
SDA: stop and parking. Rules, Signs, Fines

Very important are stopping and parking in traffic rules. Honestly, in the modern world, such violations are more than enough. True, they are not always punished in one way or another. Nevertheless, everyone should know the rules of the road: pedestrians and drivers. Especially when it comes to parking. Often, drivers stop in the wrong places, and then complain about various punishments. To prevent this from happening, all the rules and features should be deposited somewhere in the memory of a person. Let's try to figure it all out.traffic stop and parking


To begin with, let's figure out the wording. In traffic rules, stopping and parking are different concepts. And they have clear definitions. Of course, two different violations do not rely on the same punishment. So before you start studying the issue as a whole, you should clearly understand what exactly we are going to talk about now.

A stop is the deliberate cessation of a vehicle. True, there are several clarifications in this regard. For example, the vehicle stops at a maximum of 5 minutes. And the act is intended primarily for boarding and disembarking passengers, as well as for loading and unloading something.

Parking is already a more interesting concept. It involves the deliberate long termination of the vehicle. Of course, for a period of more than 5 minutes. Parking is not associated with pick-ups and passengers in general. Roughly speaking, if you stood still and were waiting for something or even left the car, this is parking. So keep that in mind. A little later we will talk about penalties for traffic violations. Stopping and parking in this area are the most common cases.

Stop sign prohibited

By the way, it would be nice to know about road signs. They quite often help to figure out where you can park and where not. The sign "Stop is prohibited" is found at almost every turn. And he is depicted as a red circle crossed out by a cross. It has the so-called serial number - 3.27.

This sign prohibits any stopping and parking of any vehicles. Exceptions are minibuses. Taboo is valid only on the side of the road and in the direction in which it is installed. Sometimes on the roadway such a sign is depicted as a solid line in yellow. Or you may notice this kind of designation on the curb.no parking or parking

Parking ban

These are not all prohibitory traffic signs. Now we understand what the stop prohibition looks like. And what about the parking lot? Honestly, this action also has its own visual interpretation. And it is somewhat similar to the previous version.

The sign "No parking" is depicted in the form of the familiar red circle. But in this case, it is crossed out not with a cross, but with one diagonal line: from left to right. At the same time, the sign does not prohibit stopping the vehicle. That is, in this case, you can park for a while without imposing any fine or punishment on you. These are such interesting prohibitory traffic signs. By the way, “No parking” has a serial number of 3.28.

Action area

The rules of stopping and parking, to be honest, have many nuances. For example, what is the range of the respective signs? It has already been said that they "work" only in that direction and in that part of the road where they were installed. But there must be some restrictions, right?

The way it is. For example, “Stop is prohibited” is valid until the next intersection behind it. If there is none, in principle, the action will be extended to the end of the settlement on the established side.A very rare occurrence, but it does happen. In places of departures the sign does not stop.parking sign

By the way, the sign "No parking" has the same restriction. It turns out that until the intersection or the nearest settlement you will not be able to break into the parking lot. But to make a stop is easy. Thus, as you see, there is nothing difficult to understand here. In any case, these rules are known to everyone. What could threaten punishment? Situations may be different. Stopping and parking is prohibited, but have you made any of this? What will happen now? Let's try to fully understand this.


Perhaps it is worth paying attention to the first and most common type of punishment for violation of traffic rules. This is a concept such as a parking ticket. It is imposed on the citizen if, as they say, he was caught by the hand. You should not evade, because in this case you find yourself in the most favorable position.

Why? The thing is that the amount of the fine for parking in the wrong place or for a similar stop is punishable by a warning. Or a small fine of 500 rubles. Not too much, right? Practice shows that most often in the first violations of the ruble you will not be punished. But when violations of this type were common, a fine could not be avoided. True, this is not all traffic rules. Stopping and parking can cause more problems for drivers than it might seem at first glance.prohibition signs traffic regulations

Without any signs

For example, if you don’t know what places these actions are prohibited in principle, you can pay. That is, you will not see any prohibition signs, but you risk being fined. There are such cases. And there are not so many of them. For example, you can’t stop near the carriageways if this creates difficulties for movement. In addition, the rule applies to tram and railway lines. Pedestrian crossings and distances less than five meters from them are also subject to stopping restrictions. This also includes turns. You can not stop near them at a distance of 100 meters. In addition, the stopping point cannot be where the parked vehicle will block other signs and traffic lights to other drivers. This you must know.

Parking also has its limitations. And they are described in the SDA. Stopping and parking in these cases does not require any signs. You should know when and in what cases restrictions are imposed. Everything is clear with the stop. And with parking then what? It is forbidden behind the scenes where it is impossible to stop by default, as well as in places close to the railways. The distance from your parking place to the tracks should be more than 50 meters. In this case, there will be no punishment.stop and parking rules

In the parking lots

No matter how strange this may sound, parking of vehicles in designated areas also has its own rules. And often you will be fined for breaking them. Well, or get off with a simple warning - for the first time.

What kind of punishment is it worth waiting for? Most often, for a violation of parking rules in specially designated places, either confiscation of transport (rather rarely) or a fine will result. It is from 1,000 rubles. Maximum - 5 thousand. Very often this kind of punishment is imposed on drivers who park in places intended for people with disabilities. Here, to be honest, the maximum fine is imposed, with the confiscation of the car and its subsequent redemption from the parking lot. This is a fairly common occurrence, which can be avoided without any problems.


As already mentioned, it is impossible to stop and park near pedestrian crossings. There are exceptions here, but not many. For example, an accident. And then, you will need to install a special warning sign on the road near your vehicle. In general, when stopping / parking is a necessary measure, there will be no punishment.In all other cases, beware.stopping place

True, you should not be very afraid. Stopping and parking is prohibited at a distance, as we found out, up to 5 meters. If you managed to break this rule, then, of course, a fine cannot be avoided. True, it is not so big as to be very worried. Practice shows (and the law too) that for such a violation of the rules of the road you will have to pay a fine of only 1,000 rubles. But if you get really carried away, you can be left without a license or a vehicle. To do this, try very hard.

By the way, parking and stops are not allowed on the sidewalk either. A fine is imposed for such acts. Exceptions are the same as in all previous cases. That is a necessary measure. If you arbitrarily decided to take a break, get ready to give 1000 rubles in the form of a fine. This is exactly the same amount as in the previous case. On the one hand, not very much. But on the other hand, it’s better not to violate the rules of the road. Then you will be able to avoid punishment.

Serious violations

Nevertheless, it is not always so easy and simple. Sometimes for the simplest stop (or parking in the wrong place) you have to pay a decent amount in the form of a fine. Such restrictions are imposed mainly in the case when you create a difficult movement or completely block certain routes.

For example, when parking on railways or tram tracks, you will have to pay one and a half thousand rubles. If you managed to create problems with traffic on the road by your actions, a fine is applicable in 2000. The biggest penalties are for those who dare to violate traffic rules (stop and parking) in cities of federal significance. For example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Here, for violations you are fined from 2500 to 3000 rubles - depending on the specific situation. Pay attention to this.parking ticket


As you can see, the scenarios are more than enough. And every driver should know the traffic rules. Otherwise, you can "earn" a huge amount of fines. Limitations are generally not taken into account for block vehicles. Nevertheless, practice shows that they try to comply with the general rules as often as possible. Indeed, in the modern world they can find fault with everything. In principle, this is all that excites the modern driver. Prohibitory traffic signs, rules, restrictions and punishments are no longer a mystery to us. Now it remains only to comply with the law and stop / park where it is allowed.

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