
Driving a car without a license. Traffic police fines

How often are traffic violations? According to the traffic police, in the Moscow region alone, about 630 accidents occur every month with outcomes of varying degrees (the number of deaths on the roads for 9 months of 2015 amounted to 985 people), not to mention the all-Russian report. The numbers are frightening, they are struggling with this situation, and often the causes of accidents are incompetent drivers who take control of the car without a license.

driving without a license

What is being done to deal with violators

There are persistent rumors about the development of a financial measure to punish malicious traffic violators. Perhaps a good measure will be the planned increase in the cost of the insurance policy, and it will affect only those who are malicious violators and allow, in particular, driving without a license. An increase in the cost of the policy will be triggered by the introduction of a calculation factor that is formed by those who ignore traffic rules and practice dangerous driving. But these are only plans and projects, and whether this measure will actually be taken, we will find out in the near future ... In the meantime, the most effective measures to combat violators of traffic rules are fines and driving deprivation.

Your documents, please!

fine for driving without a license

So, what a respectable driver should definitely keep with him:

  1. The driver’s license (or a temporary permit for the right to drive a vehicle, hereinafter - TS).
  2. Documents on registration of the vehicle.
  3. Compulsory liability insurance policy.

If the driver is driving a vehicle that is registered in a foreign country, he is obliged to present to the police officers documents for vehicles and papers with notes from customs authorities that confirm the temporary import of this vehicle.

Penalty for lack of rights

driving without a license what threatens

Art. 12.7 of the Russian Code ("On Administrative Offenses") provides for a certain penalty for driving without a license. An exception to the rule is training riding, in other cases the offense entails a fine ranging from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles. If a validity of a driver's license expired, the driver with such rights is equal to a person who does not have the right to drive the vehicle.

Penalty for driving after deprivation of rights

driving without a license Belarus

A trip without a license is a risky business ... Is it worth the effort if the result of such “pokatushek” may be punishment up to deprivation of a driver’s license? But for some, the lack of a license to drive a vehicle does not seem to be a weighty argument if you need to drive, and after deprivation, some manage to sit and go, daring to re-drive without a license. In this case, your wallet runs the risk of “losing weight” by 30,000 rubles, in addition, it faces an arrest of up to 15 days, and mandatory work for a period of 100-200 hours is also provided. For pregnant women, disabled people and some other socially unprotected categories of citizens, only penalties are provided for, no one will arrest them.

Driving a car without a license entails the detention of a vehicle by the traffic police inspector and putting him in a parking lot. And you won’t be able to resist this, because such an action of a police officer is regulated by article 12.7 (part two) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The legislation of the Russian Federation also provides for the responsibility for transferring the right to control the vehicle to those who do not have such a right or are deprived of it. According to Article 12.7 (Part III) of the Code of Administrative Offenses, such offenses entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of thirty thousand rubles.

Finally, a car can be taken from you if it is driven by a friend of yours who does not have a driver’s license and is not included in the car insurance policy.

Belorussian fines

As for our neighbors, in cases of driving without rights, Belarus also imposes considerable monetary sanctions on the violator. In this country, driving without a document confirming the right to drive a vehicle of this category can reach up to 1300 rubles in terms of. If the car is driven by a person who does not have rights (a minor, mentally ill, deprived of rights), or had masto transfer control of the vehicle to such a person, the fine for the offense can be from 3,500 to 13,000 Russian rubles. If the road user has repeatedly violated the rules (that is, he has already been fined for the actions described in the previous sentence), he can be fined from 13,000 to 33,000 rubles.

re-driving without a license

Related News

The punishment for driving without a license should be strict, and clearly with one fine a person should not pay off the crime. Indeed, in fact, such an action can be equated to carrying a weapon without permission to it. Today, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation proposes to equate driving without a license with a criminal offense and imprison a person for up to 4 years, as provided for in the Criminal Code (Article 222) for unauthorized possession of weapons. The amount of 15 thousand rubles seems to SK insignificant in comparison with the threat that the unfortunate driver can carry to all road users. How many inept and unaware rules of the road of “drivers” go on the road every day! After all, it is never known for certain - maybe a person forgot rights, or maybe they did not exist at all.

Accidentally forgot ...

But there are such cases - I ran out of the house at the last minute and forgot my passport, wallet, keys, rights ... In fact, it is still classified as driving without a license. What threatens such an offense to a motorist? A fine of 500 rubles (this is the minimum) in accordance with Article 12.3 (first part) of the Code of Administrative Offenses, in addition, the traffic police may hold your car until the details of the incident are clarified.

Timing, timing ...

Rights are issued for 10 years, and all drivers must ensure that the license does not turn out to be expired. Didn’t you take care of renewing the license in time and got behind the wheel? Driving without rights again - what threatens you can already guess - the punishment follows under article 12.7 of the same Code (paragraph one), namely a fine in the amount of five to fifteen thousand rubles. That is, in fact, a person with expired rights does not have them at all, and is it necessary to say that forgetfulness and carelessness are best “treated” by nothing more than a ruble.

Lost or stolen

punishment for driving without a license

A fine for driving without a license can sometimes be very offensive and unfair. If a nuisance happened, and you lost your rights at the behest of some thief, you should immediately send an appeal to the nearest registration point, write a statement about the theft. In this case, you will be issued a temporary certificate, which is allowed to travel for two months, until you get a new license. If a temporary driver’s license is not with you, then automatically you are a person who is deprived of his rights and is driving a vehicle. Then you are liable under article 12.7 with the same fines from 5 to 15 thousand rubles (the above article). If you succeed in convincing a traffic police officer that your rights have been stolen right now and you are going to the MREO for a temporary certificate, then the matter is different.

driving without a license

Lawyer Tips

Often a fine for driving without a license is not the only thing that threatens a negligent motorist. By a court decision, you may be required to not only do community service, but also be detained for fifteen days. If possible, resort to the services of a lawyer, moreover experienced and highly qualified.There are more and more cars every year, and the police do not have the time and energy to disassemble each case on the merits, so they will not listen to you if you are really guilty, but a competent lawyer can help in difficult times, mitigate the punishment. Yes, and a court decision can be turned in your favor if the lawyer tries for you.

The most important thing is never, under any circumstances, to drive while intoxicated and not to allow drunk friends and relatives to drive your car. Because for a “drunken ride” a fine of 30,000 rubles is imposed, this is supplemented by deprivation of rights for up to 2 years and the incredible risks to which you expose yourself and other road users. If you find yourself driving drunk repeatedly, you will be fined 50,000 rubles and deprived of your rights for 3 years.

Follow the rules of the road, be very careful and accurate, do not violate the speed limit, because it is better to drive slowly, but without adventure and risk!

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