
Normal working hours per week. Labor Code of the Russian Federation

So, today we will find out how much normal working hours are per week, and also per day. And indeed, all issues related to the work schedule and its length. These are very important points prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If you do not know them, you may come across a violation of your rights as an employee. Therefore, it is worth knowing the legislation of the country, as well as the labor standards. You can break them only under certain conditions. But, as a rule, employers do not comply with them. So how much should you work in a given time period? normal working hours per week


First of all, find out what is generally working time. You will have to fully understand this in order to know what is at stake. This term means the period in which an employee performs his duties in accordance with a labor or collective agreement. Also, this period includes other periods related to the work and the performance of their work functions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In other words, these are the periods in which you go to work and work.

Working hours in Russia are regulated by law. Certain restrictions are established on the duration of labor both per day and per week. They should be known for sure, because otherwise you can simply be deceived. And nobody wants to stay in processing. Moreover, such work should be additionally paid. So let's try to figure out what standards in the Russian Federation are set in relation to working time.

About Modes

Just before that, it’s worth a little talk about such a thing as working hours. This component is also extremely important. Often, the duration of the employee's job duties depends on her.

The employee’s working hours are regulated by the Labor Code, and is also established in accordance with an agreement between the employer and the employee. It provides for duration work week. Accordingly, it sets a special work schedule.

At the moment, according to regulatory acts, a 5/2, 6/1 mode, a rolling schedule, and an incomplete working week are possible. Some categories of workers have irregular working hours. Also, the concept of the regime includes the duration of a shift or daily work, the time of the beginning and end of workdays. The features do not end there. Working time and rest time, as a rule, are prescribed directly in the contract between the applicant and the employer, and also these components are part of the labor regime. Breaks are also included here.

As you can see, it’s not so difficult to understand what a regime is with regard to work. That's all for the rest and the length of the working day. Without this component, it is impossible to determine exactly how much and in what order to perform their duties.shift schedule

Chart Features

It is also necessary to pay attention to what features include the so-called work schedules. Without them, it is also relatively difficult to talk about the length of the working day. Yes, a certain norm is established by law per week, but it needs to be allocated to a specific number of days according to one or another principle. The work schedule here will help you understand when and which mode to choose.

For example, an irregular day is usually set for some special posts.It is found in Russia more and more often, but most of all it is in demand among IT managers and employees working in the field of computer technology (programming, design, development and project support).

There is such a thing as a flexible schedule. With him, usually the time of the beginning and end of work is determined by personal agreement of the parties. At the same time, it is important to comply with the established standards for the duration of labor per week. They cannot be exceeded. And the work schedule cannot indicate so-called overtime work.

Most often, the shift mode is set. It implies the division of the entire department of employees into several groups, each of which at a certain point in time fulfills its job duties. As a rule, it is applied when the production or activity of the company requires more time than can be established by law per day. Work shift occurs day and night.

Sometimes you can meet half-holiday. This feature occurs with some employees. More precisely, in certain categories of citizens. The shortened day is paid in accordance with the hours worked and cannot be counted as a full time worker.working time and rest time


What is the normal working time per week? Honestly, everything is extremely simple here. For a week, employees can’t work more than the set bar by the hour. Namely 40. So much for a week is allowed to work as much as possible, regardless of the established schedule.

True, there are exceptions. 40 hours of work is a generally accepted concept. Usually it applies to all able-bodied citizens. But as already mentioned, not always. In some cases, a shorter work week is possible. That's not all. The length of the working day, as a rule, also varies. But only certain categories of persons are entitled to such a bonus. Which ones?

A shorter work week may be set for minors based on their age. For example, up to 16 years, the labor week is reduced by 16 hours, and after this age and until adulthood - only by 4. Disabled persons of the 1st and 2nd groups should not produce more than 35 hours in a week. For employees working in hazardous work (or hazardous), the week will be shortened in the same way as for workers aged 16 to 18 years. Namely for 4 hours.

Special shots

Working time and rest time for certain categories of persons can be established either through a collective / labor contract, or on the basis of regulatory acts of the country. Current legislation indicates that certain categories of workers are endowed with this opportunity. For example, employees employed in the media (photo and video cameramen, journalists, etc.), film crews and production teams (theater associations, circus workers and others). For them, a working day and a similar week will be set in a special way. But at the same time, as a rule, the prescribed 40 hours cannot be exceeded. With rare exceptions, subject to special rules.

work schedule

For schoolchildren

Well, now it’s worth to find out how much is supposed to work per day in a particular case. For each category of citizens usually set their own characteristics in relation to the time of performance of official duties. The length of the working day is set by the employer and is written in your employment contract. Usually, only labor limits are specified in the Labor Code.

Pupils, for example, do not have the right to work more than 5 hours a day. But this is taking into account the fact that they are not yet 16 years old. After reaching this age, you can not work more than 7 hours. It is important to understand: the employee should not be trained. Otherwise, the established norms do not make any sense. The shift schedule will change significantly when it comes to the frame that goes to study.In such periods up to 16 years, you can work no more than 2.5 hours a day, and after and until adulthood - no more than 3.5. No overtime work for minors, and even trained employees, is not provided for by law.

Harmful production

The features do not end there. Not only juvenile cadres have any certain opportunities regarding the established work schedule and its duration. For example, workers in hazardous or hazardous work also have certain benefits.

The thing is that in this case the shift schedule will be set depending on the current working week. Possible work 36 and 30 hours (or less) for this period. In the first case, you can work a maximum of 8 hours, and in the second - 6. These are the restrictions placed on the employer. He has the right to ask the employee to stay overtime, but only for a certain amount of time. And subject to certain conditions, about them - a little later.

Generally accepted norm

What is the working day for a five-day working week? Given the bar on the clock, with an indicator of 40, it is not so difficult to understand this issue. In any case, the established norm is considered normal. And most often found in practice. To some extent, this is a regular (full) working day.

So, if you work 5 days a week, then the maximum performance of official duties per day can last only 8 hours. It is such a restriction that is obtained if we observe the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.working hours

But if you work more a day, then you need to work less every day. In practice, shifts of 12 hours and 10 are often found. In the first case, the 5/2 schedule is not suitable. You will have a lot of processing. Under such circumstances, you should go to work full 3 days, and the 4th - shortened. Or work it out completely, but taking into account overtime hours. In the second case, you need to work exactly 4 days. Everything else is either illegal labor, or part-time work, or overtime performance of duties.


The length of the working day can vary not only depending on the category to which the employee belongs, but also on the established time period. For example, before the weekend, the shift will be reduced by 1 hour. In other words, you will need to work less than a normal day for 60 minutes.

Exceptions are sometimes possible. If the enterprise is supposed to function on weekends, then the time worked by employees is compensated to one degree or another. Without material compensation, such a phenomenon is considered illegal. And you have every right not to go to work on holidays in this case. True, it is advisable to warn management of their intentions. In most cases, you will agree to some extent to compensate for the lost holiday.

What options are possible? Firstly, the transfer of the day off to another period. That is, you can take a break when you want, by prior agreement with the employer. Secondly, double wages. Or just enlarged. In the first case (when transferring the day off) your shift is paid in the same way as usual. In the second - in an increased size. So choose you. Typically, the remuneration for the worked day off is agreed upon between the employer and the employee.

At night

Annual working hours are calculated in accordance with the established work schedule for each employee. Most often, citizens say that they have to work about 1940-1970 hours in 12 months. But a lot depends on the established public holidays and weekends, holidays, as well as on the number of days in a given year. The calculation of this indicator is carried out regularly. In other words, annually. So rely on this indicator is not worth it. The length of the working week plays a large role.

Among other things, it is worth paying attention to the fact that some work even at night. AND night shifts also have certain features. And by duration, and by categories of citizens who may be employed in these areas.working time

Night time is considered to be from 10 pm to 6 am. And the duration of your shift should be reduced by an hour compared with daily work. Plus, not all employees can work at night. And there are also exceptions for the duration of the shift.

Without a reduced system, those personnel who were hired specifically for night work will work. For them, the norm is established in accordance with a labor or collective agreement. But this takes into account the normal working hours per week. Thus, at night, if you have a five-day week of work, you can count on fulfilling your duties as much as possible for 8 hours.

Please note: pregnant women, as well as disabled people and schoolchildren, are not allowed before night work. But all the rest, as a rule, can be assigned to this kind of work. But only after written consent. If a citizen is a woman with a child under 3 years old (or a minor with a disability), or a person who cares for a sick relative, or someone who is involved in the creation and execution of works of art, then such a frame has the full right to refuse night work at any time . This condition must be spelled out in the labor contract without fail and presented for review when agreeing on night work.

Overtime work

Now we know how much work time should be. The Labor Code clearly spells out the restrictions that the employer “imposes” on all sides in this sense. But sometimes you can go beyond the established weekly labor standards. Or at the request of the employee, or at the request of the head.

In the first case, work will be considered part-time work, in the second - overtime work. There is a huge difference between the two. The thing is that a part-time job cannot exceed 4 hours of additional labor per day, and no more than 16 hours per week can be earned. If you decide to earn extra money in another organization, then your activity should not harm the main place of work. And you will need permission from the employer.

But overtime to leave employees to perform official duties is possible only with written consent. At the same time, you can’t work in this mode for more than 2 days at a maximum output of 4 hours. And per year, overtime work cannot exceed 120 hours. Please note: additional labor at the initiative of the employer is paid in double amount (or even more, which is very rare in practice). That's all. Now we know the normal working hours per week and per day. As you can see, not everything is as difficult as it seems.annual working hours

Usually how much you have to work per shift depends on the work schedule. In practice, as a rule, 8 hours of work are offered. But in fact - constant overtime work. Moreover, without observing the rules established by law. Such acts are illegal. You have every right to demand compliance with the labor rules established in Russia. Or, as an option, just report to your employer. In practice, employees usually prefer to change jobs. So fewer problems arise.

In any case, we now know about the established standards. And you can use the acquired knowledge if necessary. No one has the right to violate the rules established by law!

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