
The order on the change of staffing (sample)

Any company has a certain position, fixed by a special document, which, as you know, is called the staffing table. By making adjustments to it, the management manages the company, is engaged in debugging the wage system and optimizing the organizational structure. Let's figure out how best to issue an order to change the staffing table so that it does not contradict the law and contains all the necessary positions.

Reason for amendment

So what is the basis for updating the document? From whom should the signal come, what is needed make changes to the staffing table? Of course, this is the prerogative of the head of the enterprise. And although a variety of specialists can participate in the preparation of the draft changes, the analysis of the effectiveness of the existing organizational structure, the system of subordination and remuneration, the key initiative comes directly from the leadership.

order to change staffing

The director gives an oral order to prepare an order to change the staffing list for the specialists responsible for this, gets acquainted with its contents and approves with a personal signature.

Orders related to the staffing table are general for the enterprise, however, it is allowed to set a special index for it, for example, “SR”, and store it in a separate binder to limit access to personal information of employees (salary sizes).

Options for changing staffing

As a rule, the nature of the adjustments made to this document is determined by several possible reasons, namely:

  • the need to change the salary or tariff rate for one or more posts;
  • due to staff reductions;
  • the need to rename a post or unit;
  • the need to remove the position from the staff list;
  • the need to replace the salary with the tariff rate or vice versa.

example of changing staffing

At the same time, depending on the situation that influenced the choice of a variant of the reason, the preamble of the document may change (it follows the heading and precedes the ascertaining part, is the basis for drawing up the order). The preamble most often begins with the words “in execution”, “in connection with”, “for purposes”, etc.

Who makes the order?

After a decision has been made to change the staffing table, the positions affected by the adjustment are determined, a specialist is taken up, who embodies the plan. The legislation does not limit the circle of people who are allowed to carry out such activities.

make staff changes

But, as a rule, this is the responsibility of the official appointed by the general order for the enterprise while drawing up the staff list, responsible for its formation and editorial staff. These duties can also be spelled out in the labor agreement and job description of a particular employee.

In small organizations, the functions of filling out such orders are most often assigned to the personnel service or accounting, less often to a lawyer. In large enterprises, the order is prepared by the planning and economic department or the department of labor and wages. Well, for an individual entrepreneur, this work is performed by a personnel officer, accountant (if there are any in the state), or the entrepreneur himself.

Change in staffing, increase in salaries

As you know, the Labor Code does not allow a decrease in employees' wages (except for situations specified in article 74 of the Labor Code), unless it is associated with a reduction in the standard rate.Therefore, adjustments affecting the staffing table, changes in salaries and tariff rates in particular, may most often imply only their increase.

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January 21, 2015 No. 2-SR

On making changes to the contents of the staff list No. ШР-1, approved by Order No. 1 of 04/01/2014.

In connection with the change in the volume of work performed


Make the following changes to the content of the staff list No. ШР-2:

1. From February 1, 2015 establish the salary:

1.1. Technological engineer Smirnov Ivan Petrovich in the amount of 55 000 (fifty five thousand) rubles.

2. Personnel specialist L. Solovieva to prepare an additional agreement to the employment contract.

3. Responsible for the execution of the order to appoint the economist Tender L. I.

And about. Director V.F. Kudrin

Newsletter: accounting, HR specialist, economist

Prepared by: economist Tender L. I.

A change in the staffing table, the sample of which is shown above, can be made for both one and several posts and employees at the same time in one document. At the same time, the date of approval of the order does not have to coincide with the day it takes effect.

Change of position in the staff list

If you need to change the name of the position or the whole unit, the preamble of the order may, for example, read as follows: “In connection with the need to bring the name of the unit (position of employee)” or “In accordance with its functional load (the All-Russian classifier of employee positions)”.

change in staffing pattern

Further change order staffing sample which is presented earlier, will contain an order of approximately the following nature:

  1. From August 1, 2014, change the name of the position “lawyer” to “legal adviser”.
  2. HR specialist Solovyeva L.V. to notify the lawyer Kryuchkov Yu. M. of the change, prepare the appropriate personnel documents.

It is characteristic that, in fact, renaming of a post requires written justification. However, if the position is vacant, its presence is optional.

Job Exclusion

Positions or individual staffing units can be excluded from the staffing list if they are vacant, that is, there is no employee who would be engaged in the relevant work.

As a preamble, you can use, for example, the following wording: “in order to optimize the organizational structure”, “due to production needs”, “due to the reduction in the volume of work of the unit”, etc.

The content of the administrative part looks something like this:

"one. From December 20, 2014, to exclude the following posts from the staff list:

1.1. A third-level plumber with a tariff rate of 82.50 (eighty-two rubles and 50 kopecks) - 2 staff units. ”

In this case, it is not necessary to indicate the amount of salary or tariff rate. If in different divisions there are similar jobs and professions of workers by name, then the order must indicate which particular division is involved.

Position Introduction

An example of a change in staffing when it is supplemented by a new post or staff unit is very similar to the previous one. As a rule, the introduction of changes in the staff is justified by an increase in the volume of work in the unit, the need to increase the effectiveness of an individual service or enterprise as a whole, the opening of a new production facility, etc.

 staffing salary changes

The wording used to create the order may be as follows:

"one. Starting April 1, 2015, the following posts should be added to the staffing table:

1.1. Commercial Director with a salary of 51,000 (fifty-one thousand) rubles - 1 pc. unit.

1.2. Sales coach with a salary of 42,000 (forty-two thousand) rubles - 1 pc. unit".

If there are several divisions at the enterprise, then in the order you need to make a note about assigning the posts to be assigned to one of them. In the case when a new department is created from newly hired employees, this should also be indicated in this administrative document.

Staff reduction

Staff reduction refers to the removal of units that are not vacant from the staff list. In this situation, the Labor Code requires employers to warn employees about a 2-month reduction. This is a difficult process, including many nuances provided by the state to protect the rights of workers.

post change

The order to change the staffing in this case must necessarily be general for the enterprise, with appropriate numbering and index. As a rule, the majority of such documents in substantiation have approximately the following reason: “Due to the difficult financial situation of the organization, as an action to optimize labor costs”.

Let us consider in more detail the contents of the administrative part of the order on staff reduction:

“To make the following changes to the content of the staff list No. ШР-1 of 04/01/2011:

1. From August 1, 2014, the following positions should be removed from the staff list:

1.1. Senior engineer - 1 pc. unit.

1.2. Cashier - 1 pc. unit.

Responsible - economist Tender L. I.

2. Starting from August 1, 2015, the following posts should be added to the staff list:

2.1. Senior engineer - 0.5 posts.

Responsible - economist Tender L. I.

3. Personnel specialist L. Solovyeva in the manner established by the current labor legislation:

- bring to the attention of employees information about the upcoming dismissal to reduce staff;

- to offer vacant positions to persons falling under the reduction;

- bring to the attention of the employment service authorities information on the release of employees.

4. To appoint a staff reduction commission consisting of:

Chairman of the Commission - Director A. A. Chugunov

The members of the commission are HR specialist Solovyova L. V., legal adviser Kryuchkova Yu. M., economist Nezhnaya L. I., chief accountant Popova M. S. "

It should be noted that the creation of a staff reduction commission is very important, its members are most often present at the delivery of notifications to employees, and are also responsible for ensuring the correctness of the preparation of documents related to the reduction.

Change of salary to the hourly tariff rate

There are situations when it is necessary to change the way wages are formed for one or more employees. In other words, in the staffing table, replace the salary or tariff rate with the amount of the hourly tariff rate. This can happen, for example, due to the regular occurrence of refining, as well as an increase in the length of the working day, for the convenience of calculating salaries and keeping records of hours worked.

staffing change salary increase

Again, such changes require justification; they are made only by agreement with the employee; they should not reduce the amount of payments. In this case, the administrative part of the order will look something like this:

"one. Starting from August 16, 2012, the following positions should be removed from the staff list:

1.1. 4th-class driver with a tariff rate of 9082.50 rubles. - 1 PC. unit.

2. From August 16, 2012 to introduce the following positions in the staff list:

2.1. 4th-class driver with an hourly tariff rate of 55.04 rubles. - 1 PC. unit.

3. Personnel specialist L. Solovyeva to notify the driver of the 4th category Ivanov I.I. of the change, prepare the appropriate personnel documents. "

Order storage order

As already mentioned, an order to change the staffing table refers to orders for core activities, but it is allowed to be published under a special index and stored in a separate folder to ensure the confidentiality of personal data of employees. It is important that documents can be provided promptly in the event of any authorized verification or at the request of management.

As for the shelf life, according to the current legislation, orders for core activities are preserved throughout the entire existence of the enterprise.

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