
Is it possible to have two work books at the same time? Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Today we will try to find out with you whether it is possible to have two work books at the same time. And it’s worth additionally to study some of the norms of labor law of the Russian Federation that only apply in the country. They will relate to applying for a job, as well as seniority. These are very serious components of human life, which can both benefit and harm. And nobody wants to have problems either with tax authorities or with employers. So, you will have to consider as much as possible everything that relates only to work books, length of service and work in general in Russia. What should all able-bodied citizens prepare for?Is it possible to have two work books at the same time

The work book is ...

The first step is to figure out what we will deal with. What is a work book? Should all citizens have it?

A work book is a document that confirms your work experience. Moreover, it indicates all the work experience, as well as the places in which you have ever been officially employed. Will be required when calculating a pension.

There may not be a work book - if you have never officially worked anywhere. In this case, seniority does not take place at all. Unless you have confirmation of doing business, as well as evidence that you have, for example, taken care of a child up to one and a half years old. These periods count towards seniority.

How much should be

But is it possible to have two work books at the same time? In general, how many copies of this document should each citizen have? Maybe every employer gives out his own labor?

Not at all. The work book of citizens, as a rule, is one. It is made out for the first time at employment officially to work in any organization. And after it is retained by the population until the retirement age.

Often, citizens are interested in whether it is legal to have two work books at the same time. Or more. And also, is it possible to work on several jobs at once. To understand this, modern legislation of the Russian Federation and the opinions of lawyers will help. What rights in this area are endowed with the entire population of the country?seniority


To understand all this in full, it is worth turning to the Labor Code. This is a set of laws of the Russian Federation, which tells about the rules and regulations related to work. If we talk about work books, then we need to turn to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

What does she say? The fact that every employer is required to keep this document for each employee. Of course, we are talking only about those personnel that are officially employed. After signing an employment contract, you can slightly delay the moment of employment. Every employee who has worked for more than 5 days with the employer should have it. Otherwise, it is a violation of your rights. Moreover, such an act cannot be regarded as official employment.

Also note that in the work book all information about the place of work, duration of cooperation, reasons for dismissal, position is entered. Information about some successes and awards are also entered into the labor. It says so Art. 66 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. if you have part-time work, if desired, you can add it to the work book. But then you must return the document to the main employer.st 66 tk rf

Several at once

Is it possible to have two work books at the same time? This question is of interest to some citizens. After all, sometimes you want to find a job in several places of work at the same time.And labor can be stored at the same time only at one employer. So, I want to know how legitimate it is to have a duplicate document.

In fact, it’s not worth the risk. The whole problem is that the population does not have the right to have several work books. It should be in a single copy. At best, you can try to recover the document if you lost it. And nothing more.

Thus, if you are interested in whether it is possible to have two work books at the same time, the answer is no. Indeed, modern laws of the Russian Federation prohibit such actions. Do you already have two or more such documents? Then try to make sure that you are not caught with this violation. Indeed, huge problems will arise both with employers and with tax authorities. It will take a long time to explain why you do not have one work book of the Russian Federation.

I want to work

But that is not all that concerns work and employment. There are a few more questions that interest the population. Life is an unpredictable thing. And sometimes you have to think about extra income. At such moments, people reflect on whether it is possible to have official employment with several employers at the same time. And if the answer is yes, how to crank up this venture given the fact that the work book, according to modern legislation, can only be in a single copy?official employment

It is impossible to answer all these questions unequivocally. Because employment in several places has certain features. Only taking these into account can we really give a complete answer to our today's question. What is worth preparing for citizens who want to have two jobs at the same time? Do they have such an opportunity?

Official employment

Well, answering is not as easy as it seems. Especially when you consider that most citizens try to defraud the law and have several workers. In this case, employment, as a rule, takes place without problems. But in the future they will appear. After all, according to modern laws, you should have only one document confirming your experience as an employee.

But what about employment? Is it possible to work on two jobs at the same time? Honestly, the question is very difficult. It all depends on how you prefer to work. Speaking about official employment, it is worth noting only one thing - citizens do not have such an opportunity. That is, you can’t have several work books, and also officially work for several companies. True, there are some exceptions. Which ones? What tricks do citizens resort to to increase their income at the expense of labor for several employers?

Not officially

The first method, although not entirely honest, is work without a work book and an employment contract in one of the places. That is, it is proposed to work informally. Frankly, this technique is not welcomed by modern legislation. All employees must be formalized. Only in practice, "black workers" are still there.work on two work books at the same time

The likelihood that you will be caught is extremely small. The main thing is to choose a good and less honestly employer. Then and only then you can not worry about official employment. Similarly, you can have any number of jobs. But here the length of service and official salary with a social package and some guarantees you will only have for one employer.

Circumvention of the law

Is it possible to have two work books at the same time? Not. And to work in two jobs? After all, somehow people work for several employers at once and do not hide it! Indeed, modern citizens have some ways to circumvent legislation. More precisely, one can resort to one opportunity, officially permitted, which will help officially work in several places at the same time.

What is this about? Formal full-time employment with several employers is not possible. But in order to work according to the law, you can try to arrange for yourself the so-called part-time job. That is, with one employer you are officially registered for a full time. And the other is incomplete. And it’s for a part-time job. This process has its own characteristics and rules. They must be taken into account by both employees and employers. Then simultaneous work in several places is a real opportunity, permitted by law.

Part time conditions

So we found out whether it is possible to have two work books at the same time. And how many jobs to work officially. A part-time job is a kind of part-time employee registration for the performance of certain duties. And this type of labor, as already mentioned, has certain features.Is it legal to have two work books at the same time?

Which ones? Firstly, a side job in the same company cannot exceed more than 4 hours a day. These are the rules provided for by modern legislation. Secondly, you will have to sign an employment contract with your second boss. He will give you the same guarantees as formal employment. That is, you can count on paid leave and on sick leave. Thirdly, a side job is counted in the length of service. If you wish, you can enter information about your additional job in the work book. But then it, as already mentioned, must be returned to the main employer.

Number of seats

The last point that should only be studied is how much you can get a part-time job. Officially, you can be on a full-time basis in only one organization. And nothing more. Unofficial work is not considered - it is not entirely legal. And then how many extra jobs maybe?

Experts assure that there are no restrictions in this sense. That is, you can have one, two, five, or even ten places that are considered part-time jobs. With all this, you may be prohibited from working after the main employer. If his interests are affected, as well as the efficiency of your work has plummeted, you cannot cope with your job responsibilities. As you can see, basically citizens are given complete freedom of choice in relation to work and the number of part-time jobs. But official employment is limited. These are the rules. And you can’t get around them legally.


Thus, we can conclude that the population always has a choice. They can work officially for one employer, as well as arrange part-time (s). And while from everywhere to have a social package with guarantees of protection of their rights in case of violation by the authorities.Is it possible to work in two jobs

Or, as an alternative, one can go not completely honestly - not to work officially. In this case, there will be no guarantees; it is useless to complain about your employer. After all, unofficial labor, although common in Russia, is prohibited.

Is it possible to have two work books at the same time? Not. Such a phenomenon will entail a number of not the best consequences. For example, you will have to explain yourself to the tax authorities, as well as directly to employers. Work on two work books at the same time is illegal, punishable.

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article - bullshit!
no liability for two work books exists !!!


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