
Responsibilities of the Executive Director. Sample job description

Executive Director Responsibilities include many activities. Therefore, the requirements for the corresponding employee are increased. However, the effort spent pays off with the size of the wage. But before you take this place, you must familiarize yourself with the job description (DI), which fully indicates the rights, obligations and functions of the potential executive director. That is why this document is even more important than the contract.

Information contained in the MDI

All rights and obligations of the executive director are prescribed in a document called job description. The information in it includes 4 main important points. First, general provisions are indicated. It describes what the employee should know, how to behave and who will replace him during his absence. Details of the parties - the employer and the applicant are also noted.

contract with the executive directorSecondly, the responsibilities that are assigned to the executive director are described. But often an employee does a lot more work, although the law has the full legal right not to do this.

Thirdly, the issues for which the executive director is responsible are considered. Punishment is also sometimes noted (mostly fines).

And the last: must be indicated employee rights. This is not about the Labor Code (it is taken for granted), but about what an employee can do within the company.

In more detail, each of the types of information in the document will be discussed below.

Main functions

The main functionality and standard responsibilities of the executive director are in three categories:

  1. Interaction with the top management of the company, execution of all orders strictly on time and in due order. The board of directors may extend or reduce the time it takes to complete the tasks if employees fail.
  2. Organization of interaction between different company structures. The hardest thing to do is in production. It is necessary to give work to each unit of the organization. Then you need to make sure that it has an established move.
  3. Organization of document circulation and finance. The latter may not be included in the list of duties of the employee, the matter is transferred to the chief accountant.

Sometimes the functionality expands or narrows. It all depends on the specifics of the company, as well as the competence of the CEO. For example, he can organize workers well, cope perfectly with managerial tasks, but do not understand anything in production.

Range of duties

What should an executive director do? The instruction and its provisions contain the entire range of duties of this post. It is imperative that lawyers do not miss a single point, because otherwise the board of directors or shareholders of the organization will not get the right employee.

executive director rightsAll responsibilities can be divided into two main categories: management and reporting activities.

Regarding the first point, the executive director needs to organize the work of each department (workshop or other structural unit). He interacts not with the working people themselves, but with their superiors. He also provides the organization with strategy and planning, coordinating this with subordinates and senior management.

As for reporting activities, everything is simple here.The executive director must prepare reports on what is happening in the company. These reports are then submitted to the board of directors in the form of a presentation or a regular document.

The rights

The executive director has many rights. First of all, it should be noted that he can speak in any state organization on behalf of the company and he does not need a power of attorney for this.

appointment of executive directorAlso, the rights of the executive director include the independent organization of work activities, changes to certain provisions in the employment contract. This employee can hire and fire people by his own decision.

The director has the right to dispose of the property and finances of the company, if his decisions do not contradict the charter of the enterprise and the current legislation.

It is impossible not to mention the foundations and provisions that are indicated in the Labor Code. They are binding, regardless of what job is offered, position.

Employee responsibility

The appointment of an executive director is carried out by shareholders or the board of senior management. He has not only rights, he has a certain responsibility. The Executive Director shall bear it in case of:

  • Failure to perform the duties prescribed in the instructions.
  • Damage to the company.
  • Offenses prescribed in the Labor, Criminal and Civil Codes.
  • Making decisions that do not correspond to his competence or are beyond the scope of authority.
  • Lack of discipline.

Sometimes the liability section is supplemented by individual clauses that lawyers or the board of directors consider appropriate.

Treaty and its features

The contract with the executive director is no less important document than the job description. A person is appointed by a higher management. Most often this is done by the CEO. The contract and CI go through the head of the personnel department and chief accountant. All four parties must sign these documents.

executive director instructionThe contract shall indicate the social package, salary, terms during which the employee must take up the post, and also fulfill his duties. Sometimes this is a temporary period on a contract basis. At the expiration of the term, it can be extended, or the relationship between the applicant and the employer is terminated.

Most often, sample documents and job descriptions are taken as the basis. Then they are corrected by the lawyers of the enterprise (or private traders) in accordance with the specifics of the activity.

When drawing up the contract, it is possible to refer to the job description. The reverse situation is also observed.

Executive Director

Any work of the Executive Director should be aimed at ensuring that the main shareholders of the company do not give up their packages. As a rule, they are investors, provide an opportunity for each employee of the organization to earn. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor compliance with duties in all units.

vice presidentThe position in question implies that the person occupying it does most of the work independently. But he can transfer some tasks to the deputy. directors. The latter usually has similar skills, education, but less experience. Having fulfilled his obligations, he gains practice.

Despite the fact that the executive director is not directly responsible for the successful operation of the enterprise, he needs to strive for this. Otherwise, the company will go bankrupt and many good jobs, including it, will disappear.

Employee requirements

Executive Director and Deputy Directors are evaluated on approximately the same criteria before taking up their position. The requirements are as follows:

  • Higher education, or better, two: finance and manufacturing or services, depending on the activities of the enterprise.
  • Employer experience of at least 3 years.
  • Ability to negotiate.
  • The ability to organize labor and manage junior employees.
  • Knowledge of the current legislation, especially those aspects that are directly related to the company.
  • Budget planning.

duties of executive directorIt is desirable that some personal qualities are present, such as leadership, discipline and stress tolerance.

Any workforce, be it a large manufacturing organization or a small service company, needs a leader. And if a person not only knows the duties of the executive director, but also fully complies with them, then he is ideally suited for the position.

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