
Basic principles of standardization. Objectives, methods and principles of standardization

Standardization is a specific activity. During it, characteristics, norms, requirements and rules, mandatory and recommended for implementation, are developed and established. The goals, objectives and principles of standardization are focused on the realization by consumers of the opportunity to purchase products of appropriate quality at an acceptable cost. Through these activities, the right to comfort and safety of work is also exercised. Next, we consider in more detail the principles and methods of standardization. standardization principles

General information

The main goals and principles of standardization are aimed at achieving the optimal level of streamlining in a particular area. This is realized through repeated and widespread application of norms, requirements, provisions in the process of solving potential, planned and existing real problems. The principles and functions of standardization contribute to increasing the level of conformity of a service, product, process to their intended use. Along with this, technical barriers in international commodity exchange are being removed, the promotion of scientific and technical progress (scientific and technological progress) is being strengthened, and cooperation in various fields has been strengthened.


The goals of standardization are divided into narrow and general. The first concerns compliance. General goals, however, come mainly from the immediate content of the concept. Specification in this case is associated with the need to fulfill the requirements recognized as mandatory. basic principles of standardization

General directions

The tasks and principles of standardization are two interrelated concepts. The general areas of activity should include the development of requirements, rules and norms that provide:

  • Safety of services, products and work for the health and life of people, preservation of property and the environment.
  • Interchangeability and product compatibility.
  • Saving resources of different types.
  • The quality of goods, services, works according to the level of scientific and technological development.
  • Mobilization readiness and defense capability of the country.
  • Safety at business facilities associated with the likelihood of various natural and man-made emergency situations and accidents.
  • Unity of measurements.

Principles of standardization: general information

The discipline under consideration is based on a number of starting points. The principles of standardization reflect the main laws of the process during which standards and requirements are developed. They substantiate its necessary presence in economic management. The principles and methods of standardization form the conditions for the most effective development of the economy and production. standardization principles are

The main provisions

The principles of standardization are:

  • Balancing the interests of participants in trade.
  • Consistency.
  • Advanced development and dynamism.
  • Efficiency.
  • Harmonization.
  • Clarity of wording.
  • Complexity
  • Objectivity check.
  • Safety priority.
  • Compliance with the law.


First of all, it should be said that all the goals and principles of standardization are ultimately aimed at meeting the needs of as many consumers as possible with optimal production costs and the proper quality of goods, services or work. In this regard, all activities for the development of standards and requirements are carried out in accordance with the interests of all parties: manufacturing, consuming, providing, designing products or services.The participants in the standardization work, taking into account, on the one hand, the capabilities of the manufacturer of the goods and the service provider, and consumer requirements, on the other, are required to find a compromise that should be accepted as general agreement. goals of the task and principles of standardization


It assumes compatibility of all components. Systematicity allows you to navigate between structural elements, create schemes and programs, develop new and improve existing standards. The goals and principles of standardization are the most compatible elements of the system.

Advanced development and dynamism

Standards and requirements act as models of existing patterns in the economic sphere of the country. But with the development of science and technology, the course of the economic process is changing. The basic principles of standardization in general contribute to the rapid adaptation of requirements and norms to changes in management.

At the same time, dynamism is ensured through periodic verification, cancellation of previous indicators, changes to existing ones. For a new norm or rules to be less susceptible to moral aging, they must be ahead of social development. This is achieved by introducing promising requirements into the standards for quality indicators, nomenclature, and control methods. Advanced development is also ensured by taking into account, at the stage of development of new requirements, regional and international norms, progressive national parameters existing in other countries.


The basic principles of standardization are primarily oriented towards achieving a certain economic and social result in the course of activities. The social effect is realized through the development of standards that ensure the safety of human health and life, the preservation of nature. The economic result is achieved through the use of standards that promote the rational use of resources, strengthen information and technical compatibility, increase reliability. principles and functions of standardization

Safety priority

This task is achieved by ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Security is achieved by observing and regulating mandatory rules established at the government level. In particular, we are talking about state standards. One of the most important requirements for a norm or requirement is suitability for certification. Standards that contain clearly defined mandatory rules and methods for checking them are considered mandatory.


Principles and standardization objects must meet not only domestic requirements. The developed standards should help ensure the identity of the documentation related to one or similar type of product, work or service. Moreover, they should be adopted not only by domestic, but also international organizations. This, in turn, allows the development of standards that do not create obstacles to world trade. main goals and principles of standardization

Clarity of wording

All provisions, norms, requirements, rules and the principles of standardization themselves should be interpreted unambiguously and clearly. Otherwise, we may be talking about a serious defect in one or another requirement. This, in turn, can lead to inconsistency, reduced safety, product quality, new costs.

Legislation Compliance

In the process of developing norms and requirements, their consistency with the provisions of the law and the rules of bodies exercising state control should be ensured. So, in GOST R 1.0-92 (the main standard in the general State system), which was adopted in the 93rd year, in January, changes were made to ensure the implementation of the relevant Law, issued in the same year, in July, and subjected to revision based on the Federal Law of December 27 1995 year.In accordance with the adopted and introduced adjustments, in 2000 new Rules for certification in the Russian Federation were formed.


Consumer properties products are checked by the quality of the raw materials used, semi-finished products, material, components. In this regard, the standardization of released goods should be associated with the standardization of those facilities that ensure their quality. Complexity in this case provides for linking the norms and requirements for finished products with indicators adopted for parts, assembly units, semi-finished products, raw materials, materials, technical means, methods of organizing production and control.

Verification Objectivity

Standardization principles provide the ability to establish requirements that can be controlled. These include, among others, standards aimed at preserving nature, property and protecting the life and health of people. Objective verification is usually carried out using technical measuring instruments. These, for example, include instruments, equipment, chemical assessment methods. In addition, the audit can be carried out using examinations, sociological studies. The objective evidence of compliance is the conclusions of the oversight bodies, quality certificates. tasks and principles of standardization


Given the above provisions, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Standardization is aimed at ensuring interaction and mutual understanding between all parties to the production and economic process.
  • The establishment of requirements for quality and nomenclature contributes to the realization of the interests of consumers and the state.
  • The adoption of compatibility standards ensures the interchangeability of work, goods and services.
  • Coordination and linking of the characteristics and indicators of products and their components, raw materials, materials contributes to the creation of sought-after goods not only in the domestic but also in the international market.
  • Regulatory and technical supervision, certification system allows to ensure the safety of finished products. This, in turn, contributes to the preservation of the health and life of people, nature, property.
  • The regulation of the entire standardization system is carried out in accordance with applicable laws.

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