
Normalized working day. Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The concept of working time. Normal working hours

Employment is an important moment in the life of every person. After you find a place of work, you will have to go there and carry out your duties. But only in a certain amount. It's about time. How long does normalized working day? What norms are provided by modern legislation regarding the duration of labor (per day, week)? Who benefits in this sense? All this is extremely important to know and understand. Otherwise, the employer will simply be able to deceive you after employment, constantly forcing you to work longer than stipulated by the employment contract. Or, initially, the duration of your shift will be beyond the scope of possible restrictions. All this is extremely unpleasant moments, so you should know your rights with respect to how much you should work.normalized working day

The concept

In Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation reveals a concept that plays an important role for work. Namely, what is working time. Not everyone is fully aware of what is included here. Therefore, before studying the duration of labor, you should understand what is working time.

This period represents the length of time in which the employee must perform his duties, according to the labor / collective agreement. It also includes other time stipulated by the Federal Acts and laws, as well as an agreement between the employer and the employee, relating to the time of work. Here is such a simple concept of working time.

We can say that this is just a period in which you must fulfill your duties. "Sitting at work," as some employees in Russia say. Everything is very simple. A much more complex issue is the topic of working hours.

Weekly rate

In Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates not only the concept of the working period. The thing is that here are some more rules for the duration thereof. So, for example, you can say exactly how much the employer has the right to load employees with work for a week.

In total, 40 hours are allotted for this. Every week, every able-bodied citizen is able to work out just as much as possible. There are exceptions, but not so many. By the way, if you think about it, then distributing 40 hours a week is not very difficult. Much depends directly on your schedule, but some rules in the Labor Code are also provided for in this regard.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that each employer is obliged to keep records of worked periods by each of his subordinates. Otherwise, the head violates the laws of the country. And it can be brought to justice.

Deviations from the norm

We already know the concept of working time. Moreover, it is no secret how much is allowed to work as much as possible per week. Only, as already mentioned, there are sometimes some exceptions. Both regarding the working day, and concerning the working week.st 91 tk rf

A shortened weekly schedule is provided for minors. If a citizen is not yet 16 years old, then a week he can work 16 hours less than everyone else. After reaching this age level and until adulthood, the norm will be 36 hours in 7 days. No more.

Normal working hours are reduced by 5 hours for disabled people of groups 1 and 2.In some cases, such employees for medical reasons are less able to work than is allowed (to the maximum). But the norm for disabled people per week is 35 hours.

Some personnel are employed in hazardous or hazardous work. For them, the Labor Code also provides for their bonuses. Such employees are allowed to perform their duties 4 weeks less than regular employees. Their working week is 36 hours.

Not completely

There is such a thing as a normalized working day. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for some deviations from the norm. For example, a part-time / week appointment.

According to the legislation of the country, the employer at the request of the employee must provide him with labor "in part". Only not everyone can count on such opportunities. As a rule, only pregnant women, as well as parents of children under 14 years of age (or persons with disabilities under 18), including those caring for a sick relative, are entitled to part-time work.working time concept

Please note that in this case there should not be any consequences for the social package. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a working day (incomplete) under such circumstances does not affect the provision of paid leave, sick leave and seniority. But earnings will directly depend on how much you have worked or how much work has been done. It turns out that for employees with part-time work, earnings are usually lower than for those who work according to the norm.

Norm for minors

But now you might think how much a normalized working day is. I’ll have to immediately note for myself that the category of citizens in question plays a huge role. As already noted, the work week differs in its duration in certain cases. Similarly, at the bottom (shift), this is reflected.

The first step is to understand how much minors are supposed to work as much as possible. The normal working hours for able-bodied people under the age of 16 is 5 hours. That is how much a student can work extremely well. But only when it comes to the period in which the frame is not trained. During study, you can work no more than 2.5 hours.

A working day of 7 hours is set for minors from 16 to 18 years. Again, given that the subordinate is not being trained anywhere. For example, in the summer. Otherwise, his working day may not exceed 3.5 hours. Such restrictions are imposed on the employer. Failure to comply with these can lead to certain negative consequences. Although, as practice shows, modern schoolchildren usually work from 4 hours a day if they earn extra money in their spare time from school. And on weekends they can go on shifts of 8-12 hours. Such actions are not entirely legal, but they are constantly encountered in practice.normal working hours

Dangerous and harmful

Of course, citizens working in hazardous or hazardous work also have some peculiarities in our current issue. The thing is that they have a normalized working day can be different. It all depends on the length of the working week of such personnel.

If it is 36 hours, then the shift cannot exceed 8. That is how much in practice employees in hazardous / hazardous work usually work. But when the working time per week should be a maximum of 30 hours, then the shifts are put in 6 hours, respectively. It is not difficult to guess that at this pace you will have to work 5 days. No other specific features of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are provided for in relation to personnel in hazardous or harmful production.

Other citizens

The shift duration for some categories of employees is determined in a very interesting way. The thing is that sometimes it is the employer who dictates how much a subordinate should work out per day. But at the same time, taking into account all the norms and characteristics of the country's legislation.

Thus, media workers, as well as film / theater associations, actors and other creative groups, have a working day established by the labor / collective agreement. That is, the employer sets its ultimate value to them. Or federal regulations of the country. For some professions, the country itself dictates restrictions on the duration of the working norm per day. Keep this in mind.tk rf working day

Generally accepted data

On this, all the features of working time do not end there. Now it is time to find out exactly how much the average citizen works on average. That is, one who does not have any bonuses and benefits in our current issue.

How many hours does a normalized working day amount to an employee of an organization? This indicator equals 8. That is, exactly so much the average shift of an average average employee lasts. 8 hours of work is not so much, to be honest. In this situation, the working week should be no more than 5 days. Otherwise, the bar at 40 hours per week will be exceeded. And your work, either according to special principles, must be paid, or not at all.

As practice shows, most often employers simply offer to work on the same conditions, but in reality they turn out to be completely different. An employment contract speaks of one thing, and reality speaks of another. With all this, a maximum shift of 8 hours is usually indicated, but in practice, citizens are required to "plow" 10-12. Extra time is not paid or rewarded in any way. Although, if we talk about recycling, it must somehow be covered by the employer in one form or another.

Nightly adventures

In some cases, you have to work at night. These periods have legal features in their duration. At night, the time interval between 22:00 and 6:00 inclusive is considered. Not all employees are entitled to work in this mode. For example, pregnant women, as well as minors, are forbidden to work at night. Disabled persons are also included here. Under no pretext are they allowed to work at night. Even on my own initiative. Everything this is an employer must take into account, otherwise it can be brought to justice for violation of laws established in Russia.

But the remaining special categories of citizens (caring for children with disabilities, relatives, as well as with babies up to 3 years of age) are able to work at night, but only by prior written personal consent. At any time, such personnel have the opportunity to abandon the night mode. No one can prohibit this.normalized working day how many hours

Normalized working day when it comes to working in night shift is an hour less than during the day. That is about 7 hours maximum. Exceptions also apply. Namely, the reduction in labor does not apply to those hired specifically for night shifts. Such personnel will work as long as provided for in the employment contract. Usually, from 10 pm to 6 am, hired workers perform their duties at night.

Near weekend

Work on weekends and holidays is another subject of eternal debate. In Russia, the law regulates the norm of working hours before official non-working days.

The usual shift should be reduced by 1 hour. That is, to work before the weekend / holidays is supposed to be 60 minutes less than usual. Remembering this rule is not so difficult. It turns out that in the indicated period the average working time is 7 hours instead of 8.

If we are talking about companies that can not stop in the output activity, then employees are rewarded. Either it is expressed by transferring the holiday to another period of time, or the change is paid in double (or more). Typically, the conditions are specified in the employment contract or negotiated by the parties.

Over the norm

In some cases, you can legally work more than the prescribed 40 hours. Either at the request of employees, or at the request of the employer. These two concepts are very different from each other.

In the first situation, we will deal with a side job. It per day cannot exceed 4 hours of additional labor, and per week - 16. With all this, the activities of the company should not cause any form of damage to your main place of work. A citizen can have any part-time job if it does not harm the main activity. The social package is provided in the same way as all other employees.standardized working day labor code

But in the second case, processing is called overtime. At the same time, you can work in a row for two days, but no more than 4 hours per day. And for a year there is a certain limit for overtime work. It is currently 120 hours. Please note that such work is paid in double size. And a side job is calculated according to the usual principles, without allowances.

In principle, this is all that can be said about the normalized working day, as well as the features of working time. As a rule, you have to find out about your rights at work in advance. Indeed, in Russia quite often established schedules are violated, and employees are left to work overtime without additional pay. Understanding established principles is not so difficult. Now we know the generally accepted norms regarding working time. Remember, violation of these is unacceptable. You have every right to complain about unscrupulous employer!

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