
A sample of filling out a work book. Correction of a mistake in the workbook: sample

Everyone knows that the documents must be completed competently, in accordance with the approved regulations and rules. The article will clearly demonstrate a sample of filling out a work book, and also shows how to make corrections in case of errors.

sample workbook

Workbook - what is it and why is it necessary

The work book is the main document confirming the work and length of service of the employee. It is on the correctness of its completion and maintenance that it will depend on whether the years worked will be included in the length of service that is necessary for the appointment of a pension. Despite the simplicity of the form, personnel officers who rarely look at the rules for filling out a work book make mistakes.

rules for filling out a work book

How to correctly correct them, we will understand further.

Workbook structure

The document has the following structure: a cover with the inscription “Labor book”, a title page that reflects the name, surname and patronymic of the employee, his education, confirmed by diplomas, specialty and profession, as well as two sections.

The first is called "Information about the work", it contains the following columns:

  • number in order;
  • date of recording;
  • data on employment, information on transferring to another job that is permanent, data on qualifications, information on dismissal with reference to the clause of the article and the law, an indication of the reasons for dismissal;
  • date, number and name of the document from which entries are made.

The second section is called "Information about the award", it includes all types of awards and rewards, except for regular ones.

error correction in the workbook sample

New work book and entries in it

Upon admission to the main place of work, a work book should be presented. According to the rules, the employer keeps work books for employees who have worked for him for more than five days. If a person before joining the enterprise had not previously worked anywhere, a labor person is issued and filled in at the first place of work. Individual entrepreneurs who are obligated to keep books on employees are no exception.

First of all, when drawing up a new document, it is necessary to fill in all available columns of the title - F. I. O. in full, date, year and month of birth, education, specialty. Information is taken from the documents that the employee brings. Be sure to sign the official endowed with the authority to maintain books; company seal. Without them, the document will be considered invalid. Then, on the basis of the order by which the employee was accepted, the relevant data is entered.

An example of filling out a work book is given below.

Additional liability company “The Best Employer”

ODO "The best employer"


As practice shows, an error in filling out a work book most often occurs precisely when entering information in the third column. The name of the organization is written before the employment data. The record of the organization is not numbered or dated. Numbering is subject only to the data on admission, dismissal, transfer, training in continuing education courses and other data. How to make corrections to the work book, see below. Bug fixes are entered in the same way.

examples of filling out work books

Part-time work. Sample employment record

Human resources officials are often mistaken when recording part-time jobs.According to the Instructions for filling out books, information about part-time employee is indicated at his request. Moreover, the record is made by an official of the enterprise, in which the work for the owner of the book is considered the main one. Part-time information is copied from the certificates brought by the employee.

In the event of a situation where the part-time worker transfers to this job as the main one, first a dismissal is made out at the main workplace, then a dismissal to a part-time position. Next, information about the person’s hiring for work, which was previously part-time for him, is entered. If in the labor there was no record of such work, then here it is even simpler. Only two entries will appear on the labor sheet: dismissal from the main job and admission to a new place. Most often, when an employee moves from part-time work to the main place, personnel officers draw up a transfer of the employee. Correction of a mistake in the workbook in this situation looks like this.

Incorrectly entered entry:

13. Transferred from the position of cashier to the position of accountant-economist, order No. 126 dated 15. 08. 2015

Correct correction:

14. Entry number 13 shall be deemed invalid. Dismissed from work from the position of cashier on his own (personal) request, paragraph 3 of part 1 Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree No. 127 of 15.08.2015.

corrections in the workbook sample

Records are made by a personnel officer or by a person appointed by the manager who is responsible for work books and their maintenance.

Dismissal of the employee of his own free will. Examples of filling out work books

Records of dismissal (termination of an employment contract) shall be made as follows:

  • first, the record number is indicated in order;
  • the date of dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is set;
  • information (data) on the reason for dismissal is entered;
  • in the last column the name of the document (order or order) is written, which is the basis for the termination of the employment contract (dismissal), the date of this document and its number, and the date of dismissal (dismissal) is the last working day.

You need to know that in a situation where information is entered in the work book erroneously, strikethrough of inaccurate or incorrect, as well as invalid entries is unacceptable. The following shows how corrections are made correctly in the workbook. The sample gives an idea of ​​the correction of the record in the event of an incorrect date of dismissal.

Additional liability company "Zarya"

(ODO "Dawn)

2. 02. 05. 2015. dismissed of his own (personal) desire, paragraph 3, part 1 of article 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Clerk Petrov V.I. (print)

Sidorenko V.I.

Additional liability company "Zarya"

(ODO "Dawn")

3. 03. 05. 2015. Entry number two is not valid.

4. 03. 05. 2015. dismissed of her own free will, paragraph 3, part 1 of article 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Clerk Petrov V.I. (print)

Sidorenko V.I.

error filling out work book

When the initiative for termination belongs to the employer

Most often errors arise when formulating the reasons for dismissal. The following are correct examples of filling out work books:

“The validity of the employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer (downsizing), paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. ”

“The validity of the employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer based on the results of the probationary period, part one of Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.”

How is the work book filled in case of restoration of a former employee in the same place

If an employee was unlawfully dismissed by a court decision, the restoration is recorded according to the same rules for correcting errors that were considered, with the addition of a booklet (information about work) in column 4, details of the court decision. An example of filling out a work book in this case is given below.

“Entry number five is invalid. Order No. 12 of 13. 06. 2015, the decision of the Presnensky courtSyktyvkar dated 06/10/2015 in case No. 123/32353. "

how to make corrections to the workbook

How is the work book filled out in case of leave, followed by dismissal

In this option, the date of dismissal (dismissal) is the last day of rest (vacation). Correction of an error in the workbook (sample wording) looks the same as when the employment contract was terminated (exemption from work on the personal (own) desire of the worker), with the only difference being that the date of the document on the basis of which the employer dismisses the employee, and the date of dismissal will not match.

correction of a mistake in the workbook

Instead of a conclusion

In one article, it is simply impossible to give all the examples of making entries and eliminating errors in the work book. Only standard situations for making corrections to these documents in case of error are listed here. The personnel officer simply needs to use the Rules and the Instructions for filling out work books. It will not be superfluous to look into the Labor Code. In the most difficult situations, it is recommended that you contact a lawyer.

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