
Normative documents in construction: obligatory and recommendatory

The construction of any object is carried out according to certain regulations. Normative documents in construction are interrelated documents adopted by competent authorities and enterprises. They contain complete information on technical standards that governs all stages of the construction and operation of a building in order to protect the interests of society, the state and consumers. Let us consider in more detail the list of mandatory regulatory documents in construction.

Briefly about the system

Regulatory documents are developed with the advent of new economic conditions, legislative acts and a governance structure based on existing norms, rules and standards (RF) in a specific area. The main regulatory framework are: Civil Code and Federal Law No. 184 “On Technical Regulation”.

regulatory documents in construction


Regulatory documents in construction are divided into federal, documents of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and production and industry. We consider each of these groups separately.

Federal regulations

The first group includes the following documents:

  • federal regulations adopted by authorities in matters of construction;
  • government documents on standardization, metrology and certification, approved by Rostekhregulirovanie;
  • guidance documents (RD) of state supervision bodies;
  • industry standards adopted by ministries of relevant competence;
  • standards and rules of a foreign state;
  • regional standards.

The hollow list contains the reference book “Technical supervision in construction”. Normative documents of this level should not establish requirements on issues that are regulated by the Civil Code, labor legislation or other acts.

We list the main state standards for construction:

  • 1.1-2002 Standardization system.
  • 1.9-2004 Mark of conformity national standards of the Russian Federation.
  • 1.4-2004 Standards of organizations.
  • December 1, 2004 Terms and definitions.
  • 1.0-2004 Basic provisions of standardization.
  • 1.2-2004 Rules for the development, updating, approval and cancellation.
  • 1.5-2004 Rules for the development, presentation and design.
  • 1.8-2004 Rules for the development, updating and termination of work.
  • 15467-79 Product Quality Management.

development of design documentation

Mandatory technical regulations

  • Regulations are regulatory acts that establish mandatory requirements for construction projects in the process of their construction, operation, storage and disposal.
  • GOSTs for construction.
  • Building Design Rules (JV) are recommendations to ensure mandatory requirements.
  • Supervisory guidance documents.
  • Industry standards in the field of design.
  • Other obligatory documents of technical regulation.
  • The standards of the Russian Federation, which establish the characteristics of products, rules and the sequence of processes of design, construction, installation, operation, storage and disposal.
  • Federal technical regulatory documents are interstate norms, rules in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Standards of enterprises and organizations (STP and STO) that use public associations in the process of organizing production in order to ensure product quality. Other institutions can apply them, but only with the permission of the author’s organization.
  • Territorial norms of construction (TSN) are used by authorities.
  • Technical conditions (TU) for stromaterials are developed by their manufacturers as an integral part of technological documentation.

SP (building design code)

The building rules contain recommendations for ensuring mandatory requirements. Formulas, tables, and references are presented here.

RD (guidance documents)

Guidance documents contain mandatory organizational procedures for the application of standards. That is, they contain detailed information on how to prepare, test, adopt and apply standards.

TSN (territorial building codes)

Territorial norms contain mandatory requirements for the construction of structures in a particular region. TSN for each region are different. They do not duplicate the provisions of federal documents.

technical regulations


Normative documents in construction include provisions for the operation of buildings, their parts, products, materials. The standards contain requirements aimed at achieving a certain level of product quality, the use of engineering surveys, design, construction, planning and development. The standards should not contain requirements for the processes for which the building itself is intended, but they may contain links to sanitary, environmental and other standards.


Code of practice is universally recognized. They need to be distinguished from recommendations, manuals, manuals and other documents containing the results of development, materials of varying degrees of detail. The standards are applied within the scope established by each document and in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 184 and GOST 1.0-2004.

The provisions presented in the documents are mandatory for supervisory authorities and enterprises, regardless of ownership, which use them in their activities. The listed standards may be binding, recommended or reference. The mandatory provisions list the minimum or maximum requirements, and the recommended ones list the best domestic and world achievements. The first group of provisions is binding. The second group of rules can be applied whenever possible or under specific conditions.

The absence in the contract of a reference to a specific norm does not exempt the contractor from its compliance. Permission to not comply with requirements in special cases can only be given by the supervisor.

technical supervision in construction regulatory documents

Interstate regulations

International standards is ISO. For this purpose, experts from different countries and industries are involved. Their goal is to unify methods for solving the most important problems, based on the achievements of science. These standards are a kind of guidelines for drawing up domestic standards. They have no direct effect. That is, engineers use these rules after they are fixed in the form of national regulations. In the CIS countries there are their own interstate GOSTs, which have a direct effect and are not duplicated in national acts.

Foreign standards may be mandatory and recommended for use. The first are called technical regulations. Documents that contain advisory provisions do not have references to technical regulations.

Interstate norms are applied on the territory of the Russian Federation as separate norms in the manner prescribed by law. Standards of other countries are used in the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed by Federal Law No. 184.

industrial engineering

Project documentation

For each constructed object, documents are developed that reveal the essence of the project, justify its feasibility, with textual, graphic materials. They contain architectural, technological, constructive justifications for ensuring the construction and re-equipment of facilities. Development of project documentation is carried out according to regulatory documents in a particular industry.

The Urban Development Code spells out the obligation to develop documentation for the construction, reconstruction and repair (if the bearing elements are changed) of real estate within the area owned by the developer. Development of design documentation for private homes is not required. The list of necessary elements is presented in Government Decision N 87 “On the composition of project documentation”.

list of mandatory regulatory documents in construction

It also contains a settlement and explanatory note with data on the technical capabilities of construction, the safety of work in specific conditions. Estimated regulatory framework reflects the cost of construction, justification of the feasibility of financial, material and labor costs.

The package of documents includes text and graphic parts. The first contains information about the facility, a list of engineering decisions made, a note with explanations, links to regulatory documents, design calculations. Drawings showing the decisions made in the form of diagrams and plans are presented in graphical form.

Construction SNiPs

Building norms and rules of the Russian Federation establish requirements, goals and principles that should be followed in the process of building construction. Today, SNiPs are in the process of formation. In practice, a limited number of documents are used. Today, the rules apply to the construction and operation of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • stromaterials and products;
  • highways;
  • infrastructure of conventional and high-speed railway transport, subway;
  • objects of sea and inland water transport.

Industrial construction is regulated by the requirements of fire safety, road and railroad safety, inland water and sea transport. In order to comply with the mandatory regulations, interstate standards are used. In all other cases, the assessment of the erected buildings is carried out by risk analysis.

Technical regulations

The fundamental regulatory act that regulates industrial construction is Federal Law No. 184 “On Technical Regulation”. It spells out the minimum requirements necessary to ensure uniform measurement and safety.

industrial engineering

The activities of builders are regulated by Federal Law No. 384 "Technical Regulation on the Safety of Buildings". It spells out requirements for the level of safety of structures that do not depend on their purpose, and requirements for the design, construction, commissioning and demolition processes. They are divided by the following points:

  • Fire safety;
  • mechanical safety;
  • conditions for maintaining the health of a person, his residence, stay in the building;
  • safety measures that need to be taken in some natural phenomena;
  • building operation rules;
  • energy efficiency;
  • access to the building for people with disabilities;
  • environmental impact of the structure.

The building will not be put into operation if it does not comply with the regulations in terms of performance. The norms listed in the law do not apply to structures whose construction is carried out according to documentation that is under state examination or approved, but has not entered into force. This also includes buildings for which documentation is not subject to state examination.

Other regulatory documents in construction

Each industry has its own standards of environmental, fire, sanitary and epidemiological safety. For example, environmental protection issues are considered both in SNiPs and GOSTs, as well as in special government decrees and environmental services standards. They should also be observed during the construction of buildings.

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