
Form T-2: sample fill. Download form T-2

Form T-2 is an accounting document that personnel officers at each enterprise are required to maintain. This form denotes the employee’s personal card. Next, we will discuss the procedure for filling out an employee’s personal card, documents and information that are required to fill out T-2 form.

Do I need to keep a personal card

Filling out this form is mandatory for each employee who has joined the company on the basis of an employment contract.

filling out form t2Maintaining this document is mandatory, since a link to filling out the T-2 form is in the "Rules for maintaining and storing labor books." They have many links indicating the obligation to fill out an employee’s personal card. Records from the workbook are copied and transferred to a personal card. With all the data entered in this card, the employee must be familiarized with his own signature. The T-2 card contains all the information about the employee, his labor and professional achievements.

In the absence of an automated system at the personnel management enterprise, this unified T-2 form is filled in manually, in a neat, clear handwriting, preferably in block letters. At the same time, corrections, typos and errors are not allowed, except for the established strikethroughs (such as when changing the name or passport data). In this case, you will have to start again filling out this document on a blank form.

List of documents

When applying for a job, the personnel service or its employee starts such a card, and upon dismissal they close it. But at the same time, the T-2 form continues to be stored at the enterprise.

Filling out this form is best left to an experienced staff member in order to avoid making mistakes. For this, it is necessary to bring the following documents to the personnel department:

  1. Labor book.
  2. Pension certificate.
  3. Diploma.
  4. Passport of a citizen who has come to work.
  5. INN
  6. Military ID (for those liable for military service).
  7. Other documents (driver’s license or medical book and so on).
  8. Number and date of the order of employment.
  9. Employment contract.

In addition, the person filling out this document must be provided with the following information: the date of birth of the next of kin, your personal phone number, as well as the phone numbers of close relatives, and whether you speak foreign languages ​​or not.

All this information must be reported in advance to correctly fill out the employee’s personal card.

Form T-2 and a sample of its filling

The composition of this document - as many as eleven sections, spaced four pages, includes:

  1. General information. The Name, Surname, Patronymic of the employee is indicated here in accordance with the passport data. The date of birth, place, and citizenship are entered. In addition, this item includes an indication of the level of education, family composition and contact details.
  2. Military accounting, if the employee is liable for military service. Form t 2 sample filling
  3. Employment and layoffs. This information must be rewritten from the work book of the employee in strict accordance. If you change any information from this section, the employee is familiarized with them under a personal signature. Sample form t 2
  4. Certification. Information from the certificate is indicated.
  5. Advanced training. Both points are filled out on the basis of received certificates of advanced training or certificates. Especially these data are required for professions in the field of medicine, education, design and construction. After all, some categories of workers are simply obliged to raise the level of their knowledge and confirm it after some time. Form t 2
  6. Professional retraining. It is certified by a document on additional education.
  7. Awards, honorary titles. These data are taken from entries in the work book, orders, as well as from certificates of honor and other certificates.
  8. Vacation This column indicates all types of holidays that the employee is entitled to take, be it annual leave, study leave, or its other types. uniform form t 2
  9. Privileges. In this category, it is necessary to indicate the presence of certain benefits for the employee, for example, the presence of a disabled child.
  10. Additional information. In this column, you can specify information such as, for example, a driver’s license, the presence of incomplete training, or rewrite information about the employee’s foreign passport.
  11. Grounds for termination of the employment contract. While a person works at the enterprise, this column in the personal card remains blank. After the dismissal takes place, the personnel service shall enter information on the dismissal (number and date of the order, as well as the grounds in accordance with which it took place).


If you change any information about the employee, all data must immediately be entered in a personal card. If the changes concerned general data or information on military registration, then after making them, the employee must personally assure them with his signature.

All other changes, whether it is a change of place of residence, last name or passport data, as well as marital status, are entered into a personal card using the strike-out scheme. That is, old information is carefully crossed out, followed by new information. At the same time, striking out other information or correcting errors by this method is not allowed.

If, for some reason, the old card has become unusable, then the information from it must be transferred to the new form.

It is also possible to introduce a new card when changing some information about the employee. To do this, an appropriate mark is made on the old form and a new card is stored along with the old one.


To fill in some fields on the card, encoding may be required. It must be carried out in accordance with the Standards established by automated personnel management systems.

Each employee is assigned a unique personnel number, which remains unchanged throughout the work at the enterprise.

Dates are recorded in Arabic numerals, for example, 12/16/2015.

When filling in the place of residence and place of birth, it is necessary to apply generally accepted abbreviations, such as a village - village, region - reg. and so on.

Again, you should pay attention to the fact that if incorrect codes or numbers that are not related to it are entered on the T-2 form, then it will be considered damaged. In this case, it will be necessary to rewrite it from the very beginning. Therefore, if the knowledge in the field of coding is insufficient, it is recommended that all necessary fields be left blank.

If the company does not have an automated system for filling out the T-2 form, it is allowed not to code the details.

Features of filling

The name of the enterprise must be indicated in full, abbreviated is possible only if it is provided for by the statutory documents.

If filling in any field implies the negative answer “no” or “does not have”, then it is necessary to leave it completely empty. Dashes are not put in these columns.

Special attention is required to fill in dates. A month among them is written in words, for example, December 15, 2015.

You should not use such signs as fraction, equality and colon.

When an employee is dismissed, as mentioned above, information must be entered immediately and in the T-2 form, in addition, the resigned employee must sign in the card on its closure.

An experienced staff member will be able to fill out a unified T-2 form in a short time using a sample of T-2 form. However, this will not be difficult for a beginner.To do this, you can read and familiarize yourself with all kinds of comments and guidelines.

We learned what the T-2 form is, a sample of filling is presented in the illustrations in the article.

Personal card form T-2-blank

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