
Russian border control

Border and customs control is carried out in accordance with the procedure established in the regulation approved by the government decree. The procedure is mandatory for entities entering and leaving the country, exporting and importing goods, goods and animals. Consider how border controls are implemented.

border control

general characteristics

This is an extensive sector of work aimed at ensuring state security. The border control of Russia is a set of procedures, within the framework of which the legality of the departure / entry of persons, the import / export of animals, goods and goods is established. Activities also include the issuance of permits for the implementation of these actions. Border control of the FSB of Russia is carried out with the aim of identifying and detaining entities that violate established rules, and detecting radiation sources at checkpoints. In cases established by law, as part of the procedure, goods, animals and goods prohibited from export / import are detained. FSB border control is carried out taking into account the assessment of the probability of violation access mode. It also entails the possible detention of a citizen.

Key events

The Border Control Service carries out:

  1. Verification of persons to determine the grounds for the right to enter and leave the country.
  2. Transport, goods and cargo in order to identify violators of the access control.
  3. Citizens, vehicles, products and other moving objects to detect radiation sources.

border control of Russia

Basic operations

Border control involves the implementation of:

  1. Verification of the validity of documents on the right of entry / exit of citizens.
  2. Instructions of state bodies in relation to persons for whom restrictions on crossing the border are established.
  3. Registration and accounting of actual information about citizens leaving the country or entering it using electronic information systems.
  4. Procedures for the identification of radiation sources with notification of territorial divisions of executive federal bodies.
  5. Operations for the detection and detention of animals, goods and goods prohibited from being exported from and imported into the country, in cases provided for by law.

border control service


Border control is carried out for:

  1. Verification of the reality of the grounds under which a citizen enters or leaves the country.
  2. Identification of entities that violated access control, and their subsequent detention.
  3. Checks of the grounds for transportation of animals, vehicles and goods.
  4. Detection and suppression of terrorist attacks and other crimes.
  5. Compliance with international agreements governing access control.

The actions of border officials are carried out in strict accordance with constitutional provisions and other legal norms.

FSB border control

Veterinary check

Transportation of animals by air is carried out in agreement with the carrier. In this case, the owner must first obtain permission. This rule also applies in cases where a citizen transports an animal. Transportation is carried in the luggage compartment of the airliner. When undergoing veterinary control, the owner of the animal provides the following documents:

  1. International passport. It is issued in a veterinary clinic.
  2. Help on the form F-1, which contains information about the health status of the pet. This document is drawn up by the state veterinary clinic 72 hours before departure.

Baggage Screening

Border control is currently carried out using the latest technical means. If there is a suspicion that a citizen is transporting items prohibited for transportation, a manual search is carried out. It is allowed to carry in baggage:

  1. Weapon simulators.
  2. Devices for hunting under water.
  3. Kitchen knives with a blade length of not more than 6 cm.
  4. Sports / household aerosols that do not contain flammable compounds.

border customs control

Special standards are established for alcoholic beverages. The rules for the import of alcohol into Belarus and Russia are established in accordance with the provisions of the CU TC. It is strictly forbidden to transport items that pose a threat to the health and life of others. Transportation of ammunition, compressed and liquefied flammable gases, toxic and oxidizing substances is not allowed.

Personal inspection

It is carried out in cases provided for by law. As a rule, a personal search is carried out if there is a message about the threat of a terrorist attack. In addition, the basis for such an inspection may be information that a citizen is transporting explosives or firearms. Personal searches are carried out by an employee of the same sex as the person being checked. At the same time, witnesses must be present in the amount of 2 people. As a rule, personal search is carried out with the participation of a representative of law enforcement agencies. At the end of the procedure, a protocol is drawn up. It is executed in 2 copies: one remains at the border service, and the second is transferred to the citizen.

Important point

The sequence, content and duration of control procedures during the border check should be reflected in the technological scheme. It is developed by the authorized body in the manner prescribed by the regulations of the executive (federal) authority in the field of security.

border control of the FSB of Russia


Recently, border control has been significantly strengthened. This is due to the increased threat of terrorist attacks. In addition, there is always the possibility of subjects violating the rules for transporting goods, products and animals in the framework of international traffic. The legislation provides a list of items prohibited for export and import. The tasks of the border service include the timely identification and detention of such goods.

Currently, the verification of citizens' documents is carried out especially carefully. Control is subject not only to a passport, but also other papers, in accordance with which the subject exercises the right to cross the state border. In some cases, screening is carried out with the help of dog handlers with dogs. Such control is aimed at identifying narcotic and explosive substances in baggage and cargo.

The body authorized to carry out the audit is responsible for the security of the state. He is obliged to ensure compliance by all entities crossing the border of the country with the established rules. In this regard, employees are required increased attention to what is happening and a high level of professionalism. However, the actions of employees should not infringe on the interests and rights of citizens.

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