
The Armory Museum in Moscow: review, ticket prices, description and reviews

Experienced travelers are advised to start their acquaintance with the Russian capital with the Kremlin museums. The Armory in Moscow is a real treasury in which antiques and unique jewelry are stored.

A bit of history

Initially, only weapons were in the Armory, and the first mention of the vault dates back to 1547.

In the second half of the 17th century, various workshops began to open here (gilding for bone and wood, cutting for iron, carpentry). Under Peter I, it was decided to keep in the chamber not only valuables, but also old curious and outlandish things.

After the fire in 1737, part of the weapons and trophies was lost, and everything that was saved was transferred to the Terem Palace. In 1812, the treasures were taken to Nizhny Novgorod and returned only after two years.

The modern building, which houses the Armory in Moscow, was built on Borovitsky Hill in 1844-1851.

Armory in MoscowWalls decorated with marble medallions, white-stone carved columns and pilasters - talented architects worked on creating the external and internal appearance: K. A. Ton, V. A. Bakarev and N. I. Chichagov.

Shine of precious metals

Visitors start viewing the exposition from the second floor. In the hall number 1 presents items made of silver and gold XII - beg. XVII century. It was these precious relics that for centuries have been the basis of the royal treasury and were stored in Kremlin churches and the patriarchal sacristy.

Byzantium had a great influence on the development of the art of Ancient Rus, as eloquently testified to works of art of the 4th-15th centuries. In addition, the exhibition presents the art of Suzdal, Chernigov, Novgorod, Ryazan and Kiev.

The best examples of silver and gold work of the masters of Moscow (XV-XVI centuries) are displayed in the windows.

What will Hall 2 introduce you to?

Precious works created in the Golden and Silver Chambers of the Kremlin at the end of the 17th century are exhibited in Hall 2. Nearby are the works of provincial masters from Yaroslavl, Ustyug the Great, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod and Solvychegodsk.

The Armory Museum in Moscow offers to get acquainted with various jewelry techniques and study the magnificent creations of famous manufactories by Khlebnikov, Karl Faberge, Semenov, Kurlyukov and Ovchinnikov.

Armory in Moscow tickets

Historical arsenal

The next two rooms are devoted to the eastern and European ceremonial armament of the 15th-19th centuries, as well as Russian weapons of the 12th-19th centuries. This collection is recognized as the best in the world of the existing “historical arsenals”.

Most of the exposition appeared thanks to two major sources: the Rust-chamber (St. Petersburg) and the Sovereign Armory (Moscow). For several centuries, foreign weapons were brought in by trade representatives or ambassadors of other states, as well as specially purchased abroad. The unique craftsmanship of execution and national features are demonstrated by exhibits of Western European and Eastern weapons, which were united by the Armory (Moscow). The price of many works of art can not be determined.

Even more interesting is a rare collection of Russian ceremonial and military weapons; some samples in museum collections have no analogues. The hunting and ceremonial weapons belonging to the Russian emperors and the collection of orders (XVIII-XIX centuries) deserve special attention.

Museum of the Armory in Moscow

Gifts of Ambassadors

The Armory in Moscow teaches visitors the basics of diplomatic relations.In the last room on the second floor are objects created by foreign masters. The world's largest collection of Western European silver came from the gifts of ambassadors from Sweden, England, Poland, Holland and Denmark.

After the centralization of the Russian state at the end of the 15th century, diplomatic and trade relations were established with the countries of the West and East. Gala receptions were held in a purpose-built Faceted Chamber. The meetings were attended by senior officials and boyars, and an important part of the event was the offering of gifts to foreign ambassadors.

Hall number 6

For the fair sex the most interesting is the exposition on the ground floor. Secular costumes (XVI - beginning of the XX century), ornamental and facial sewing, precious fabrics are demonstrated in hall No. 6.

The bulk of the collection of works of artistic sewing and vestments of the Russian clergy was transferred to the Armory from monasteries, churches and the Patriarchal sacristy.

A small part of Peter the Great’s wardrobe allows you to compare fashion trends of those times. A dress dress and the famous “Dutch costume” are presented in neighboring windows.

The pearl of the exposition is the luxurious coronation dresses of the Russian empresses and emperors.

arms chamber moscow Price

Treasury heart

In the next room, visitors get acquainted with the objects of the court ceremonial and ancient state regalia. The presented exhibits mainly relate to the XVI-XVII centuries and are associated with important historical events.

A unique collection of thrones, masterpieces of foreign and Russian jewelry art is the basis on which the Armory Chamber (Kremlin, Moscow) was created many years ago.

Hall number 8 is dedicated to the collection of the Stable Treasury - items that accompany the design of the royal exit. In the XVIII century, the institution was transformed, and all the values ​​were transferred to the Armory, the new building for which was built exactly on the site of the Stable Assembly.

What will surprise hall number 9?

Hall 9 and unique carriages of the 16th-18th centuries complete the exposition. Seventeen crews created by the best Russian and European masters invariably arouse admiration of visitors. These are real works of art, combining jewelry, woodcarving, leather art, casting and painting.

The crews in the royal court played a role not just a means of transportation, they had to emphasize the special status of their passengers - in this case, the emperor and his family members.

Moscow Armory Ticket price

The royal exit was a combination of grandeur, luxury and splendor. From childhood, children from the family were taught to ride in carriages - the Kremlin masters created “amusing carts” that the Armory in Moscow demonstrates.

Carriages often acted as diplomatic gifts, so the gifts of the Prussian King Frederick II and the English monarch Jacob I are presented in the hall of the Armory.

“Affordable” Moscow

The Armory, whose opening hours are indicated on the official website of the Kremlin museums, is a one-of-a-kind treasury.

Visitors can get acquainted with the unique collection every day (except Thursday) from 10:00 to 18:00. Sessions - at 10:00, 12:00, 14:30 and 16:30.

The Armory in Moscow. Tickets sold not only at the box office in the Alexander Garden, but also on the official portal of the museum.

Inspection of the exposition takes place with the guide by reservation. For self-study in the halls, touch screens with information and audio guides are provided, which can be taken for free.

Twenty years ago it was very difficult to get to the museums of the Kremlin (Moscow). The Armory, the ticket price of which is 700 rubles, is open today to all comers. In addition, there are benefits for pensioners and students of Russian universities - entrance to the main treasury will cost them 300 rubles.

Educational programs

A more detailed study of the exposition of the Armory is provided for in educational programs.

A fascinating tour “Visiting the royal goldsmiths” is held for children 10-12 years old and their parents, as well as for organized groups of students in grades 3-7. Young visitors will find out what items of gold and silver were created in ancient Russian workshops. Precious tableware, royal crowns, items for church rituals and antique jewelry - a three-hour program ends with an interactive conversation at the Children's Center.

No less interesting is the program “Tsarist and Imperial Regalia”, which is also conducted by the Armory Museum in Moscow.

museum armory in moscow Price

Ticket price - 900 rubles per person. Children 10-12 years old are invited along with their parents on a tour. The price includes inspection of two rooms and a detailed story of a specialist, as well as a creative lesson in the Children's Center.

Student practice

The main treasury of the country actively collaborates with specialized universities. This tradition developed many years ago, and in recent years, students from Moscow State University and Moscow State Pedagogical University have come to museum-pedagogical and excursion-familiarization practices more and more often. At events, young people study the exposition and the specifics of museum professions.

In addition to meetings with museum staff and excursions, students listen to lectures on the culture, history and foreign policy of Russia.

Guest reviews

A visit to the museum leaves a lasting impression. On the second floor, according to guest reviews, the Faberge collection is most popular. On the ground floor, the most memorable exhibits are luxurious carriages and royal wardrobe items.

Armory Kremlin Moscow

Despite the fact that tickets to the Armory are on sale, it is difficult to attend one of the four sessions because of a lot of excitement. According to Muscovites and guests of the capital, there are a lot of people who want to see the treasures with their own eyes.

Helpful hints:

  • plan a trip to the museum for the earliest session;
  • do not forget about comfortable shoes;
  • use the services of a guide or take an audio guide.

Unfortunately, the time of visiting the Armory is limited. Be prepared for the fact that you are unlikely to get acquainted with the entire collection in one session.

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