
How to open your own business in Germany. Business emigration to Germany. Small Business Ideas in Germany

Germany is a country that attracts businessmen from all over the world. This happens for several reasons. First of all, in Germany there are no differences between equity and foreign capital. This applies to both financial transactions and foreign exchange. The only condition is the registration of all transfers abroad and from abroad in local banks.

How to open your own business in Germany

Doing Business in Germany can be carried out by anyone. Only sufficient capital or certain skills are needed. At the same time, the place of residence does not matter.

Categories of Entrepreneurs

In Germany, those people who run their own business are divided into two groups. The first of them includes businessmen. The second group includes those who have "free professions." Entrepreneurs of these groups are considered as owners of their own firms.

Prerequisites for opening a company

How to open your own business in Germany? Many Russian entrepreneurs are thinking about this issue. And this is not accidental, because this state is the economic center of the Eurozone and has stability in the political sphere. In addition, Germany actively supports everyone who starts their business in this country.

The loyal position is occupied by power structures. They do not extort bribes from novice businessmen, but actively help them to get comfortable in a new place.

Those who have opened their own business in Germany have remarkable prospects. This is due to the fact that the German brand is highly regarded in the world market.

Choosing the legal form of the company

German law provides for several specific types of business. This list includes: Joint-stock company and Limited liability company, Commander and Full partnership as well as other forms.

Before answering the question of how to open your own business in Germany, you need to choose the type of doing business that is most suitable for you. In the case when it is planned to create a small company, it is most convenient to register it as a limited liability company. In this case, the founders may be individuals or legal entities. It should be borne in mind that they bear responsibility for the violations committed in the amount of their share. The founders of such enterprises may not have German citizenship.

Registration Steps

Once you have decided on the form of doing business, you need to get a phone number and legal address. To do this, you can rent an office. It will also have a telephone connection. Offices for rent in Berlin, as well as in many other cities of the country.

How to open your own business in Germany and not pay for renting premises? In modern conditions, a virtual office can be created. Here, calls will be received on behalf of the future company.

At the next stage of the organization, a name is selected. It must be agreed upon at the chamber of commerce located in the region where the business is opened. There are more than eight dozen such organizations in the country.

After that, it is necessary to develop the charter of the company. An important step is the signing of the memorandum of association. This important document should contain a list of required information.These include the following: the full name of the company, its legal address, the chosen type of activity, the distribution of shares between the founders and their powers, as well as the size of the authorized capital and duration of work.

At the next stage, it is necessary to notarize the registration. This service costs five hundred euros. The official website of the German Notary Chamber will help you find a specialist. At the same time, oral phone calls and those sent by e-mail are also accepted.

In order to open a business in Germany, certified documents must be taken to a bank institution. A company account will be issued there for the transfer of initial capital marked "registration stage". At the same time, the bank gives an extract to a notary. It confirms the opening of an account.

Small business

Opening a small business in Germany is not particularly difficult. In order to register a small business, German law provides for a simplified system.

How to open your own business in Germany if you decide to become an entrepreneur? Small firms just need to register at the sales office at their location. When classifying an enterprise as a small business, its annual turnover is taken into account. For small firms, it does not exceed two hundred and fifty euros. For small businesses, there is another criterion. The size of the annual profit. It should be less than twenty five thousand euros.

business emigration to germany

Ideas for small businesses in Germany are multifaceted. The list of entrepreneurship includes many specialties. In the field of medicine, these are doctors and masseurs, psychologists and carers, rescuers and obstetricians. Those who have a law degree can work as lawyers and notaries, as well as consultants.

Creative people may also have small businesses. Designers and designers, photographers and dancers, writers and artists open their business. In small business there are many journalists and translators, historians, as well as people representing pedagogical, economic and technical specialties.


In Germany, in addition to all of the above, there is another form of doing business. She has no analogues in Russia. It is called Freiberufler. Business development in Germany using this form of organization is suitable for those who, for whatever reason, can not open a large company. However, if you have the skills of independent work, then entrepreneurship is best registered in the form of Freiberufler.

From a legal point of view, this person is a businessman. At the same time, he makes money for himself. The type of activity under German law is not business. This form of doing business can be translated into Russian as “representatives of free professions”. It is implied that such people have great knowledge, high qualifications and have considerable experience.

Leading such activities have tax incentives. They do not pay entrepreneurial tax. But at the same time, like all other businessmen, they are required to pay value added tax to the treasury. Representatives of free professions and income tax pay.

What can be done to open a business in Germany?

To start your entrepreneurial career, the best option is chosen. You can just buy a small business in Germany. Doing business in this economically developed country is an opportunity to receive guaranteed income.

It is recommended to make a purchase with the help of an intermediary company. Professionals will provide services not only in acquiring, but also will advise in the direction of using an existing existing business. Investors are interested in hotels and restaurants, car washes and gas stations, car shops and consumer services, construction companies, etc.

Buying a finished business

In the international market, Germany has long been considered a country of profitable and reliable real estate investment. In recent years, the number of financial players who invest in the income-generating activities of this country has increased several times. Ready business in Germany is a profitable acquisition. Investors can save their capital in a stable economy, while receiving a guaranteed income.

doing business in germany

Business ideas in Germany are diverse. Investors are offered offices and shops, apartment buildings and other assets. In addition, when acquiring profitable real estate, business emigration to Germany or the issuance of a residence permit is possible.

Investors can often have certain problems. They are associated with the fact that the acquired property has to be managed. To generate income, you must also maintain it and contact the tenants.

However, there is a more profitable turnkey business in Germany. This is an investment in rental property. Moreover, the ease in obtaining income from it is obvious.

A profitable business can be purchased with a loan or a mortgage at a German bank. At the same time, it is preferable to purchase real estate in Hesse, Berlin, Bavaria or Westphalia, which are the most stable regions in economic terms.

What is more profitable to purchase?

Business ideas in Germany are diverse. However, the most stable income can be obtained from the purchase of an apartment building. Renting apartments brings a low profit. However, this income is the least risky and the most liquid. This is explained by the fact that apartments in the house can be sold one at a time. At the same time, finding a buyer for such a business is easier than for any large object, because the existing demand for rental apartments is high and very stable.

In the event that your financial capital is significant, it is recommended that you buy a supermarket or store in Germany. This will be a great investment. Supermarkets and shops are sold at the conclusion of long-term lease agreements. The profitability of such an investment is from seven to eleven percent annually.

A fixed percentage of income will allow you to get the hotel purchased. The hotel business is one of the most popular destinations for guaranteed income.

The most secure and stable thing is buying a home for the elderly. After all, these institutions are under state care.

A new pan-European trend in alternative power supplies is the solar park. Its purchase will also allow you to receive a guaranteed income.

Immigration Terms

For several years, Germany has been reluctant to accept those who lacked a solid start-up capital and business experience. Currently business emigration to Germany greatly simplified. This happened after the Law on the Stay, Fishing Activities and Integration of Aliens entered into force in the summer of 2012. This document abolished the serious restrictions that existed for those entrepreneurs who were counting on obtaining a residence permit.

New conditions

The adopted law lifted the bar for minimum investment. Prior to this, business immigration to Germany was possible with a starting capital of two hundred and fifty thousand euros. The prerequisite for creating at least five jobs was also abolished.

The regulations valid until the summer of 2012 required a foreign citizen to draw up a business plan. The submitted documents should have been reviewed by a special competent commission. However, she approved only those plans that were of particular economic interest to the country. Currently, the specifics of the enterprise is not subject to rigorous verification.

Significant changes affected the list of applicants for doing business.Now, foreign students who have graduated from German universities can open their own business in Germany. Prior to this law, they could stay in the country only on condition of employment as an employee in any company.

It is worth emphasizing one nuance. Graduates can open their business only in the specialty they have acquired.

Earning income

As you can see business immigration to Germany became more accessible. However, not every visitor will be able to achieve significant financial success in this country. Only a person with certain knowledge and a decent amount can occupy a certain niche in Germany. At the same time, it is worth remembering about the economic turmoil caused by the European crisis.

There are not many people in our country who have a real idea of ​​how to create a business in a difficult environment. It is important to remember that in Germany it is impossible to feed on profits from an unsightly kiosk selling tobacco, or from the income of a vending machine that gives out a smelling liquid instead of coffee.


In the event that you are confident in your own strength, act! All efforts to start a business will take four to five months. You can delegate the bulk of the preparatory work to a legal agency. Of course, here you will have to pay for services, but at the same time you will save time and make sure of various missteps during registration.

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