
The prosecutor's office is a government agency that oversees the implementation of laws. The structure and powers of the prosecutor's office

Legality in the state is supported by various bodies and departments. One of them is the prosecutor's office. This is an organization whose tasks include initiating and investigating criminal cases, controlling other bodies involved in various public policy issues. This authority has enough authority to influence the fate of people. Therefore, it is desirable to understand how it works. Let's get it right.

the prosecutor’s office is

General definition

In Russia, the prosecutor's office is a centralized system of organs. She is united and closes to the federal level. On behalf of the state, it oversees compliance with the provisions of the Constitution and other laws. The main thing in her work is the protection of the rights of citizens.

The prosecutor's office is an organization that is founded to protect the rule of law in the country. It protects human freedoms, the interests of society and the state. Her work is based on constitutional principles, the law on the prosecutor's office, and other legal acts. Its structure is rather complicated. It includes: the Prosecutor General’s Office, the relevant authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, specialized units, research institutions, educational organizations, the press, and territorial branches (city, district, etc.). It should be noted that specialists in this field need to cover almost the entire society with supervision. And it, as you know, has a rather complicated structure. Part prosecution systems is an investigative committee. He has his own tasks.

Russian prosecutor's office

investigative committee

We often hear about high-profile crimes, caught bribe takers, huge thefts from the budget. Such things The Investigative Committee (SC) is involved. This body is included in the structure of the prosecutor's office, but is not directly subordinate to it. Investigations are conducted jointly.

In practice, the UK collects and studies materials, makes conclusions that are submitted to the prosecutor's office to support the prosecution. The system is quite complex, it may seem confusing. But such is most convenient for the current state. The prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, as it were, is divided into two parts, because the Investigative Committee is isolated from the general structure. This helps prevent corruption in the system of bodies investigating cases against people who are, to put it mildly, wealthy, with serious ties.

SC, in turn, consists of a whole system of units. It is similar to that of which the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation consists. It includes the main department (in Moscow), branches in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional and city structures. Each works with the corresponding prosecutor's office.

Moscow prosecutor's office

Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

This is the name of the person who heads the department. He is appointed by the Federation Council. They also determine who will become his deputies. One of them is headed by the military prosecutor's office. The general has assistants and advisers. In addition, under his leadership, departments and divisions are created that share among themselves the main responsibilities of the department. That is one structural subdivision controls the relevant area of ​​responsibility.

The Attorney General manages the entire system. He issues orders, signs orders, gives instructions. They are mandatory for employees of the system. It turns out that the person holding this position is responsible for everything that the prosecution authorities do.He is charged with the separation of duties, the formation of structure and staff, the distribution of the wage fund, and the monitoring of the implementation of constitutional duties. It is clear that the figure is influential, with serious power.

prosecution authorities


Since the prosecutor’s office is an organ that monitors the implementation of the law, it has many tasks:

  • coordination of law enforcement in the fight against crime;
  • control over the implementation of legislation by state bodies and employees;
  • investigation of high-profile and particularly significant crimes;
  • supervision of the observance of the rights of citizens in all areas;
  • control over compliance with laws by the bodies that carry out the preliminary investigation, operational investigative work, inquiry and so on.

Behind the above list is a very serious and voluminous work. Each direction should be considered as a separate task. And field offices carry out everything within the jurisdiction. So, the Moscow prosecutor’s office is engaged in surveillance and investigation within the city and so on. All territorial units work in close cooperation.

military prosecutor

Special prosecutors

These include military, environmental and other prosecutors. Each branch management has its own tasks. They control the implementation of laws by those state bodies and enterprises that conduct activities in this area. Moreover, all prosecution bodies are subordinate to one official. They obey his orders and instructions, but operate within a certain sphere.

The military prosecutor’s office deals with the affairs of people in uniform. Environmental controls the legislation governing the use of land, minerals and other wealth, including plant and animal resources. Other units cannot intervene in their field of activity. For example, the regional prosecutor’s office must transfer the case brought against an acting army officer to the military and so on.

Who is taken to the prosecutor?

If a young man is interested in such work, he should go to the law faculty of the university. Only people with higher education are admitted to the prosecutor's office. An educational institution must have state accreditation. The restrictions for prosecutors are very serious. In addition to education, you must have a good reputation and work experience. Convicts will not be appointed to a post in such a structure.

You must have Russian citizenship and be a competent citizen. If the court forbade a person to hold a public office, then the doors of the prosecutor’s office will close before him. There are also health and age restrictions. People hired are required to disclose all information about themselves. Failure means instant dismissal. The state entrusted these people with very serious responsibilities. As a result, the atmosphere in society depends on their honesty. And from it, in turn, is the stability of the state. Therefore, prosecutors pass a serious check.

prosecutor's office

Other restrictions associated with the service

It’s simpler to say that it is possible for the prosecutor than to list what is forbidden to him. But we will try to name the main:

  • receive money both for services and for work, in addition to the content that is provided by the state;
  • to hold a position in direct subordination with a close relative;
  • become a deputy at any level;
  • engage in business personally or through other persons;
  • be part of the management body of a commercial organization;
  • receive remuneration for speeches and publications that he is obliged to carry out on the job.

The prosecutor may engage in teaching, creativity or science. For this, he is allowed to take payment. But she will have to declare and explain where the income comes from. Everything is very serious. For violation, a person may lose his post.


Everything described applies to the entire system.For example, the Moscow prosecutor's office performs each of these tasks. It has the same personnel restrictions. People are checked and controlled so that they do not take bribes, do not engage in illegal activities. Serious and hard work. But it’s very interesting.

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