
Law enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation. Law enforcement system

The activities of law enforcement agencies are focused on ensuring the protection of law and order. It is carried out by authorized state and public structures. The law enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation fulfill their task by applying appropriate measures in accordance with the law and observing the procedures provided for by the norms. Next, we consider this institution in more detail. law enforcement

Structure value

The system of law enforcement bodies is formed in such a way that, within the framework of the law, the instances and officials included in its structure ensure the proper order necessary for the development of a democratic society. It should be understood as the implementation and compliance with all applicable legal standards. First of all, this applies to the requirements contained in the Constitution and Federal laws. The law enforcement system extends its influence to citizens, their associations, officials and government agencies. The result of the exercise of authority within the framework of this institution is the establishment, restoration and maintenance of the rule of law. Public order Thus, it is based on law and takes shape in accordance with democratic principles.


In the broad sense, law enforcement should be understood as the functioning of all institutions of the judicial, executive and legislative branches of government. They ensure the observance and realization of the interests and freedoms of citizens, public order and the rule of law. If we consider law enforcement in the narrow sense, then it means the functioning of special, relatively separate structures. Their existence, in fact, is aimed at ensuring order and the rule of law. They are formed and function directly to carry out tasks related to the prevention, detection and suppression of crimes, the application of various sanctions to perpetrators, the implementation of coercive measures). law enforcement system

Key features

Russian law enforcement agencies are authorized to exercise in the prescribed manner control over the observance of the interests and freedoms of citizens and legal entities. Their competence includes the identification, prevention and suppression of these violations, the adoption of appropriate measures to eliminate crimes and their consequences. Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation use exclusively legal tools and means in their work. These, in particular, include coercive measures and penalties provided for by law. The norms set the exhaustive nature of the tools and instruments used. A law enforcement officer should use only those measures that are provided by law.

Compulsory execution

The functioning of the structure is carried out in compliance with established procedures. State law enforcement agencies are empowered. Their implementation is ensured by the coercive force of the law. All decisions that law enforcement bodies take within the framework of the law and competence are binding on legal entities and citizens to whom they are addressed. At the same time, the government provides the opportunity to challenge the adopted acts in the prescribed manner.Along with this, at the legislative level, the liability of law enforcement officials for the damage that they caused to organizations or citizens with unlawful behavior, as well as compensation for harm, is defined. law enforcement agencies

The main directions

Law enforcement agencies primarily exercise constitutional review. Acting as an independent type of protection, this area ensures compliance with the requirements of the Basic Law. This task is carried out by such law enforcement agencies as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, customs, tax police. In the structure under consideration, a special place belongs to the Ministry of Justice. This institute provides norm-setting activities of regional and federal bodies of state power, organizes the implementation of judgments and other acts of the court. The Ministry of Justice also licenses the provision of legal services, carries out registration of the charters of public associations and so on.

Identification and investigation of violations

These are special areas of the institute's activities. Investigation and detection of crimes is carried out by officials who are part of the staff of the relevant departments of the prosecutor's office, police department, the FSB, the customs service and the tax police. These law enforcement agencies establish all the circumstances of the violations, find the persons who committed them, transfer them to court or rehabilitate at the pre-trial stage of the proceedings. law enforcement officer

Qualified assistance

Legal support and assistance act as elements of law enforcement. These tasks are carried out by notaries and lawyers. The functions of the latter include the provision of legal assistance in the form of consultations, acting as defense counsel in criminal proceedings and during the investigation, representation in civil proceedings and other instances. Notaries certify the property and other rights of individuals, as well as ensure compliance with the law in the process of transactions within their competence. However, it should be noted that the attribution of private security and detective structures, as well as advocacy, to the bodies in question is considered to be very controversial.

Public associations

Law enforcement agencies can be formed at the initiative of citizens. Such public associations function independently or assist the institutions of power. Law enforcement bodies created in this way can provide paid services to legal entities and citizens on a contractual basis to ensure protection of the interests and freedoms of the latter. The formation of public associations of this orientation is carried out in accordance with the established rules. law enforcement

Basic principles

There are a number of criteria that law enforcement agencies must meet. In particular, such an institution receives its authority under the law. The limit of competence for law enforcement agencies is determined by the state. The functioning of the institute should not be carried out in an arbitrary order, but in accordance with regulatory requirements. Violation of established rules and procedures provides for proportionate legal liability. In the exercise of their powers, law enforcement agencies can apply coercive measures under the law. Reasonable and legal decisions made by these authorities are binding. Evasion or improper implementation of the adopted acts entails additional liability for violators.

Structure role

Considering the situation occupied by law enforcement agencies in the state, one should proceed from the current principle of separation of powers. From this position, the status of the structure is determined in accordance with the functions that ensure the implementation of the tasks facing it: to protect the individual, society and the federal system. state law enforcement

Basic goals

The activities of the law enforcement structure are aimed at:

  • Ensuring the rule of law by eliminating violations of the provisions of the Constitution, checking compliance with the Basic Law of other regulatory acts
  • Detection and elimination of crimes using the tools of prosecutorial supervision, as well as maintaining the prosecution.
  • Fair consideration and resolution of criminal, administrative and civil disputes.
  • Disclosure of unlawful acts and identification of persons responsible for their commission.
  • Preparation of materials for the trial of specific cases in the judiciary.
  • Execution of sentences and other decisions.
  • Crime Prevention.
  • Providing qualified assistance to everyone in need. Russian law enforcement


The law enforcement system consists of institutions protecting the interests and freedoms of citizens. They, in turn, are represented by the judiciary, non-governmental organizations, legal advisory associations. Law enforcement tasks are carried out by both state and non-state bodies. Some instances exist to perform only one function, others - several. However, regardless of the number of tasks assigned, the goal of these structures is to ensure the rule of law and protect the interests and freedoms of citizens, legal entities and the state as a whole.

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