
Operating environment: concept and description. Activities of the internal affairs bodies

In the course of development and implementation of decisions related to general or special areas of work of the internal affairs bodies, as well as when analyzing the results of the activities of bodies in general or through specific services, the concept of "operational environment" is often used. With the apparent obviousness, the question of clarification of this term is fraught with certain difficulties. Let us further consider what the operational environment is. operational environment

Terminology problem

The difficulty of clarifying the definition is primarily due to the lack of legal interpretation. This is due to the fact that the term "operational environment" refers primarily to management activities. In addition, there are several approaches to the interpretation of the representatives of science and practitioners. The most common, however, is the criminological approach. In accordance with it, crime is a key element in its various manifestations.

Operational environment: definitions

As mentioned above, in science and practice, there are several approaches to clarifying the term. So, according to V.D. Malkov, the operational environment is associated with changes in the socio-demographic characteristics of the population, the structure and dynamics of crime, as well as the subject composition of acts. G. A. Tumanov expresses the opposite point of view regarding the content of the term in question. In his opinion, the definition depends on the conditions and environmental factors. Tumanov considers it all social systems that are not covered by the Ministry of the Interior.

He refers to them economic, geographical, climatic, socio-demographic and other factors. Moreover, crime is one of the components of the external environment. It is considered as a specific system. G. G. Zuykov believes that the operational environment gives an idea of ​​the information content of the work of the ATS. It reflects crime rates, environmental conditions and public order. According to Zuykov, the assessment of the operational situation is carried out according to information on the committed acts, the circle of persons falling within the scope of powers of law enforcement agencies, as well as on the conditions and causes of illegal actions. Ministry of the Interior


When comparing the above interpretations, it can be noted that the definition that Malkov gave is too narrow in content. With this approach, it is impossible to get a complete picture of the state of the operational environment. In this case, we can only state the prevailing crime rate. At the same time, the probability of taking proactive measures seems rather low. The definition provides an abstract analysis of the phenomenon of crime. In the course of it, factors that determine it and are associated with it are not taken into account.

Tumanov’s approach seems more correct. Nevertheless, he does not clearly define external factors that are of significant importance. However, Tumanov does not raise the issue of the need to take into account administrative violations. He points out that they can be seen as a component of the operational environment. This approach not only deprives the definition of clarity, but also significantly complicates the practice of its application. The most meaningful is the interpretation of Zuykov. But even in it the description of external conditions requires adjustment.First of all, it is necessary to specify social and economic factors. operational environment


In management theory, there is another approach to the concept of operational environment. In accordance with it, the phenomenon under consideration is presented as a system that consists of two structured subsystems. They are the external environment in which the Ministry of the Interior and its units operate. The second subsystem is the law enforcement agency itself, which operates within its competence. The indicators characterizing the external environment are the socio-political, economic, ideological, demographic, national, geographic and other factors. As for the law enforcement agency, acting as a relatively separate subsystem, the range of features is outlined by its means and forces. Common to both components is the indicator of crime and other violations of law and order. difficult operational environment


All the above interpretations with a certain level of reliability characterize the essence of the operational environment. However, there is a significant drawback that can be traced to them. It is associated with an underestimation of the significance of the whole complex of factors determining the operational environment. If we talk about a comprehensive analysis, the above authors take into account only the level and results of the fight against criminal manifestations. In this case, we are not talking about a system, but only a phenomenon that does not represent any practical significance.

Crime level

The allocation of this indicator as the only or priority when analyzing the operational situation allows us to evaluate the work of mainly criminal police. At the same time, public security bodies are relegated to the background. Their work is only partially analyzed. At the same time, it is the public security organs that are called upon to carry out law enforcement. It follows that the definition must include a broad concept of violation of the law. This will enable us to move from quantitative to qualitative characteristics. operational assessment

Analysis specificity

Administrative offenses, due to their mass character, have a significant impact on the crime rate, creating favorable conditions for its increase. If you do not take them into account, a rather complicated operational situation may arise. Wherein law enforcement will not be able to rectify the situation in a short time. In addition, they can act as a factor in shaping public opinion about the rule of law and the work of ATS in specific regions. Those or other changes in the indicators that characterize the activities of the criminal police cannot serve as the only, and even more so objective justification for the deterioration or improvement of the operational situation. It should not be reduced solely to the level of crime, since together with it administrative offenses also belong to the objects of organizational and legal regulation. operational environment concept

Systems approach

Using it, you can most fully explain the concept of operational environment. In accordance with a systematic approach, it represents the level of crime and administrative violations, public security, law enforcement, expressed by a complex of quantitative and qualitative indicators, as well as the associated socio-political, demographic, economic processes, destabilizing or stabilizing factors that are significant for a specific territory at a given time. The operational environment, in addition, reflects the effectiveness of organizational and legal measures established in the legislation and applied by the ATS officers in their work.

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