
The latest technology in construction. Modern house construction, basic properties and characteristics

In the construction of residential buildings and farm buildings, new technologies are increasingly being used today. For the construction of buildings using modern materials that have excellent performance, reliable, environmentally friendly and durable.

What latest technologies in construction can be used

Innovative in our time include the construction of houses from:

  • glued beams;
  • foam concrete blocks;
  • aerated concrete blocks;
  • SIP panels.

Even using conventional construction technologies, modern methods of decoration, hydro and thermal insulation, pouring of walling, etc. can be applied.

latest technologies in construction

Properties of glued beams

This new material is most often used for the construction of houses and baths. New modern construction technologies are not always cheap. Glued beam refers to the materials to some extent elite. Since it is quite expensive, household buildings are rarely erected from it. The main advantage of this new material is strength and precisely calibrated geometric shapes. Due to the special configuration of glued timber, it is very easy to assemble houses from it. In addition, unlike profiled, such material does not shrink. The buildings erected from it look very modern and neat.

However, glued burs has one small drawback. The fact is that glue is used in the manufacturing process. As a result, such an important indicator as environmental cleanliness worsens.

New technologies in the construction of houses, involving the use of glued beams, are not particularly difficult. However, when choosing this material itself, experts advise to pay attention to the manufacturer. To buy such a bar is only from trusted companies. Material purchased from an unknown company may be of poor quality. In this case, the walls assembled even with all the recommendations can subsequently shrink, crack, begin to rot, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of foam concrete blocks

The latest technologies in construction involve the use of not only natural materials processed in a special way, but also made artificially. For example, country houses are very often built today from foam blocks. Such buildings are simply remarkable for their performance. The advantages of foam blocks include:

  • ability to "breathe";
  • excellent heat-preserving qualities;
  • light weight;
  • ease of use.

new technologies in construction

Foam blocks are laid on glue. Moreover, it is applied, in contrast to the cement mortar, with a very thin layer. As a result, cold bridges do not form in the walls.

But, of course, this material has its drawbacks. These include primarily fragility. When erecting walls made of foam concrete, reinforcement must be used. In addition, foam blocks are afraid of moisture. That is, for example, a bathhouse from them is not worth building. Even residential buildings built from this material must be additionally sheathed with finishing material or trimmed with special plaster.

New technologies for the construction of private houses: aerated concrete blocks

This is another material that has gained immense popularity among the owners of suburban areas.Like foam concrete, it is a special man-made stone with a large number of small voids inside. Due to this structure, blocks of this type retain heat very well and are lightweight. The advantages of aerated concrete, among other things, include the ideal geometry of shapes. Finishing walls from this material is very easy, because they have a perfectly smooth surface. To build a house from aerated concrete blocks can be very fast. However, such walls also require reinforcement.

new materials and technologies in construction

Features of SIP panels

New technologies in construction, which came to us from other countries, often allow the construction of low-cost buildings with excellent operational characteristics. In cottage residential and summer cottages today quite often you can see light houses from SIP panels. The technology of building buildings from this material is called Canadian. The fact is that it was invented in this cold country. The main advantage of SIP panels is that with their use it is possible to build very warm houses. The advantages of this material can also include:

  • Easy to install. You can assemble a Canadian house in just a couple of weeks. At the same time, it is completely optional to hire a construction team. The technology of building houses from SIP panels is very simple. They are attached to the timber using self-tapping screws.
  • The simplicity of the finish. The walls of houses made of SIP panels are characterized by perfect evenness.
  • The ability to quickly redevelop. Installing new or removing old partitions in such a house will not be difficult.
  • High degree of sound insulation. From the side of the street, no sounds penetrate such houses.

new technologies in building houses

The latest technologies in construction, of course, can have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main disadvantage of SIP panels is that they do not allow air to pass through at all. As a heater in their manufacture, polystyrene foam is used, which is also considered not too environmentally friendly material. In addition, such stoves burn well.

Today on sale you can find including SIP panels with mineral wool. The risk of fire when using such a material is significantly reduced. However, mineral wool also has a rather significant drawback - it is afraid of moisture.

What new technologies are still being applied?

Among other things, in our time, such latest technologies in construction can be used as:

  • penetrating waterproofing of foundations, walls and other concrete structures:
  • pouring walls using mortar and fixed formwork;
  • assembly of frameworks LTSK.

 new private construction technologies

What is penetrating waterproofing?

In Europe, this technology of protecting building structures from moisture has been used for quite some time. It was first applied in Denmark. Penetrating waterproofing is a special composition intended for the treatment of foundations, walls and other structures built using cement mortar. After application to the concrete surface, it penetrates into the pores and, drying, forms insoluble crystals. This eliminates the absorption of concrete water during the operation of structures.

Fixed formwork

New technologies in the construction of private houses conceived allow the construction of very inexpensive, lightweight and at the same time warm walls. The main advantage of the method of pouring enclosing structures using fixed formwork is the speed of work. With the use of such plates, even the walls of a large house can be built in literally one and a half to two weeks. The fixed formwork is made of warm polystyrene foam. The ease of assembly is determined by the features of its design and low weight. The use of such sheets, among other things, allows you to build the most complex buildings. The fact is that on sale today there are not only ordinary, but also non-standard blocks of this type.

new modern construction technologies

A certain disadvantage of the technology of building construction using fixed formwork is the need to use absolutely homogeneous concrete. Also, during construction, it is necessary to treat the assembly of the reinforcing cage with maximum responsibility.

What are thin-walled steel structures

In the construction of various kinds of structures of a large area, new materials and technologies can also be used. In the construction of various kinds of hangars, warehouses and auxiliary premises, light metal profiles can be used. The frame of the structure is assembled from them. Using technology LTSK erect attics, utility and residential buildings. But more often hangars for various purposes, storage and auxiliary premises are assembled on the profile frame. The advantage of such a metal base is primarily ease of assembly. If necessary, the structure can be easily dismantled and put in a new place.

new technologies in the construction of private houses

The disadvantages of LTSC include, first of all, deformation under significant temperature fluctuations and the inability to achieve high energy efficiency. Steel structures, unlike wooden ones, can freeze during the winter period.

The high cost and complexity of erecting buildings and structures by traditional methods is the main reason for the need to use new technologies in construction. The use of modern materials allows you to collect reliable structures quickly and with minimal cost. That is why SIP panels, foam concrete blocks, glued beams, etc. are becoming more and more popular. In most cases, in our time, houses are built with their use.

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