the way. But what if the car insurance contract is forgotten at home, and a man in uniform stops the car?

Of course, administrative punishment in the form of a fine cannot be avoided in this situation. In this case, the driver faces a penalty for driving without insurance in the amount of five hundred rubles.

It is worth noting once again that we are talking about the absence of a policy at the time the vehicle was stopped, and not at all. Therefore, the driver must know that any attempt by the traffic police to write a fine for the lack of insurance is, in principle, illegal! In this case, you must apply to the higher authorities in the traffic police or the court. As a rule, by his decision, the motorist undertakes to pay a fine of five hundred rubles for driving without insurance, but no more.

driving without insurance

Driving With Expired CTP

The expired policy in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation is regarded as its complete absence, that is, there is a place to drive a car without insurance. Today, many companies in the fight for potential customers have introduced an alternative. The contract is concluded for a period of 1 year, but the right to insurance is not valid for the whole year, but for a certain period, usually several months. Such a policy is much cheaper than the classic one and is very convenient in some cases. For example, it is advisable if the car is used exclusively in the autumn-summer period, and the rest of the time is in the garage.

Who does not need to take out insurance?

According to the federal law "On OSAGO" a circle of persons who are exempted from the execution of the contract is defined. That is, they will not be administratively punished for driving without insurance.

First of all, these are the owners of vehicles whose speed does not exceed 20 km / h. This group of persons also includes citizens of other states who have an international driving license, military personnel operating military equipment, as well as civilians driving non-wheel vehicles.

In addition, the insured passenger car with a trailer also cannot be fined for driving without insurance.

Are they rented for lack of insurance?

Indeed, traffic police have the right to remove state license plates from the vehicle. Such a punishment is inevitable in the absence of insurance or the car owner does not fulfill his insurance obligations. In the case of an expired MTPL policy, the driver is given a day after paying the fine and withholding the state. numbers. After 24 hours, the operation of this vehicle will be prohibited.

driving without insurance what threatens

Advantages of a registered insurance policy

1. In the event of an accident, the driver can not worry about compensation for property damage caused to the owner of another car and only deal with the restoration of his car.

2. In case of an accident, a huge number of bureaucratic formalities can be avoided by issuing only a couple of simple documents.

3. The culprit of the accident does not need to participate in the lawsuit, since the insurance company is fully engaged in challenging his guilt.

4. All that remains to be done is to pay a fine if the offense is the cause of the accident.

5. The car owner can be absolutely calm on the road, as professionals were involved in the processing of his documents.

In other words, car insurance for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance is the absolute responsibility of every car owner. After all, when driving on the road, the driver is responsible not only for his vehicle, but also for the property and, above all, the health of other road users!

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