
Social, economic and cultural rights of man and citizen: definition, features and description

In the seventies of the twentieth century, a steady division of human rights into three groups was entrenched in society. The first includes personal and political, the second - social and cultural, as well as economic. The third group is collective. This article will focus on such a thing as economic, social and cultural human rights.

Division history

As said in his report chairman of the constitutional court Russian Valery Zorkin, social, economic and cultural human rights were initially enshrined in the USSR. This category includes what the people defended in the struggle for their worthy position. This category has long been enshrined in law, including at the international level. Today, international organizations often emphasize the importance of this group of rights for everyone.

Personal rights belong to a person from his very birth, and no one can take them from him. So, everyone has the right to life, deserves to be respected, has absolute freedom and can defend the inviolability of his private property and personal life. If necessary, anyone can demand a lawsuit and claim their right to presumption of innocence.

There are exceptions in terms of accessibility. Some of the rights may belong exclusively to citizens of a certain state. Or, for example, take effect when a person reaches adulthood.

Collective rights include the right to peace, to disarmament, to a healthy environment, etc.

Economic and social human rights

This group includes those factors that determine the economic situation of a person in society, give him a guarantee of economic security and create conditions in which people will not know the need.

  • In accordance with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, everyone can choose a job to their taste and needs. A person must work in acceptable and comfortable conditions and be protected by the state from unemployment. For equal work, people should receive equal pay. Each employee, of course, has the right to fair remuneration, able to provide for himself and his family. If necessary, wages should be supplemented by social benefits from the state. In order to defend their interests, each person can create a union independently or join an existing one. The right to work is also supported by other international acts: the European Social Charter of 1961 and the UN Covenant on Socio-Economic and Cultural Rights of 1966.
  • A person must not only work, but also rest properly. Therefore, working hours should be reasonable in terms of duration. A person should be granted the right to paid rest.

cultural rights and freedoms of man

Other social rights of citizens

  • Some people are entitled to social security. A person should feel the support of society in the event of permanent or temporary incapacity for work, forced unemployment, in case of reaching retirement age and loss of a breadwinner, etc.
  • Anyone has the right to housing. Adequately secured, legally assigned to him, suitable for living.
  • Everyone has the right to a decent standard of living - food, clothing, housing, medical care and social protection.At the same time, these guarantees extend not only to the citizen himself, but also to his entire family.
  • All citizens should be provided with decent medical care. Medicines, maintaining hospitals up to date, quality services, qualified staff, confidentiality in providing assistance. Medical care should be available to everyone! There can be no question of any discrimination.

economic social and cultural human rights

Of course, the state should take care of its citizens and prevent violations of their interests. But, as we see, this has not yet been fully realized by any state. Nevertheless, there is still a tendency to increase the level of protection of the rights of citizens in society.

Violation of the right to health

A gross violation is the refusal of free medical institutions to treat a person, justifying this by his lack of registration in the relevant region. After all, if a person has a policy, they must treat him, regardless of where he is registered. But sometimes for this you need to re-arrange insurance documents. It is absolutely free.

Health issues

Another problem is the low level of service in many medical institutions in our country. Lack of necessary equipment, vital medicines, corruption. Many hospitals are in a really poor state, and staying in them, paradoxically as it sounds, can result in a deterioration in health status.

social and cultural human rights

The real salvation for many is charitable foundations. With their help, you can attract the attention of government agencies and as many people as possible to health problems. Thanks to such funds, new hospitals are being built, expensive equipment is being purchased, and vital medicines are brought from abroad. Nevertheless, the problem of access to healthcare for citizens still remains an acute one. We can say that in this case social rights are violated.

economic social and cultural human rights

Cultural human rights

  • The right to education. Training should be accessible to everyone. It must be acceptable and adaptable. The state guarantees free primary education, but higher education only seeks to become free and accessible to all. Separately, international acts emphasize that all teachers must have "academic freedom." Any discrimination in the field of education is prohibited.
  • The right to access cultural property. In order for the state to properly develop in various fields, its citizens, of course, must have access to the cultural values ​​and cultural heritage of the state. A person should be able to freely manage the achievements of the spiritual sphere: to develop creatively, acquire new knowledge and share his experience, including with subsequent generations. He also has the right to demand the elimination of circumstances that impede his free access to cultural property.

cultural rights of man and citizen

  • The right to participate directly in the cultural development of society.
  • The right to be creative, to express oneself.

cultural human rights of the russian federation

  • The right to enjoy the results of scientific progress and other cultural rights and freedoms of man.

Human right to cultural life

Everyone has the right to join the spiritual life of society, to use cultural institutions. These include libraries, museums, archives and other similar objects. They should be freely available to all. After all, how else will a person develop spiritually and even physically, participate in the life of society, transfer his knowledge and remain the engine of progress?

The problem of access to cultural property in Russia

Unfortunately, currently in Russia there is a huge problem of the accessibility of spiritual values, which violates the cultural human rights of the Russian Federation. For example, in the vast majority of Russian cities there are no children's theaters at all.And with adults, not everything is going smoothly. A fifth of all theaters are concentrated in the Moscow region and in Moscow. St. Petersburg can also boast of them. There is no need to talk about theaters in small towns and remote places. Usually they are simply not there.

cultural human rights

The level of education in many educational institutions in Russia also leaves much to be desired. Many provincial schools lack the necessary textbooks, other educational literature, and the necessary equipment. Parents of students are forced to purchase books on their own and often at very high prices.

Consequences of violation of citizens' free access to cultural property

As a result, more than half of the Russian population cannot gain access to cultural property to the proper extent. Thus, social inequality arises. The population, not finding the proper standard of living in their small homeland, seeks to leave to live in another place. This is one of the factors affecting the outflow of people from small cities. And this, in turn, entails other problems that are no longer directly related to the spiritual sphere.

This is one of the reasons why it is impossible to violate the cultural rights of a person and a citizen, and why they are protected by the state and international acts.

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