
Organizational and administrative document: description, types, requirements and features

Organizational and administrative documents are a set of acts used in the management sphere. They are divided into three groups. Let's consider them in more detail. administrative document

Organizational and administrative documents: classification

The company uses various local acts in its activities. The system of organizational and administrative documents includes:

  1. Information and reference materials. These include correspondence (telegrams, letters, etc.), explanatory and memos, acts, contracts, reviews, conclusions, references and so on.
  2. Organizational documents. They determine the legal status and key areas of activity of an enterprise, institution, and structural units. These include rules, charters, staffing, instructions, regulations, etc.
  3. Organization documents. They draw up various assignments of collegial bodies and officials. Along with this, these acts act as a means of transmitting written orders to specific individuals and subordinates. These include decisions, decisions, orders, decrees and so on.

The above list is not considered exhaustive. Personnel documents are also organizational and administrative. These include cards, certificates, statements, specifications. Separate the protocol. It combines the features of a reference information and administrative document. requirements for administrative documents

general characteristics

Each of the above acts acts as a carrier of specific information. In accordance with this, it contains a set of components, the purpose of which cannot be called unambiguous. Some elements include information reflecting the phenomena in which documents are compiled. Other components carry information about the act itself, acting as its mandatory attributes. At each particular enterprise, the procedure in accordance with which the execution of organizational and administrative documents is carried out is determined in the paperwork instructions. It is developed by the company independently, taking into account the requirements of the law.

System of administrative documents

Such acts address key administrative issues. The administrative document provides regulation and coordination of the enterprise, contributes to the implementation of the tasks assigned to the governing bodies. The heads of any company have the right to issue such acts, regardless of its legal status, content and nature of activity, competence, structure, and so on. The administrative document contains a decision that goes from above: from the governing body to the subordinate, from the director of the enterprise to departments and their employees. Through such acts, the vertical administration function is implemented.

Types of Acts

According to the current legislation, the following types of administrative documents are distinguished:

  1. Instructions, orders, instructions. They can be published by administrative employees of enterprises.
  2. Solutions. These acts are adopted in cooperative companies.
  3. Orders and decrees. These documents are published in public organizations. system of administrative documents


Decisions, decisions, orders are taken in all cases concerning the need to issue an individual or regulatory act on key issues within the competence of the enterprise.Directions, orders are issued for operational tasks. They are also necessary to enforce decisions, orders and directions. In the legal sense, all types of administrative documents are considered legal acts. They reflect specific power requirements coming from the subjects of government. Their certainty lies in the fact that through administrative documents issues and problems that have arisen in the field of administration are resolved. The addressees are specific institutions, officials, structural units, ordinary employees. The title document is legal fact causing the emergence of specific administrative-legal relations.


An administrative document is adopted if necessary:

  1. To execute published regulatory, legislative or other acts of higher structures or decisions of the enterprise itself, approved earlier.
  2. To carry out their own management function, due to the objectives and goals of the company. organizational and administrative documents

Preparation of acts

There are certain regulatory requirements for regulatory documents. There are three stages of their preparation:

  1. Case study and project development.
  2. Matching.
  3. Signing.


In the text of the document, as a rule, two interdependent parts are distinguished: ascertaining and administrative. The first acts as an introduction to the essence of the issue under consideration. It is necessary to justify the reasons for the preparation of the document. For example, events, facts can be listed here, an order of a higher structure can be retold, for the implementation of which this act is approved. In this case, reference (search) data may be indicated. The ascertaining part is not considered mandatory if there is no need to clarify the grounds for adoption of the act. The main semantic load lies on the administrative part. It is presented in the form of a narrative.

Features of the compilation

Depending on the type of document the administrative part may begin in different ways. In a collegial ruling, for example, the beginning may be: "Decides." At the disposal - "I offer," and in the order, respectively, - "I order." These words are printed in uppercase or lowercase letters. So they visually separate the stating and administrative parts. These words are placed on a separate line from the left border. The content of the administrative part begins with a new line. If the text involves an indication of several performers or actions that are different in nature, numbered lists are used in it. In each paragraph, a responsible person is prescribed, the task and the time period for its implementation. The orders in the last section indicate the employee who is entrusted with monitoring the execution of the document. Orders and orders must be signed by the head or deputy director. The act comes into force from the moment it is certified or brought to the attention of the performers. In some cases, the term is indicated in the document itself. execution of administrative documents


Joint homogeneous administrative documents of several organizations are issued in the appropriate form. For example, these may be orders or orders. Joint administrative acts of bodies having the authority to adopt documents of different forms are approved as a general decision. It has the same legal effect as sole. The author of the act establishes a form in which the content will be communicated to structural units, subordinate enterprises, etc. If there are no indications of this, the organization will resolve this issue on its own.

Important point

The title deed may be canceled or amended. For this, an act must be adopted by the enterprise itself or by a higher structure.This document is also a guideline. The act may be suspended by authorized bodies. If the draft document concerns the interests of other companies, then it should be agreed with them. If there is any disagreement, comments or a cover letter are attached to it, in which they are stated. execution of organizational and administrative documents


One of the key tasks of office management is the simplification of work with documentation, the acceleration of their design and preparation. The solution of this issue is greatly facilitated by the formation of standards. Key requirements for the preparation of documentation are based primarily on the requirements of GOSTs. The standards provide general rules for the structure of acts, their mandatory details. Uniformity in the preparation of documents contributes to the maximum clarity and typing of texts. As a rule, in the acts the obligatory details are located vertically on the right. The company may use a longitudinal version of their instructions. The unified system of organizational and administrative documentation has an interdepartmental character.


Organizational and administrative documentation, thus, is a set of acts fixing decisions of administrative, managerial issues, the implementation of interaction, regulation and support of the work of power structures, officials, enterprises, institutions. Inside the complex, there are three categories of securities. Among the most common organizational and administrative documents, staffing lists, rules, orders, decrees, orders, decisions, resolutions, contracts are distinguished. They also include explanatory and memoranda, conclusions and others. Each document used in the organizational and administrative system is a carrier of certain information. They include different elements that distinguish them from each other. As a rule, when drawing up acts, an enterprise is guided by state standards, government regulations, methodological recommendations, and industry instructions. At the same time, the organization can develop its own order, in accordance with which administrative documents will be drawn up taking into account existing requirements. system of organizational and administrative documents The composition of the details used in the preparation and subsequent preparation of acts is established in GOST R 6.30-2003. This standard regulates a unified system, determines the procedure for documentation. Along with this, the specified GOST establishes the rules for writing details, their location schemes, separately indicates those elements that should be used in the manufacture of standardized forms.

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