
The national currency of Germany

Germany is one of the EU countries, which for more than thirteen years has been using the euro as its national currency. But nevertheless, despite this, its citizens still keep 12.9 billion German marks, which is 6.6 million euros in terms of recalculation. Agree, a decent amount even for such a wealthy country!

According to opinion polls, the vast majority of respondents, namely 74 percent, do not part with the German brand of nostalgia! Why is the currency of Germany so unique and are the Germans really honoring their history? Or is it just a tribute to the past? To understand this, we need to return to history.currency of germany

The history of the appearance and development of the German brand

The German brand first appeared in the Middle Ages, when the lands of modern Germany were part of the Holy Roman Empire. Throughout this vast territory, the peoples conquered by the Romans had many monetary units, the main of which was the pound, consisting of 20 shillings (1 shilling was divided into 12 pfennigs). However, the pound was a very large and heavy coin, which created some inconvenience in the calculations, so gradually half a pound, in other words, the mark, came into circulation. Also along with it went such money as guilder, thaler, cruiser, penniless and several others. When the German Empire was formed in 1870, a brand consisting of 100 Pfennigs was adopted as the only national currency of Germany, which the Germans successfully used both in their country and traveling far beyond its borders.German mark

Deep crisis, decline in brand liquidity

The "black times" came for the former German currency during the years of the Weimar Republic (1919-1933), when, after a complete defeat in the First World War, the Entente countries obliged Germany to pay a multi-million dollar indemnity. Total hyperinflation crippled the financial system of the country, 1 US dollar stood at 4.2 billion marks (!). Simply put, to buy a loaf of bread, you had to bring a cart of banknotes to the store!

In those days, trade relations in Germany came down to barter, the black market flourished in full, it seemed that the German currency had already irrevocably depreciated, the country was completely demoralized and was in a deep financial, social and political crisis. But despite everything, the young republic was still able to overcome difficulties and achieve a certain level of stability. In the "golden 20s", the Weimar Republic introduced the re-marker, which lasted until 1944.national currency of Germany

Post-war reconstruction

After the defeat in World War II and the division of Germany into the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, two new currency units were created - the German Mark of Germany (German: Deuteche Mark) and the German Democratic Republic (Deuteche Mark DDR). They were in circulation until 2002 and 1990, respectively. Gradually, the brand strengthened more and more, already in the middle of the 50s of the last century it became one of the strongest and most reliable currencies in the world. The German currency was so stable that even residents of other countries preferred to save their savings in the Deutschmarks. The Germans were very proud of their Deutschmark, because it was with her that they firmly associated the economic miracle of the 1950s.

When in 1990 the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic merged into one country again, the East German deutsche mark vanished and was symbolically buried. There is even a tombstone under which the former currency of Germany “rests”.

The modern successor of the Deutschmark - Eurocurrency

The German brand has ceased to be an independent means of payment since January 1, 2002, when a new currency was officially introduced for cash payments throughout the European Union.Germany also began to use the euro as a national currency. But I must say, she said goodbye to her Deutschmark not very willingly. And now the Germans with nostalgia remember their currency and sometimes even demand from the government to return to it again.former currency of Germany

Mints of Germany

Now in the country there are five mints minting Euro coins, each of which has its own designation:

  • A - Berlin;
  • D - Munich;
  • J - Hamburg;
  • G - Karlsruhe;
  • F - Stuttgart.

Along with the year of issue, euro coins contain information about the mint where they were issued.

Traditional symbols used in the design of the Euromark

Mandatory attributes in the design of the Euromark are the traditional national symbols of the country. With their design, 1-, 2- and 5-eurocents, as well as both euro coins (1 and 2 euros, which are cast from bimetal) resemble the former currency - the Deutschmark.

currency of germany

Oak leaf is an old symbol that used to adorn Germany's smallest monetary unit - Pfennig. Now it is depicted on 1-, 2- and 5-cent coins.

The Brandenburg Gate is a truly magnificent masterpiece of German architecture, made in the classical style. He became a symbol of the German capital after the end of World War II. It was here, at these gates, that the meeting of the inhabitants of West and East Berlin took place in November 1989, when the Berlin Wall was destroyed. Then this architectural monument also witnessed the unity of the German people. Since then, the Brandenburg Gate has been depicted on coins in denominations of 10, 20 and 50 euro cents.

And finally, the Federal Eagle is a permanent symbol of German sovereignty. He first appeared on the coat of arms of the German Empire and became the state sign of the country back in 1950. The eagle is also used on official documents. This traditional attribute is completely adopted from the coat of arms of the Weimar Republic, it is currently depicted on 1 and 2 euro coins.

germany euro

In conclusion

Now we see that the currency of Germany was born, developed, experienced difficult stages of formation together with the state itself, strengthened and almost completely depreciated, repeating all the milestones of the history of its people with the utmost precision. There is no country without values ​​and symbols. This is the historical and cultural heritage of every nation, and he himself is responsible for it. Perhaps that is why even now conservative Germans do not want to completely part with their old deutschemark, realizing the fact that a people who do not remember their past have no right to the future.

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