
Restaurant "In the Dark", Moscow, St. Petersburg: review, description, features and reviews

Marketing research gurus say: to succeed, you need to stand out from others. Competition is present in all areas of business, but in the field of nutrition its level is especially great. Therefore, for "survival" you need to have not only a twist, but also have at least a kilogram of goodies. Seeking to stand out from the crowd and attract a large number of customers, restaurateurs focus not on food, but on an unusual interior. The story will be about the most original idea in the field of nutrition, which interested not only Europeans, but also Russians.

It all started in Paris

The world's first restaurant, In the Dark, opened in the summer of 2004 in France. But before the launch of the unique project, Eduard de Broglie (ideological inspirer) had to go through many months of coordination and persuasion. He walked around 13 banks and each of them was refused, to say nothing of the fire departments, who were horrified by the idea of ​​a “blind dinner”. Nevertheless, they managed to get the go-ahead, and after a while the Dans Le Noir restaurant opened in Paris, and then in Barcelona, ​​Moscow, St. Petersburg, London and New York.

restaurant in the dark

The secret of popularity

The public restaurant “In the Dark” earned interest due to the destruction of familiar stereotypes from the gastronomic point. Being in absolute darkness and not seeing the dish or drink served to the table, a person's perception changes. The fact is that the process of sensing food starts at the moment when the client looks at his appearance. Having found out what products are in the dish, their consistency and method of heat treatment, a person, at the subconscious level, adjusts to his taste. For example, having seen a culinary masterpiece on a plate, in most cases the client is sure of its delicious taste. Restaurant "In the Dark" completely dispels the taste stereotypes and offers to perceive the dish in a completely new way. In addition, the temporary blocking of one sense organ exacerbates others. As a result, the impression of food is due to the sense of smell and sensory sensation.

Any restaurant where they eat in the dark does not have a menu. Guests are offered several options for the set: meat, vegetarian, fish. The contents of a la carte are kept secret, which as a result turns into entertainment called “Guess the ingredient” or “Get new gastronomic emotions from the usual dishes”.

New acquaintances

The second way to break stereotypes is through communication. Such institutions often become a place to meet a new person. As the saying goes: "Meet on clothes ...", but restaurants in complete darkness deprive of this opportunity. The only hallmark of the interlocutor is the voice, and communication without stereotypes associated with appearance, develops rapidly. Usually from 12 to 14 people sit at the table and the probability of sitting with a stranger is high. But darkness quickly erases the boundaries between people, as they are included in a fascinating process called "What do we eat?"

restaurant in the dark moscow

How does it feel to be blind

The last aspect related to public interest is that the restaurant “In the Dark” invites people to feel what it feels like to be blind. And the thing is not that the guests of the establishment try food in absolute darkness. Here, sighted people are completely dependent on non-sighting personnel. For them, this is the usual habitat, and for guests - a world where they feel a little helpless.Agree, meeting a blind person in ordinary life, most people sympathize, and once in the dark, they understand their superiority and imbued with respect.

Fortunately, the project did not turn into an institution where people come for sympathy to visually impaired people. Restaurant “In the Dark” is a great place to find new experiences with excellent cuisine and wine drinks.

How is the "blind feast"

All guests gather in the main lobby (lit). Bags, wrist watches, cell phones, tablets and everything that is a source of light, is rented out in a safe. Many people have a question about why handing over a bag. Being in the dark, one should not forget about safety measures: even a small female clutch bag hung on the back of the chair or neatly placed on the floor can become a danger not only to guests, but also to employees of the establishment. All attempts at resistance and non-compliance with the rules are resolved persistently and politely.

The following is a brief briefing and acquaintance with the waiter, who will serve the table throughout the meal.

After the fun begins. The guests line up one after another (train) and follow the waiter leading to the final stop. Once in the main hall, it seems that after a few minutes your eyes will get used to the darkness and around you will appear the silhouettes of guests, outlines of fittings and interior elements. But this is not so. Here, absolute darkness, contributing to an instant exacerbation of hearing, touch. At this moment, a thought flashes in my head - do I need eyes?

restaurant in the dark moscow reviews

The waiter's movements are clear, silent. He takes the guests to the table one by one and takes them to their places and the acquaintance begins. If there are no problems with cutlery, then the situation is a bit more complicated. The heard name must be associated with the voice, so that later there is no confusion.

The waiter brings the bread box and the first task for the guests is the accurate distribution of the bread. Then the first course is served. As mentioned earlier, the ingredients of the dishes are kept secret and, ordering a set, get ready for the fact that on the plate will be 2 identical pieces of meat, for example, veal and chicken. And one who starts the meal with a bird will be surprised why others claim that it is veal.

Summing up about Dans Le Noir, it is worth recognizing that visiting such institutions gives an unforgettable experience. And I want to quickly find out how domestic the restaurant “In the Dark” (Moscow offers such a format of establishments) differs from its European counterpart. Let's get started.

Restaurant "In the Dark" (Moscow): description, prices and address

I would like to start the story about the unique metropolitan institution with the words of the famous song: "In the dark, the outlines melt ...". The restaurant opened in the fall of 2006 and is considered the franchise of the French Dans le noir. The concept of the institution fully coincides with the European one and proves that deprivation of vision is not a reason to put an end to life - it is an opportunity to start accepting the world in a different way.

Despite the fact that the waiters in the restaurant are blind, according to visitors, they are attentive and the work is done on a professional level.

restaurants in total darkness

The restaurant is located on Oktyabrskaya St., 2. Being at the top of the restaurant, guests choose a set menu, but nobody knows what to eat. The average duration of a meal is about two hours, and the cost of a check per person is 1700 rubles (excluding drinks). Restaurant "In the Dark" (Moscow) receives mostly positive reviews, and, as visitors themselves assure, the prices on the menu do not bother them at all, and for the sake of new sensory sensations, they are willing to pay more.


The capital's restaurant was opened by Igor Medvedev - the president of the Russian Federation for football among the visually impaired. According to the director of the institution, all the income goes to the development of this sport.

And yet this is Russia

Restaurant "In the Dark" Muscovites called "A Slice of Europe", but local features are still noticeable.For example, clothes handed over to the wardrobe and values ​​stored in the safe are given out after payment of the invoice. And the inscription on the toilet immediately makes it clear which country you are in, and instantly returns to the harsh metropolitan reality.

restaurant where they eat in the dark

For those who are not ready for experiments

Not everyone can overcome their fear of the dark, so the metropolitan restaurant offers a visit to the bright hall. This is a very cozy place, designed for those who are not yet ready for experiments. Compared to the dark room, the light room does not keep its menu a secret. The list of dishes is familiar: salads, soups, cold dishes, desserts.

Restaurant "In the Dark" (St. Petersburg)

The Northern capital offers its own view on visiting an institution interesting for Russia. The restaurant is located near the metro station "Vasileostrovskaya" per. Exchange 2-4.

"Dan le Noir" - a very popular restaurant in St. Petersburg, so reservations are made in advance by phone. The dinner starts at 18:00. The first mystery faced by visitors awaits before entering the dark room. The menu is encrypted with colors, so it is simply impossible to know the dishes served. The only thing visitors know is the main ingredient. The red menu is for meat dishes, Green for vegetarian cuisine, Blue for seafood, and White for surprise.

restaurant in the dark saint petersburg

The invisible dish has an unknown taste, therefore, when visiting the restaurant "In the Dark" (Petersburg), get ready for the fact that pineapple and octopus or jellied meat with incomprehensible filling can appear on one plate. But in fact, the food served is the most ordinary - it is not haute cuisine. According to the staff, there were times when people could not determine the taste of potatoes or confused white wine with red.

The guests of the place turn the meal into an exciting game. First, everyone tries to abide by the rules of etiquette and tries to cutlery to grab even the smallest piece of food. After several unsuccessful attempts, the client forgets about the standards of decency and begins to eat with his hands.

What else can be said about the St. Petersburg restaurant "In the Dark"? Prices here are slightly lower than in Moscow. Only 8 waiters work, they are all blind, and a special commission selects them from France and Russia.

General rules for visiting

  1. Entrance to the dark restaurant is each guest’s own desire.
  2. When ordering food, the visitor must warn the waiter about allergic reactions to the products.
  3. Items emitting light, bags and outerwear should be taken to the wardrobe.
  4. No guest can enter the restaurant "In the Dark" (St. Petersburg and Moscow time) without a guide. It will help not only to enter the dark room, but also to move about it if necessary. If the visitor begins independent movement, the restaurant staff has the right to take him out of the hall.
  5. For security purposes, the premises of the institution are equipped with cameras with infrared radiation. Disabling them is not possible.
  6. Staff may restrict the sale of alcohol to certain individuals, if necessary. Also, the conductor has the right to withdraw from the dark hall a guest whose actions will interfere with other clients.
  7. In order not to interrupt the meal, it is recommended to visit the toilet before dinner.
  8. The restaurant administration is not responsible for the personal items, decorations and accessories brought by the guest to the hall.
  9. In case of fire and other emergency situations, visitors should follow the recommendations of the staff. In such situations, the light turns on in the hall.
  10. Noisy and violent behavior is prohibited. In case of violation of this rule, staff has the full right to ask the guest to leave the room.

Reason to visit

According to Petersburgers, the reasons for going to the restaurant "Dan le Noire" are different. Some want to get a new taste by guessing the ingredients of the dishes. Others come for real communication. Being in absolute darkness, the beauty of the hall, table setting, appearance and facial expression are unimportant. The main thing here is energy, the voice of the interlocutor and his intonation.

People come here to celebrate birthdays. Guests are not confused by the darkness.Yes, they do not see each other, but this does not prevent them from having fun, singing songs and enjoying each other's company.

restaurant in the dark spb

In an ordinary restaurant, people deceive each other with gestures or facial expressions, in the dark it is impossible. Any fear, excitement gives voice. According to the waiters, the reaction of an adult to the darkness surrounding him is always unpredictable, but with children it is different. Kids here feel relaxed and immediate. Adaptation in them is faster than in adults, they have no complexes and fears.

The last surprise awaits at the end of dinner. At the exit, visitors are presented with a menu with a detailed list of ingredients of the ordered dishes. And the most interesting thing is to watch their reaction.

Reviews about the institution

About the restaurant "In the Dark" reviews are mostly flattering. For example, in a metropolitan institution at the entrance there is a large book of dark color, where anyone can leave their impressions of dinner.

Also, the source of reliable reviews is considered the official page of the institution "Vkontakte", where there is an album, which periodically upload photos of pages with guest reviews.

But there is no absolutely perfect restaurant in the world, therefore, among the praise you can find rare comments and discontent associated with high prices, unjustified expectations or lack of attention from the staff.

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