
Supervisory authorities of the Russian Federation: rights, authorities. Prosecutor's Office - Supervisory Authority

State oversight bodies carry out their tasks independently and independently. The activities of these structures are carried out in accordance with principles of legality professionalism, publicity, social orientation and justice. Let us further consider what supervisory bodies of the Russian Federation exist, what are their powers and tasks. supervisor

General information

In Russia, the formation of a system of supervision and control took place jointly with other institutions. It provided a safety net and a certain duplicate effect on the life of society. Meanwhile, it is quite obvious that the control and supervision function has its own specifics. It is expressed in the special principles of the work of authorized institutions. In particular, in their activities, the supervisory authorities of the Russian Federation are guided by the following special provisions:

  1. Timeliness of response.
  2. Priority of creative (corrective) control / supervision.
  3. Impartiality in the performance of their tasks.

The rights of supervisory authorities are regulated by federal legislation, as well as industry regulations.

Public Relations

Supervisory authorities are represented by structures:

  • public administration;
  • health and safety;
  • labor and social protection;
  • insurance and financial and credit operations;
  • trade, agriculture, industry, economics;
  • culture and education;
  • information and communication. supervisory authorities of the russian federation

Such a division into spheres of influence provides several advantages. On the one hand, it allows you to identify categories that include homogeneous and closely related control and supervisory bodies, and on the other hand, it is better to understand the essence and competence of each institution individually.

Energy Efficiency Survey

It is carried out by a specially authorized by the president oversight body. By presidential decree, this task is assigned to the Ministry of Energy and Fuel. A mandatory check is carried out in relation to enterprises whose annual resource consumption is more than 6 thousand tons of conventional or more than 1 thousand tons of motor fuel. Moreover, the legal form of these companies will not matter. Energy inspection of other enterprises, the annual consumption of resources in which is less than these indicators, is carried out by decision of the executive bodies of the entity in which it operates. The authorized regional structures include the departments of energy, fuel and tariff regulation. supervisory authorities

Communication and informatization

The audit in this area is carried out by the Ministry of Communications. In the subjects of the country, supervision is carried out by departments. They act as state institutions and are subordinate to the ministry. Gosstandart is responsible for compliance with requirements, standards, certification rules. This supervisor also coordinates the circulation of certified products, works and services.


The main task of the units of the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision is to verify the effective and targeted use of state funds. Until 2004 (the year the FSFNB was founded), these activities were carried out by the territorial audit departments under the Ministry of Finance. After reforming the structure of the ministry, the new supervisor is responsible for the implementation of budget legislation:

  1. Legal entities.
  2. By citizens.
  3. Local and government agencies, as well as their officials. prosecutor's office supervisor

Presidential Directorate

This supervisor carries out its activities in accordance with Decree No. 383. The main tasks of this institute are:

  1. Organization of supervision and verification of the work of regional and federal executive structures and their leaders.
  2. Interaction with these institutions in the implementation of their activities.
  3. Preparation of proposals for improving the work of subordinate institutions of power.
  4. Coordination of activities carried out by state supervisory authorities.
  5. Methodological management of the apparatus of the plenipotentiary of the President in the Federal District on these issues. state supervisory authorities

Accounts Chamber

She acts in fact the highest institution of financial control in the state. According to Art. 101 of the Constitution, the Accounts Chamber is formed by the State Duma and the Federation Council. The objectives of this institute are:

  1. Organization and control over the timely execution of expenditure and revenue items of budgets of all levels.
  2. Establishing the efficiency / feasibility of costs from federal funds, the use of state property.
  3. Financial expertise of draft laws and regulations of federal structures related to the public sector.
  4. Assessment of the validity of economic plans.
  5. Analysis of detected deviations from planned indicators in the process of budget execution, preparation of proposals for their elimination.
  6. Monitoring the legality and timeliness of the movement of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds in the Central Bank and other authorized financial institutions.

At the heart of all activities conducted by the Accounts Chamber are audits. Inspection by the supervisor is carried out at the location of the facilities.

Ministry of Economic Development

This institute carries out the development and implementation of state policy in the socio-economic sphere. The Ministry has supervisory powers in the areas of:

  • Regulation of licensing processes for certain activities.
  • Pricing.
  • Improving the public sector.
  • Foreign economic cooperation, etc. supervisory rights

The ministry is entrusted with the functions of state regulation of domestic trade. In this regard, the institute is called upon to monitor prices, monitor compliance with the rules and norms of trading activities, check the quality and safety of consumer goods, and conduct audits at enterprises and institutions under its jurisdiction.

Ministry of Finance

This ministry acts as an executive body ensuring the implementation of a single tax, financial and currency policy. The Institute also coordinates work in this area and other authorized structures. The Ministry of Finance has the following functions:

  1. Control over the use of budgetary and extra-budgetary public funds.
  2. Participation in the development of rules and organization of monitoring the receipt of income from property classified as federal property.
  3. Monitoring the solvency of insurance companies and overseeing their work.
  4. Participation in the development and implementation of a single audit policy.
  5. Trial control and supervision of operations with precious metals and precious stones.
  6. Conducting audits. government oversight bodies

Federal Tax Service

The federal tax service is formed by an independent and centralized system of inspection bodies. The Institute's tasks include:

  1. Monitoring compliance with tax laws.
  2. Analysis of the correctness of deductions, timeliness and completeness of making mandatory payments to the appropriate budget.

Customs Service

The following tasks are assigned to this institute:

  1. Customs clearance and control of objects moving across the state border to accelerate cross-border trade.
  2. Collection of duties, fees, taxes.
  3. Checking the correctness of accrual, timeliness and completeness of payment of the established amounts.
  4. Taking measures for the compulsory collection of fees, duties, taxes.
  5. Combating smuggling and administrative and criminal offenses.
  6. Customs accounting and statistics.

Central Bank

The central bank exercises its control functions independently of other government agencies. In its activities, this institution is governed by the Constitution and Federal Law No. 86. The main task of the Central Bank is to protect and ensure the stability of the national currency (ruble) in the country. In this regard, money issue acts as the exclusive prerogative of the Central Bank. Among the control functions of the institute should be noted:

  1. Licensing, state registration and analysis of credit companies.
  2. Currency control and regulation.
  3. Conducting audits of subordinate institutions.

Judicial and law enforcement authorities

These include:

  1. Supreme, Supreme Arbitration Courts.
  2. Ministry of Justice.
  3. The prosecutor’s office.
  4. Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Their activities are aimed at ensuring systematic monitoring of compliance with the provisions of the current legislation in the country. Their powers extend to all citizens, enterprises, institutions. The prosecutor's office is a supervisory authority that carries out activities in several areas. First of all, it is subject to representative, executive regional and municipal structures, military administration. The prosecutor's office is a supervisory authority that monitors the observance of freedoms and rights of citizens by these institutions, their leaders and officials. Its powers extend to commercial and non-commercial enterprises. The prosecutor's office also monitors the implementation of the law by units conducting preliminary investigations, inquiries, and search activities.

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