
Technical Director: job description, responsibilities

The job description of the technical director is a document that spells out the rights, obligations, responsibilities and general provisions of the head. The act is drawn up for a particular company, which indicates certain requirements, functions and powers.

In the article, we will consider what a qualification directory of posts is, what are the duties and rights of a technical director. Although many people know this position under the name of chief engineer.

Who is the technical director

Everyone understands that this is a leadership position. But most often in Western companies. Our technical director is the same as the chief engineer. He is the head of the company, which is responsible for the development of the corporation.

Technical Director

The chief engineer replaces the head of the enterprise and is responsible for all work efficiency and for employees who must work productively in the production. He can make his own decisions if they are practical.


The job description of the technical director contains the main responsibilities. It needs to be studied in detail. So, the technical director must:

  1. Organize work within the legislative framework.
  2. Provide the company with all the necessary equipment, having previously discussed it with the general director.
  3. Provide documents required for the corporation. These may be acts on the construction of a building or equipment.
  4. Organize construction and repair work and prepare relevant documents.
  5. Accept or reject objects. It all depends on the quality of work.
  6. Monitor the health of electrical wiring, equipment and their continuity.
  7. Develop instructions for improving production and coordinate with the CEO.
  8. Check the condition of buildings, structures and equipment. If there is a malfunction, the technical director must suspend work until improvement.
  9. Inform the CEO of the improvement or deterioration of production. Discuss remedial action.
  10. To control employees so that they observe discipline, they know all the rules and regulations on labor protection.
  11. Without the permission of the CEO, he has no right to give interviews to journalists, to talk about the nuances of production to unauthorized persons. Also, it is impossible for the technical director to conduct independent negotiations and meet with senior officials who are related to the enterprise.

job description technical director

The above responsibilities of the technical director are specified in the instructions and are not subject to discussion. If the leader has signed this document, he must adhere to the established rules.

The rights

The technical director has not only responsibilities. He is also given the rights that are provided for in the document.

The technical director has the right:

  • Dispose of all issues regarding his position. This is work with employees, drawing up documents for the building, construction and equipment.
  • Monitor everything regarding safety. If a violation is noticed, the technical director may, without the consent of the general director, take appropriate measures to help improve the condition and eliminate the breakdown.
  • Invite the CEO to apply penalties to employees if they violate their duties.
  • To offer the Director General everything related to the improvement of the enterprise.
  • Inform the head of the company about the shortcomings and propose improvements.
  • Require the head to provide employees with everything necessary for work.

qualification directory of posts

As it turned out, the technical director has not only responsibilities, but also rights that will improve the work of the enterprise and employees. There is a qualified directory of posts. Here it is used in large enterprises, where functions, powers, division of labor of workers and much more are described.

A responsibility

The technical director must know not only his rights and obligations. He also bears a certain responsibility:

  1. For failure to fulfill their direct duties.
  2. For providing management with false information. This may concern any building, structure, equipment.
  3. For the failure and violation of the deadlines.
  4. For failure to comply with the orders of the chief director of the enterprise.
  5. For non-compliance with fire safety regulations.
  6. For the disclosure of trade secrets.
  7. For spoiled goods that are of material value. This can be not only equipment, but also documents.

Deputy Technical Director

If the technical director does not fulfill his duties and is irresponsible, then the management considers the probability of dismissal of such an employee if he fails to recover within a certain period of time.

Conclusion of an employment contract

This is the document that spells out the duties, rights, responsibilities, knowledge and skills of the technical director. Even in the employment contract, salary, non-disclosure of confidential information and how many hours a day this person will occupy are often indicated. The technical director must understand all the difficulties and possibilities of the employment contract.

As a rule, a CTO should not only have a good knowledge of technology, but also run a business. This should also be indicated in the contract. In the column “Terms of remuneration of labor” the amount that the technical director will receive for the month is indicated. There, sometimes, penalties are also prescribed, which are imposed if the employee has not complied with his duties and reacted irresponsibly to any business.

What else is indicated in the employment contract

As a rule, this document also indicates the amount for overtime hours. If the technical director was delayed for work no more than 2 hours, he must pay one and a half. If more than two hours, then overtime salary is paid in double size.

The column “Working hours and rest hours” indicates the specific hours during which the technical director is obliged to work and have lunch. However, it must be remembered that lunch is not included during business hours.

work technical director

When an employment contract is concluded, you need to be extremely careful, because the technical director is not entitled to change it later without the consent of the management. Therefore, if you are interested in something at the moment, then it is better to discuss in advance with the boss all the pros and cons of work.


The article shows that the technical director must adhere to the job description. Indeed, the future of the enterprise depends on this. Improvement in production will be in the event that the technical director organizes the work process correctly and monitors the order.

duties of technical director

If the manager is not at the workplace for a good reason, he must be replaced by a deputy. However, he must keep order, but cannot make independent decisions. The deputy technical director is not entitled to sign any documents until he agrees with the senior manager.

Each enterprise must have a qualification directory of posts. You can always turn to him for help if you have forgotten your rights, obligations or other production issues.

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