
Public service standard: development methodology

When approving public service standards, the authorized bodies are guided primarily by the provisions of the Constitution. The Basic Law guarantees the exercise of the rights of every citizen. People have the opportunity to contact government agencies for paperwork, obtaining certificates, extracts and other social needs. public service standard

Key principles

Standards for the provision of public services are based on:

  • Equal access of citizens to competent structures without any discrimination on the basis of property, official or other status, gender, religion, origin, place of residence and other circumstances.
  • Inadmissibility of manifestation of red tape and red tape.
  • Transparency and accountability.
  • Continuous improvement of public services.
  • Profitability and efficiency.

Why do we need quality standards for public services?

In the Russian Federation, a system of minimum standards is provided for assessing the development of the sphere of protection of the population. The standard of public services is formed in accordance with social and economic feasibility using international criteria. For non-compliance with the established standards, the authorized bodies of the federal and municipal authorities provide for liability. The standard of public service provides equal rights for citizens when they exercise the right to improve their well-being, the use of direct psychological and material support. The mechanism for managing the sphere of protection of the population allows realizing the tasks facing authorized bodies. standard of public service

Main categories

State standards of social services apply to:

  • Calculation and payment of pensions, benefits.
  • Appointment of benefits.
  • Payroll to budget employees.
  • The appointment of other financial assistance.

The standards also apply to the consideration and satisfaction of citizens.


The public service standard acts as a special marker. It allows you to determine the dynamics of the formation and development of processes in society, to assess the level of stability of the relations developing in it. The standard of public service plays a crucial role in protecting civil rights, reducing and eliminating contradictions. It promotes partnerships in public relations. public service standards

Main functions

The standard of public services helps to optimize the activities of competent structures. The standards establish specific deadlines, the procedure for considering appeals, the rules for processing an answer to them. Of particular importance is the security function of the standard. It ensures the safety of consumers, helps to unite the efforts of actors in its achievement. Due to this function, the following goals are realized:

  • Systematic standardization.
  • Balance of participants in civil turnover.
  • Advanced development and dynamism of the standard.

We must not forget about the communicative function of standards. The standard of public service provides interaction and communication of entities involved in civil circulation. First of all, this applies to specialists. Employees of competent structures constantly exchange documents and information using different communication channels. This, in turn, contributes to the improvement of the system. interagency collaboration. public service quality standards

Normative base

The principles and goals of service standards in the Russian Federation are established in the Federal Law No. 184 "On Technical Regulation".The order of their application is defined in GOST R 1.0-2004. This standard implements the provisions of the laws governing:

  • Consumer Protection.
  • Social services for the disabled and the elderly.
  • Technical regulation.
  • Social protection of the population.


The activities of employees in the provision of social services to citizens should be carried out strictly in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the Federal Law on Social Services for the Population. These include, in particular:

  • Availability.
  • Targeting
  • Humanity.
  • Volunteering
  • Preventive focus.
  • Priority of providing services to persons under 18 years of age.
  • Confidentiality.

adoption of public service standards

Important points

In the development of standards are taken into account:

  • The legitimacy of collecting duties from citizens.
  • The legitimacy of a service, its need and relevance.

The standards provide for a declarative procedure for citizens to apply to the competent authorities. This means that the subject makes a written appeal to a particular structure. This procedure allows you to get the most complete information about the needs of citizens. The application is compiled according to certain rules. In particular, the rules provide for the presence of mandatory details in it. One of them is the name of the body to which the application is sent. The competent structure, having examined the application and establishing that it was received at the wrong address, has the right to redirect it to the appropriate authority on its own, notifying the citizen thereof. This significantly saves the applicant’s time and energy.

Quality Score

The main ones include:

  • Efficiency and timeliness. Public services must be provided within the time period established by regulatory enactments.
  • Availability. The competent authorities should establish such a work schedule that is convenient not only for employees, but also for the public. In addition, in order to avoid the accumulation of queues, it is necessary to provide electronic terminals in the premises or online recording (via the Internet). Currently, the electronic form of service delivery has become widespread. It involves the adoption of scanned documents, statements certified by digital signature.

state standards of social services

  • Service culture. This criterion is of great importance in assessing the quality of the provision of certain services. In the job descriptions of the staff of the competent structures, the rules for communicating with applicants are prescribed. Employees are required to comply with ethical standards when interacting with citizens.
  • Appeal process. There are frequent situations when, for one reason or another, the applicant is denied the satisfaction of his application. If the subject considers that such a decision violates his rights, he can challenge it in court. The constitution guarantees this opportunity to every citizen.

Quality assessment can also be carried out according to indicators of accuracy of information processing, correct documentation.

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