
Office equipment is not only convenience, but also responsibility

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a study without a computer and printer. In addition to them, copiers and fax machines, scanners and cash registers, POS-terminals and ordinary calculators are often used.

Computers and office equipment

Office equipment has long been the same integral part of production and office activities, like a table and chair, like a pen and paper.

Office equipment needs care

But, unlike a pen and a chair, computers and office equipment require special attention. In order for the workflow to proceed comfortably, without annoying stops at the most inopportune moment, they must always be kept in good working order. To do this, you can have specially trained people on the staff of the organization, or you can conclude a contract for office equipment maintenance with a specialized company, which for a specified fee will take full responsibility for the performance of your office "assistants".

Used office equipment requires proper disposal

Unfortunately, any equipment has a service life. Obsolescence and physical deterioration lead to the fact that monitors and printers, scanners and calculators have to be written off to replace them with new ones. It should be borne in mind that, according to Russian law, used office equipment cannot just be thrown into a landfill.

The instructions require an assessment of the decommissioned equipment, the preparation of an act of decommissioning and a whole range of special operations for its destruction. To perform such work, you must contact the company whose competence includes the disposal of office equipment. And it is mandatory with the execution of all related documents.

Office equipment is

After all, office equipment is not just tools that facilitate our work. These are complex electronic-mechanical devices, consisting of parts, which include complex chemical compounds. And if you just throw them in the trash, ecology can cause irreparable damage, especially given the huge amount of daily written-off office equipment nationwide.

In addition, the composition of the microcircuit may include precious metals, which in the process of disposal must be allocated and handed over to the state. In this case, individual components can be used a second time.

Who can help extend the life of your computer?

Companies engaged in servicing office equipment have at their disposal a repair base that allows them to repair office appliances of any complexity. They offer their services on different conditions.

They can take all the equipment of the client organization for subscription services. This means that all the care about the proper functioning of computers and office equipment falls on the shoulders of the service company employees. They carry out preventive work in a timely manner, timely replace the defective components, install and configure the software ... And the customer needs to transfer the agreed monthly fee amounts on time.

Another option is a one-time after-sales service. This is the case when the organization has its own specialists who can carry out equipment prophylaxis, but do not have their own repair base. Signing a contract with a service company saves the client from finding a place where you can send a printer or fax machine that suddenly broke down for repair. Payment is made upon completion of work. There is no subscription fee in this case.

Office equipment service

Many such firms offer both options "in one package."That is, they take part of the equipment for subscription service, part - for call service. Sometimes firms take on the responsibility of supplying a client organization with consumables and components.

How to dispose of decommissioned office equipment?

If it is necessary to write-off and dispose of office equipment and then replace it with new equipment, you should contact the helpdesks authorized to perform such actions for help. After all, office equipment used in everyday work is equipment that is on the balance sheet of the organization. The company pays taxes for it. The decommissioning of office equipment and its disposal are subject to laws and legal acts.

Therefore, firms undertaking this business receive special permits, draw up the necessary approvals, train and certify their employees. Based on the agreement, the specialists of such companies will inspect the office equipment to be disposed of, evaluate it, draw up an act of decommissioning and take it to their base. The customer organization receives the certificate of completion, which serves as the basis for further actions to remove decommissioned equipment from the balance sheet of the enterprise and the acquisition of new equipment.

Utilization of office equipment

Utilization of office equipment is a whole range of measures, which includes analysis of equipment, selection of parts and accessories that can be reused, the allocation of precious metals and their evaluation. Also, metal and plastic are sorted with their subsequent processing. After all, office equipment is not just a set of parts and microcircuits. The complex composition of electronic boards and plastic parts implies the presence of chemical compounds and heavy metals that are harmful and dangerous to people and the environment. Their direct entry into ordinary garbage can cause enormous damage to the environment and the health of people and animals. Therefore, all these procedures are performed only by specialized companies that have all the necessary licenses and permits.

A complex approach

Along with such highly specialized services, there are companies that are able to provide their customers with a full range of services, from the supply of office equipment, computers, components and consumables to work on their timely and proper disposal.

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