
Field Research: Methods

Field research is a general definition for baseline activities. The concept is used mainly in the natural sciences. For example, field methods for soil research are used in geological engineering surveys to assess their deformation and strength structures. In addition, the concept is used in biology, linguistics, archeology, audit. Field research methods are widely used in marketing. Let's talk about some of them in more detail. field study

General information

Marketing research involves the collection of certain data and their subsequent processing. This information is used to solve the problem. In some cases, you can limit yourself to the study of secondary data, that is, already available information. Then they talk about desk research. However, specialists often lack the available information. In this case, they use field research methods.

Activity specifics

In practice, marketers conduct both desk and field research. The first is of particular importance when entering foreign markets. A preliminary study of the available information allows you to get a conclusion about the appropriateness of subsequent actions. Field research methods involve significant financial costs. In this regard, they resort to it only if necessary, when the data available to specialists is not enough to conduct a full analysis of the situation. A field study is also carried out in the case of a positive conclusion after a desk study of the data.


The methods of conducting primary field marketing research include:

  1. Poll.
  2. Panel.
  3. Experiment.
  4. Observation.

Interviews should also be added to the methods for conducting initial field marketing research. This method, along with the survey has recently received widespread use. It should be noted that each of the above techniques can be used both independently and in combination with others. field research methods

Additional categories

The study of information can also be solid or partial (selective). In the first case, a specific group of respondents is covered in their entirety. As a rule, it includes a relatively small number of participants: large companies or consumers. Continuous field research is highly accurate. However, along with this, it requires significant investment. Most often in practice, however, techniques are used to partially collect and process data. Among them, for example, a random, normalized, concentrated sample.

Modern tools

In the context of general informatization, interactive methods of collecting and further processing of information have recently become actively used. So, today modeling also applies to field research methods. In combination with other tools, it provides the most effective solution to the tasks of various levels of complexity. Modeling allows you to visualize the problem and possible solutions. field research methods

Survey and interview

These are the main methods of field research today. Compared to experiments and observations, surveys and interviews have several advantages. First of all, they consist in the ability to study a relatively wider range of problems. However, at the same time, in this case, field research requires the establishment of an exact goal that determines the interpretation of the information received.The problem of the group of people participating in the survey (consumer, seller, expert, and so on) will be associated with it. For the most effective organization of an interview or survey, you should use high-quality methods. Field sociological research should be carried out according to a well-developed scheme. When developing it, special attention should be paid to the tactics of the survey and interviews, in particular the wording of the questions, the forms and methods of selecting respondents.

Recommended Polling Procedure

This field study should be carried out according to the following plan:

1. Preparation:

  • establishing the amount of data;
  • preliminary study of information;
  • development of a survey scheme.  to methods of conducting primary field marketing research

2. Designing profiles:

  • formulation of test questions;
  • conducting a test study.

3. The rationale for the selection of respondents:

  • continuous or partial survey;
  • establishing the type of sample.


The success of this or that method will completely depend on the presence and intensity of the contact with the respondents. In addition, of no small importance are:

  1. The accuracy of the statements.
  2. Representativeness of the sample.
  3. Clarity of the plan.
  4. The atomization of elements in the total sample.

Based on these parameters, time and cost indicators of costs are determined using the partial research method. Among other things, surveys can be repeated or one-time. The first are called the panel. As it may be a certain category of persons or enterprises. primary field marketing research methods include


It is a form of continuous sampling. With its help, specialists can fix the dynamics of the observed characteristics and indicators. The most important types of this method are consumer and producer panels. Panel survey is used to study the opinions of users in a specific group for a specific time period. The study establishes their habits, needs, tastes.


The collection of source information is carried out in a certain sequence. So, using the interviewing method involves the following steps:

  1. Determining the feasibility of its implementation.
  2. Development of a plan.
  3. Preparation of a list of questions and examples.
  4. The choice of respondents.
  5. Budget planning.
  6. Direct interviewing.
  7. Analysis of the results.
  8. Preparation of the conclusion. qualitative methods field sociological research

Event Ways

The survey may be conducted by telephone. This method is used when in a short time you need to collect a large amount of information on a wide geographical scale of the market. A survey may also be conducted in writing. This can be done in several ways. So, pre-prepared questionnaires by mail are sent to a group of consumers. Along with this, a company or specific products may be advertised. When choosing this method, it should be understood that not all questionnaires will return completed. According to statistics, the share of information received is within 20-50% of the estimated volume. Increasing this value is achieved by applying incentives to respondents. When using the written survey form, you should also be aware of such places of distribution as presentations, fairs, exhibitions, in which potential buyers and partners can participate.

Questionnaire development

In the process of using survey methods, researchers often have difficulties in formulating questions. The solution to this problem depends mainly on the focus of the event. So, experts identify closed and open questions. Their difference lies in how specifically the purpose of the study is. In the process of developing a questionnaire, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. The wording should be unambiguous, clear and specific.
  2. The questionnaire should be made concise, containing the optimal number of points.
  3. The questionnaire should not have unnecessary questions.
  4. The questionnaire should use clear, generally accepted definitions.
  5. It is advisable to group questions in separate blocks, according to the logic of the study.
  6. The questionnaire should not be monotonous, causing fatigue.
  7. To check the sequence, it is desirable to include control questions in the content.
  8. Items that relate to personal information or may be of some difficulty for respondents should be placed at the end of the sheet.

The survey should not be conducted without first testing the questionnaire. This procedure will allow you to evaluate the wording of the questions and their sequence. The testing process reveals how well people remember the information that they would like to receive from them, do not cause embarrassment, uncertainty or unwillingness to answer certain points. soil field research methods


This form of marketing research involves a systematic, systematic study of the behavior of an object or subject. Surveillance can be conducted openly or covertly. It will not matter if the object or subject is ready to communicate this or that information. During the observation, the collection and registration of special moments and events related to the behavior of the person / subject under investigation is carried out. Depending on the degree of participation of the object / subject, the process can be active or simple. In the first case, the expert is introduced “into the study environment, evaluates the situation“ from the inside. ”For example, when examining the attitude of customers to products, he can temporarily play the role of a seller and analyze people's behavior during activities. With simple observation, the expert registers the information received from .

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