
Pension certificate: receipt, replacement and restoration. How and where to get a pension insurance certificate?

Pensioner's ID - This is a document that certifies the identity and confirms the fact of the appointment of material allowances by age. It can be used when applying for a loan, buying tickets and performing other operations. But the main purpose of the mentioned document is to receive benefits in public transport, in stores, pharmacies and other places where discounts are provided for this category of citizens. About where and how to get a retirement certificate of insurance You can learn from this article.

Appearance story

By Order of the Ministry of Social Security No. 32-a dated 03/31/1980, a form for this document was installed in the form of a burgundy color book with a coat of arms and an embossed inscription of the same name. The full name is entered in the pension certificate owner, year of birth, reasons for granting benefits (old age, disability, loss of breadwinner), its volume (in figures and words), date of registration of the document. The book also contains additional pages for making changes in the calculations. All these records must be certified by the seal and signature of the head of the department. The pension certificate also contains a memo for owners about the rules for using the document. What else is indicated in the certificate? Old forms that were issued to labor veterans or children of war may also include a record of benefits (the right to travel or receive medicine for free).

retirement certificate

Contemporary pattern

To date, a project is being developed to issue special electronic cards that can replace all other types of social documents - from student to pension certificates. They can also be used as banking - to transfer money. This will also facilitate the preparation of subsidies, as you do not have to collect a bunch of certificates for one person.

Pension certificate: where to get it?

To fill out an application, you need to fill out a questionnaire, bring a 3 x 4 cm photo and provide the following documents:

  • insurance certificate;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work book;
  • marriage certificate;
  • certificate of employment;
  • diploma of education;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • an agreement with a bank on opening an account for transferring money.

This package of documents is required for registration of the labor allowance (by age). Papers must be submitted to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The document is issued personally in the hands of the owner, under his signature on receipt.

This list is not exhaustive. Most likely, you will have to collect more additional information. If there is no stamp in the labor room from at least one place of work or the database does not contain data on the level of wages, the inspector may request other documents from the place of work. Therefore, it is better to consult with a specialist a few months before the date of assignment of benefits, provide your package of documents for consideration. In this case, you will have extra time to collect the required papers. The official deadline for filing documents begins one month before the retirement age. In rare cases, a certificate is issued at the time of registration, which has the same force as a pension certificate. Upon receipt of the form, you need to check the correctness of the data. Errors in the document are not allowed. Here's how to get a retirement insurance certificate.The document is drawn up for free.

how to get a pension insurance certificate

How to restore an insurance pension certificate

If the form was lost or deteriorated, then it must be replaced. To do this, you need to bring a photo to the territorial branch of the PF and write a statement. A duplicate is issued within two months. The document itself is marked accordingly. When changing the type of benefit, the pensioner receives a new certificate. The old must be seized by the service and destroyed. If a pensioner for some reason cannot receive the document himself, then he can send in his place a representative with a notarized power of attorney. If the form is drawn up for a minor or a legally incapacitated person, then his parents or guardian should collect documents (upon presentation of documents confirming the fact of kinship, guardianship). In the event of the death of a pensioner, the form shall be handed over to the territorial authority of the PF in which it was issued. It is important to remember one more thing. When replacing a certificate, a new form is issued with the old number.

retirement certificate where to get

The history of the development of pension provision in the Russian Federation

December 6, 1827, Nicholas I signed the "Charter of Pensions" by civil servants. By 1914, all public servants were eligible for seniority benefits. Retirement benefits for workers was introduced in the 20s of the last century. At first, it was extended to university professors (1924), then employees of the textile (1928), heavy industry and transport (1929) upon reaching 65 years of age. By 1932, all employees were eligible for age benefits. The retirement age for women and men was different: 55 and 65 years, respectively. In 1956, a disability allowance also appeared in case of loss of the breadwinner.

get a pension certificate


One of the details that are indicated in the certificate is SNILS. The insurance number of an individual personal account is an 11-digit code that appears on the "small green" pension insurance card. It, like a fingerprint, is unique, belongs to one person and is issued once and for a lifetime. Since 2011, it is assigned to all categories of citizens and even children.

Registration procedure

In order to issue SNILS for a child, parents must write an application, provide a passport and a birth certificate. These documents must be addressed to the territorial body of the RF PF. For residents of the Ivanovo, Irkutsk and Tyumen regions there is a preferential registration system. The Pension Fund independently registers newborns based on data from the registry office. Parents can only come to the department for a document. Adults can fill out a form through an employer. The registration procedure is handled by the personnel department at the enterprise. You will have to receive the document in person. A document is drawn up for 2-3 weeks. Adolescents from 14 years old can also apply for a personal appeal to the PF.

restore retirement certificate

SNILS is a "link" that transfers information from the PF to other bodies that provide citizens with state, medical and other services. He will need:

  • to apply for benefits for medicines and food for children with disabilities;
  • in the formation of pension savings;
  • students and schoolchildren who work in summer camps.

SNILS and the number of the pension certificate are not the same thing. The first is assigned from birth, and the second - when issuing the certificate.

Compulsory medical insurance

One of the documents that is issued on the basis of SNILS is a medical insurance policy. It guarantees free medical care in any state, federal or municipal institution. To receive a document, you need to apply with a passport to the issuing office and fill out an application. The policy is issued free of charge within 30 days. It does not have a shelf life. The main source of financing is insurance premiums, which are accrued in excess of salary in the amount of 5.1%.Money for non-working categories of citizens and children is allocated from the budget. Once a year, the policy holder can choose a hospital on his own. certificate of state pension insurance

Option for Ukrainians

The pension certificate also confirms the fact of receiving the benefit, certifies the person and gives the right to benefits. The sample document was approved on March 25, 2004. It is a plastic card with a full name, date of birth, number l / s, type of allowance, date of issue and expiration date. The document is issued on a special form with official protection. To fake it is very difficult.

To receive a pension certificate and certificate, you need to contact the local PF branch, write an application, provide a 4 x 6 cm photograph and a package of documents. The list can be found in advance on the organization’s website or directly at the office.

Upon receipt of a pension certificate, a person must verify the correctness of the data indicated in it. If errors are found, the document is destroyed, and it is necessary to submit a questionnaire to draw up a new form. As in Russia, in Ukraine the document is subject to seizure in case of damage, death of the owner or transfer to another type of allowance.

To restore the pension certificate, you need to go to the PF branch at the place of residence, write an application, provide a photo and receive a new document within two months. The same procedure can be performed by a pensioner's authorized representative, his guardian on the basis of the relevant document. An alternative to SNILS in Ukraine is an individual tax number (TIN), which is assigned to every person from birth and appears in all the documents that are drawn up during his lifetime, from the certificate of compulsory social insurance to a pension certificate.retirement certificate number


State pension insurance certificate - a document that certifies the identity of the owner and confirms the fact that he received benefits. It looks like a burgundy book with a coat of arms on the front side. A certificate is issued when a citizen of the Russian Federation reaches retirement age, disability, or in case of loss of a breadwinner in the territorial branch of the pension fund of the Russian Federation after providing a certain package of documents. If the certificate is stolen or damaged, it can be restored within a period of up to two weeks.

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