
Rospotrebnadzor: functions and powers. What does Rospotrebnadzor do

Rospotrebnadzor is a government agency whose name has been heard by almost every person living in Russia. However, what Rospotrebnadzor does, what responsibilities are attributed to it by higher legislative bodies, and, conversely, what powers are granted to it, not everyone knows. The article below details all of the issues listed.

Subjects and Rospotrebnadzor

Moscow: in June 2004, the supreme legislative body of the country, the Government, issued a Decree that effectively ratified the Regulation governing the activities of Rospotrebnadzor. It should be noted that this name of the body is abbreviated, the full name of this institution is the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Protection and Human Well-being. The main purpose of this service is to monitor compliance by all business entities, which include individual entrepreneurs, organizations and other institutions, with the human rights law, and more precisely, with consumer rights.

Who is a consumer is pretty easy to understand. This is any person who has decided to use or has already used the services of such businessmen. In other words, a consumer is a person who has purchased a product or ordered a service. When buying products in a store, a person automatically becomes a consumer. Moreover, even people who do not leave their homes are also considered as such, because they use the services of utilities. Those provide them with electricity, water, heat, and thus are the performers, and the citizens who use them are consumers.Rospotrebnadzor functions

Thus, in legal relations arising between citizens and entrepreneurs regarding the sale of goods or the provision of services, there are always two parties - the buyer and seller (consumer and contractor). At the same time, the rights and interests of the former are protected by the law on consumer rights, and Rospotrebnadzor is responsible for compliance with this law, the functions and powers of which, of course, are not limited to this.

Sanitation control

So, Rospotrebnadzor, whose functions are defined in the above Government Decree, is not only involved in monitoring compliance with the law on consumer protection. Among its other main functions, the following can be noted.

This regulatory body is authorized to verify compliance by all business entities with sanitary legislation. And this is combined with the function of consumer protection. After all, the interests of the end consumer directly depend on how well the entrepreneur complies with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements. For example, a restaurant or other catering establishment is required to comply with all kinds of sanitation standards, and if this does not happen, if these requirements are grossly violated, then the consumer of these services or the buyer may suffer. To prevent this from happening, Rospotrebnadzor, whose functions are in this, warns of possible harm to citizens by conducting checks. If violations are detected during such an inspection, then the employees of this regulatory body have the right to impose a fine and, even in especially severe cases, terminate the activities of businessmen.

Control over the implementation of certain types of products

Next important function mentioned supervisor is the exercise of control over the correct implementation of certain groups of goods. To be more precise, the legislator has established certain rules for their sale of certain goods, which business entities must adhere to. In case of violation of such rules, the guilty person faces a fine, and the control over their observance just implements Rospotrebnadzor. The functions of this authorized body involve the necessary checks in certain cases to detect such violations. For example, the legislative body of the country adopted a decree on the procedure and rules for the sale of alcohol-containing products. As you know, the sale of alcoholic beverages by this normative act is allowed only at certain times of the day. At night, such a sale is prohibited and threatens with punishment. Rospotrebnadzor, the address of which every citizen needs to know, is empowered to carry out the necessary measures to identify these violators.Rospotrebnadzor address

Import of products

Inspection of Rospotrebnadzor is required for goods imported into Russia. Employees of this department should check all products that come from abroad for compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements established in the state. To do this, they conduct quarantine control and other activities. As you know, often from abroad comes products that, to put it mildly, do not meet the standards established in Russia. For example, not so long ago, when inspecting cargo from the European Union, the Rospotrebnadzor service found that chicken imported into the territory of the Russian Federation did not meet the requirements. All cargo was delayed and not allowed on the domestic market. These requirements may be different, depending on which goods are imported, the experts of the department under consideration are guided by that GOST or other legal act.

Food reserve

The Regulation on Rospotrebnadzor entrusts the latter with the obligation to control the quality of products from flour, pasta, bread and derivative goods, if they are the subject of public procurement. But, besides this, the department of Rospotrebnadzor checks all listed goods, if they are subject to import or export from the country. This function of a state body is understandable. Bread and flour products are essential commodities, the state provides a special reserve of these products in case of market instability. Therefore, the quality of such products plays a paramount role, since the food situation in the state will depend on it at some point. Simply put, the state must be sure that the reserves of grain products are protected, and these products will not rot in the near future. It depends on quality directly. Carries out the necessary expertise to verify this quality Rospotrebnadzor. St. Petersburg or any other city in the country has the appropriate division of this department.Rospotrebnadzor St. Petersburg

Product Energy Efficiency

The functions of the state body under consideration are numerous, most of them are related to the protection of the rights of ordinary buyers. So, among his responsibilities is the development of appropriate rules, on the basis of which manufacturers are required to affix the necessary markings on their product, if it is associated with electricity. Organizations involved in the manufacture of these devices should notify future buyers of the characteristics of such products, in particular, their energy efficiency. This information should be included in the technical documentation of the goods, but in addition to this, the law provides that this information should be placed on the label so that the potential buyer could freely familiarize himself with it.

Child protection

Recently, the Russian Federation has been doing a lot of work in the field of protecting children from the adverse and negative influences that all kinds of information sources can bring. One of the public authorities that monitor compliance with all requirements for such sources of information and for the information they post is Rospotrebnadzor for the Protection of Consumer Rights. This state executive agency obliged to take all measures to prevent the negative impact of information sources on the younger generation.

For example, as many have noticed, in recent years, when showing all the films, a certain gradation was established that determines which films can be watched by children and which cannot. Of course, these are recommended indicators, but they are established in conjunction with the specialists of Rospotrebnadzor. Its experts conduct various expert surveys of new film projects, which are planned to be released to all residents of the country. After such examinations, the film is categorized, if experts believe that the content can harm the psyche of a child or teenager, then the restriction is put on a certain age.Rospotrebnadzor phone

There are a lot of examples of such functions of the Rospotrebnadzor related to the establishment of the classification of different information products. However, the only thing that unites them is the goal - to protect children and adolescents from the negative influence of information sources, to protect their health, not only physiological, but also mental. According to the legislator, information intended for adults cannot be shown and is available to minors. Therefore, Rospotrebnadzor exercises control in this area, requiring those working in the field of information to place on their products (for example, DVDs, tapes, magazines, newspapers, etc.) an appropriate identifier indicating which category of the population they are designed for and who should limit their implementation.


Legislative acts of Russia stipulate that certain types of entrepreneurial activity are subject to mandatory licensing. Without this procedure, such an activity would be considered illegal, moreover, it would be prosecuted. For example, licensing is necessary for some types of construction activities, for the sale and manufacture of alcoholic beverages, for the production of fire-fighting products, and much more. Depending on what the organization or private entrepreneur plans to do, the government body that will issue the license will also be determined. Such bodies are called licensors.

Rospotrebnadzor is also a licensor. He is authorized to issue licenses to businessmen for activities related to the use and use of pathogens of infectious diseases of both humans and animals. Another area of ​​entrepreneurship that is subject to licensing, and the licensor is Rospotrebnadzor, is considered to be activities related to sources of ionizing radiation. Any entrepreneur who wishes to engage in the listed projects and works should collect the necessary package of documents and contact the Rospotrebnadzor.Rospotrebnadzor Moscow

Like any other licensor, the inspection of Rospotrebnadzor consists in analyzing the entire package of documents submitted by the licensee, and if there are any shortcomings, then refusing to issue a license. If all the documents are in order, then the functions of this state body include issuing a license according to the model established by law.

Registration functions

Rospotrebnazor carries out some registration actions. Among these can be called:

  1. Realization of registration of the beginning of some types of works and services that organizations and private entrepreneurs plan to start.
  2. It registers and determines indicators of deterioration in water supply, in particular, drinking and hot water.
  3. It registers and establishes certain characteristics for determining the quality of drinking water.
  4. Rospotrebnadzor, the telephone number of the territorial authority of which can be found on the corresponding official website, carries out, in addition to the above, registration of new drugs (biological, chemical) that are potentially dangerous to humans. This does not apply to medicines, the licensor of which is a completely different government agency.
  5. In addition to drugs, it also registers other types of goods that pose a danger to people, Rospotrebnadzor. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Volgograd - wherever new funds appear, everything must go through this executive body.
  6. The duties of the state body under consideration include the registration of certain products and goods (including food), which are first imported into Russia.
  7. One of the responsibilities of this organization is to record and register people who, as a result of their work, have been exposed to radiation. These include people who eliminated the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, as well as people who lived in that area. Registration in Rospotrebnadzor are also subject to other people who have been irradiated. The need for such registration is that the employees of this department could provide direct assistance to these persons or, at least, make sure that their rights are not violated.

Department of RospotrebnadzorThis is not an exhaustive list of what Rospotrebnazor registers. There are quite a few other actions that are subject to accounting by this body.

Functions in the field of sanitary and epidemiological situation

As mentioned above, the body monitors compliance with sanitary conditions, the sanitary conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor is a necessary condition for the implementation of many activities. However, there is a similar line of activity with this, but in more global conditions. Somehow, these functions overlap with the responsibilities of health authorities. So, Rospotrebnadzor is obliged to carry out appropriate measures that are aimed at identifying, establishing the causes that accompany the occurrence of infectious diseases and poisoning. In urgent cases, the leadership of this body is tasked with notifying all interested organizations of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the region. These organizations include local governments, government bodies, and administrations of constituent entities of Russia. The population of the region in which the territorial administration of Rospotrebnadzor is located must also be notified. If a negative situation develops in the subject of the federation, then the specialists of Rospotrebnadzor must take appropriate action. They are required to prepare the necessary recommendations and action plan, and if necessary, establish quarantine control or other restrictive measures. For these purposes, social and hygienic procedures are also carried out.

As you can see, the organization has a lot of authority in the field of sanitation, and therefore the Rospotrebnadzor’s rights include the supervision of such a well-known service as the SES. The supervisor takes appropriate measures to prevent a crisis in the sanitary and epidemiological situation. These measures are the development of all kinds of norms and standards in this area. However, in addition to the fact that this body is developing standards, it also ensures that all organizations and entrepreneurs comply with them.Therefore, in the event of a violation by the latter of these rules, the state organization is entrusted with the responsibility of holding perpetrators accountable.

Other functions

In addition to the above, the functions of the state department include such as receiving applications from citizens, their consideration and adoption of measures. Individuals whose rights and interests in the field of consumption have been violated can apply to the territorial Rospotrebnadzor. They have the right to demand that they carefully consider their complaint and make a decision in accordance with the law.

In order to conduct its business properly, Rospotrebnadzor, whose telephone number can be found in the free telephone inquiry service of any city, coordinates its actions not only with organizations within the country, but also with the competent authorities of foreign states. This cooperation is most clearly manifested in the export and import of goods.


Rospotrebnadzor (Moscow) is headed by a chief, who is appointed by the highest executive body of the country (Government). This head also has another name - the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia. It was he who was entrusted with the duty to ensure that all territorial divisions qualitatively fulfill the functions assigned to them. As in all organizations, the head has deputies, as well as he, appointed by the Government, but already on the basis of his application.inspection of consumer protection supervision

Thus, Rospotrebnadzor (the head office in Moscow is Vadkovsky Lane, Building 18, Buildings 5 ​​and 7) is a very important state body that has certain responsibilities that are objectively and subjectively related to human rights in the field of consumption. Without this organization, the existence of a state would be unthinkable, and the rights of ordinary citizens would no longer be protected with that quality. The significance of what Rospotrebnadzor does and the functions listed in this article are not a complete list. In addition to them, there are many other relevant and secondary issues that only this organization can solve.

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