
How to choose equipment for the production of sandblock

The sand block is a versatile and durable building material. Therefore, its production can become the basis of a successful and profitable business.

In order for the business to start generating income in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to choose high-quality equipment for the production of sand blocks. You can purchase a line with a completed production cycle, or you can buy equipment separately. We’ll talk about his choice.

What should be the equipment for the manufacture of sand blocks

In order to get the maximum income from the production of sand blocks, you should seriously approach the choice of equipment. It is not worth saving on it, because only on good machines can you produce high-quality sandblocks. At the same time, you should buy equipment on which you can produce both full-body and hollow blocks.

sand block production equipment

In addition, if you do not plan to hire many workers who will service the equipment for the production of sand blocks, you should buy simple and easy-to-maintain machines. In addition, you should choose equipment that is easy to install, because otherwise you will have to pay a considerable amount for its installation.

If you do not plan to rent a large workshop, you should choose mobile equipment or machine tools of small sizes. Thus, you can work outdoors or in a small room. This will give you the opportunity to save on renting premises at the initial stages of business development.

Sandblock production technology

The process of manufacturing sand blocks is not very complicated. In addition, affordable raw materials are used for its production, so the cost of the finished product will be low. But what is needed for the production of sandblast?

sandblasting machine

A binder, for example cement, is used as the main material for the production of sand blocks. It is this component that makes the building material especially durable and dense. For the manufacture of sandblock most often used automatic vibropressing lines.

The sand block can be produced in two forms - these are solid blocks and hollow ones. In addition, when using special dyes, it is possible to make the colors of the building material diverse. Manufacturing technology allows the production of sandblock with a decorative surface.

The main equipment for the production of sandblock

The most effective equipment that is used in the production of sandblock is a vibrating press. Sand blocks production is carried out by pressing and vibration compaction of the mixture. Therefore, vibrating presses are the main equipment for the production of blocks.

sandblast machine from china

The process of hardening sand blocks occurs outside the vibrating press. To do this, in order for the process to be carried out faster, sand blocks must be steamed. If the technological process allows you to leave the product to harden for a certain time, then the steaming process can be excluded.

For the manufacture of sand blocks of various shapes, as well as for the production of solid and hollow products in a vibrating press, it is possible to replace the matrices that are responsible for the size and shape of the building material.

Vibrating press is a very efficient equipment and pays off much faster than machines that you purchase separately. In addition, it is an almost complete production line, therefore, in addition to the cost of purchasing equipment, you can reduce staff costs.

Such a machine allows you to bring the sand block to a state of full readiness, so the production of building materials will take a minimum of time.

Vibrating presses

Vibropress is the main sandblock machine. With its help it is possible to make sand blocks of various shapes, sizes and even colors.

what is needed for the production of sandblock

The vibropress consists of a housing, mechanized lifting of the matrix, an electric switch, a vibrator and special shock absorbers. If you plan to produce several types of sand blocks, it is very important to purchase a vibrating press, which will be equipped with several types of dies.

The choice of vibrating presses

Depending on the technology in production, you should choose a pallet or bottomless vibrating press. If you do not plan to rent a workshop with a large area, pay attention to portable vibrating presses. Such equipment will have less weight, however, and its performance is usually lower than that of stationary ones. In addition, the vibrating press can be manual and semi-mechanized.

In order for production to be profitable, equipment must be of high quality. But this does not mean that you should buy the most expensive vibrating presses. Nowadays, you can buy a very high-quality inexpensive sandblock machine - from China or or produced at a domestic enterprise.

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