
Taxi dispatch business plan: necessary equipment, cost calculation and documents for launch. How to calculate the profitability of a taxi

How to create a taxi dispatch service? According to existing practice, entrepreneurs of large and medium-sized cities are willing to invest in a business of similar profitability (15-17%). This type of information support has earned well-deserved recognition due to the expansion of the client base of the taxi fleets it serves.taxi dispatch business plan

A taxi dispatch business plan, drawn up taking into account market specifics and competently justified technically and financially, provides for the intensification of the transportation of passengers and goods. To implement it, several components should be brought together: experienced drivers, dynamic dispatchers, stable communication and software. It will require technical and accounting outsourcing.

The profitability of a dispatch taxi is calculated as the monthly average of the ratio of received income in the form of a driver’s monthly fee in the amount of 10% of daily income to fixed costs (rent, salary, depreciation, payment of communication channels, other costs) in percentage terms.

The prospect of a taxi information service

The taxi market of cities is highly competitive, and if you conduct it the old fashioned way, then most of the working day the driver will have to queue for the client. And if at the same time a sufficient number of passengers will not be ensured, therefore, the income will be obtained at the expense of excessive tariffs.

Accordingly, customers in the future will bypass such unlucky taxi drivers because of the high cost of their transportation services. Such taxi fleet drivers are advised to pay close attention to their information support offers. The business plan of the taxi dispatch is aimed at making the transportation of passengers and goods dynamic.

As a result, everyone gets a win. The control room efficiently processes customer dialers and, using radio communications, addresses orders to a nearby taxi driver. Drivers work in conditions of consecutive orders. Clients are promptly (5-7 minutes after the call) provided with a taxi. Consider how to implement such a scheme.

check in

A taxi dispatch business plan begins with a definition of its organizational form. Most of these companies are based as IP, less commonly - LLC. Founders of the business go through state registration in accordance with the chosen form, tax registration.

how to organize a taxi

We will not dwell on the stages of this standard procedure, which takes 2-3 weeks to go to the authorities.

To register in the form of an LLC, the founder of the business will need to provide a statement of the form P1101, the charter of the LLC, the protocol of the constituent assembly, developed job descriptions, and passport data of the founders.

It is important to correctly indicate the OKVED codes specific to taxi business: 52.61.2, 72.6, 74.83, 63.2, 92.4. The submitted package of documents is considered three to four weeks. State registration involves the payment of state fees (4 thousand rubles), notarization of the applicant's signature (500 rubles)

Registration with the tax office takes place after state registration. The founder of the business provides a constituent package of documents to the IFTS. Approximately a week documents are considered.Then the legal entity receives a certificate with the taxpayer number, an extract from the state registry, state registration number.

The power of attorney of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate is drawn up for receiving documents. An application is written to choose the form of taxation. It is recommended that you select a simplified system. STS assumes two alternative rates: 6%, where income is the base, and 15% for income reduced by costs.

You should also register with the statistics, pension fund, social insurance fund.

The basis of the business is cooperation with drivers

When does it make sense to organize a dispatch room for a taxi? Information support is secondary here. It can be developed by identifying the demand of drivers for its services, in other words, after deciding how to organize a taxi.

In order to avoid inadequate investment, the control room as a form of entrepreneurship should rely on partnership with 10-15 truly professional drivers (with a driving experience of three years), interested in such cooperation.

Each driver concludes a personal information service agreement. The monthly fee from drivers (approximately 10% of the income) is daily transferred to the income of the control room. Internal documentation is being developed: duties, corporate identity.

It is necessary to select drivers according to the criteria of knowledge of the city, orientation in urban transport routes, sociability. Without such a prerequisite, taking on a business plan for a dispatch taxi does not make sense.

Informal oversight function

The professionalism of taxi drivers should also be correlated with their knowledge of the Federal laws of the Russian Federation. Law No. 69 of April 21, 2011, in particular, requires both taxi companies and individual entrepreneurs to license their activities, six-month periodicity of inspection, the presence of color schemes of installed samples on the sides of the body, a certified roof lamp and a taximeter.

taxi dispatch

Those who know how to organize a taxi can tell a lot about the potential losses that a free-rider may incur. Therefore, the administrators of information support for taxi drivers take on the control function. The latter is not surprising, because not only orders from customers, but also their complaints come to their dispatchers. The quality of customer service determines the demand for taxi services.

A periodic check by the dispatcher administrator for a driver’s license to prevent delays must necessarily occur. As well as a daily check on the implementation of the work schedule by each driver. In this case, the responsibility for violations lies with the drivers themselves. High profitability of a taxi is achieved by selecting disciplined and efficient taxi drivers.

Dispatching staff

The business plan of a taxi dispatching office is also determined by the staff of its dispatchers, based on the round-the-clock specifics of work. For an average taxi business, it will be enough to hire two dispatchers per shift. They will intervene for a day. In total, 4 shifts of dispatchers are envisaged.

Modern equipment of workstations significantly increases the productivity of dispatching work. The profitability of a taxi increases by optimizing the processing time of the order, displaying the points of transport and delivery addresses on the map, keeping a history of each order.

Dispatchers are subordinate to the administrator, he (if necessary communicating with the founder of the business) takes operational decisions. The accountant and those who perform contractual maintenance of communications equipment, office equipment and software, cooperate in accordance with outsourcing agreements.

Communication is the technical basis of business. Option for small towns

Modern taxi technology is based on a stable working connection. Moreover, investing in it for the average city is much cheaper.The reason is the ability to use cheaper equipment with the C-B frequency range for communication with drivers (Citizen`s Band - civilian range). The frequency band used by them is allocated for general use and is generally accessible, therefore access to it is much simpler.

how to create a taxi dispatch service

With this communication option, the taxi dispatching office does not issue a permit from the regional FSUE Radio Frequency Center, however, the radio frequency means used for communication should be registered with this authority.

In this case, the arrangement of communication will be limited to a multichannel telephone exchange (five-channel recommended) - $ 0.5-2 thousand, dispatcher telephones ($ 50), an antenna-feeder device worth $ 0.7-3 thousand. Freely sold car-like car radios powered by the on-board network and supplemented by an external antenna are installed on taxi drivers. The average price of one is about $ 100 (although with a smaller range you can buy for $ 50).

Communication for megacities

The abundance of users of CB frequencies in megacities makes it practically unsuitable for taxi use. In this case, the VHF frequency range of 150-500 MHz is used. With this option, you will need to obtain a license for radio frequencies. The cost of this permit for a period of 5 years is approximately $ 1,500. In addition, the time taken to complete the entire procedure is very significant.

Due to the latter circumstance, we recommend a compromise. A taxi dispatching office minimizes the cost of VHF communications by concluding an agreement with an operator already holding such a license, on mutually beneficial terms, by paying him a monthly fee.


There is no need to rent a spacious office for taxi dispatch. However, production features should be foreseen: workplaces (at least) for two dispatchers and an administrator. It should be provided not only the "working area", but also the availability of a bathroom, places for eating and rest dispatchers (the latter is absolutely necessary with a 24-hour mode of operation).

Renting such an office is preferably not in the city center (cost savings). In connection with the peculiarity of the propagation of radio waves, its placement on a city hill is fundamentally important.

Office equipment, software

taxi fleetsTo equip such a mini-office, you will need a PC (1 pc. - $ 600), telephones (1 pc. - $ 50), a multichannel telephone exchange, a radio station (discussed above). All this is distributed over 3 workplaces (one to the administrator and two to dispatchers).

A special role in the work is played by the taxi dispatch program (from $ 200), which provides a complete accounting of orders, their service by drivers, the history of each order, a customer database, registration on the map of call points and destinations.

The program, by the way, is useful not only in current work, but also for planning future business development. The purchase of its official version guarantees that the specialists will configure it specifically for a particular taxi fleet, as well as ongoing maintenance.

Of furniture, respectively, 3 working desks, a wardrobe, a clerical cabinet, and shelves will be required. You should also install a used refrigerator and microwave, electric kettle.


Modern taxi fleets ensure their profitability thanks to information dispatch support. A breakthrough in efficiency was achieved by the equipment of effective dispatch communications, and the optimization of drivers.

A promising area of ​​their work is coupon services for employees of corporate companies who made monthly prepayments at the beginning of the month. This approach provides a guaranteed income and increased profitability.

However, the technological progress of taxi business optimization has gone further, towards the creation of separate automated workstations. The current display on the map of the location of the taxi fleet in the current time has been reached.

The history of each order is automatically recorded, the dynamics of each driver’s work, the movement of any taxi for any period of time is viewed, non-cash payment is diversified, cash payment is transparently organized.

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