
Equipment for the production of kraft packages - expensive but profitable

Kraft bags and kraft bags today are one of the most environmentally friendly types of packaging. They are made of paper, which, thanks to a special processing of raw materials, has high resistance to mechanical damage.

The production of kraft packages can be compared in terms of economic feasibility and profit margin only with the manufacture of packaging made of polyethylene. However, given the change in legislation aimed at improving the environmental situation, as well as the fact that kraft paper bags are gaining more and more popularity, you can open your own business for their production.

Using craft packages

Paper bags and sacks have long been used for packaging various food products. They are breathable and sealed at the same time, which allows you to keep all the properties of the goods unchanged. They are also used in the packaging of building materials (dry mixes), packaging of chemical and agricultural products, as well as in the advertising and souvenir sphere.

Gift bags made of kraft paper with the logo of the customer company are no less in demand. They pack the goods sold. In medicine, they are used to store the instrument. This allows you to save processed materials for a month or more, making it possible not to waste time on additional processing.


Before you buy equipment for the production of kraft packages, you need to know the technology of their manufacture. This will help you understand what work to do on your own, and which can be given to third-party contractors. Production of paper kraft bags, according to technology, includes the following steps:

  1. Production of blanks.
  2. Drawing images.
  3. Gluing or flashing the bottom.
  4. Making a closing valve, handles, holes.
  5. Final bonding of the bottom.
  6. Packing in batches.

The stage of applying images is best given to a third-party organization for production. This will reduce the cost of purchasing the necessary equipment. In the future, when the company begins to expand, this operation can be performed independently.

Necessary equipment

To start a successful activity, a minimum set of:

  • machine gluing blanks;
  • a machine forming the bottom and gluing it;
  • equipment flashing blanks (if there is a need for stitched, not glued bags);
  • machine for the final gluing of the workpiece.

production of craft packages

Additional machines for further expansion of production

In order to increase the flow of customers, it is necessary to produce various types of bags and sacks. This will allow you to make good profits and open sales offices in other regions. Additional equipment for the production of kraft packages will consist of the following:

  • punching machine;
  • printing press;
  • machine or table for cutting cushioning tapes;
  • mixer for stirring glue;
  • mechanisms that carry out the lifting, moving and installing paper rolls;
  • batch shaper.

Having assembled a full line for production, you will have to work actively so that all costs will pay off. But when you consider that the demand for kraft packages is not falling, this will happen in a few years.

production of paper kraft bags

Raw materials for production

It goes without saying that in order to start making bags, you will need the appropriate paper. The raw materials for the production of paper bags can be very different: kraft paper, bleached kraft paper, cardboard, ethaline, artlibris, coated paper.The equipment can work on any of them, it all depends on what packages or bags the consumer will need.

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