
Concept and types of information

Information as such surrounds us everywhere. As Morpheus said in the movie The Matrix, referring to Neo: “What is reality? Electrical impulses perceived by the brain? ” Yes, indeed, from the point of view of human physiology, this is so. But let's look at the concept and types of information a little wider. The modern world is nevertheless based on it.

What is information?

To begin with, the information itself implies some knowledge about some events that occurred in the past, occurring in the present (even at the present moment), or those that can occur in the future, based on objective or subjective reasons.

types of information

We will separately consider computer technologies, since for the most part the concept and types of information are associated precisely with them, although this is an absolute misconception.

Basic types of information

Perhaps it’s worth starting with the most elementary. Information can be presented in completely different forms, available for perception by the human brain. Today, as a rule, there are several basic types of information flows that a person is able to recognize. First of all, it is visual perception, a sense of sound, reading text information and an understanding of the computer programs and technologies with which the latter were created.

Visual information

The simplest example is the usual look around. What we see is already visual information.

concept and types of information

We perceive it either in the real world, or when looking at a picture or image, or in the form of a video clip, say, a movie, clip, news on television, etc. Often it turns out that visual information is inextricably linked with sound perception.

Acoustic information

Types of information of sound type play an important role in human life. What is most interesting, today in the world you can find quite a lot of blind people who visually do not perceive anything, but have a heightened sense of hearing.

types of presentation of information

It is believed that hearing develops so well only because vision leaves much to be desired. In principle, this is understandable: if the activity of any one sense organ is disrupted, this will be replaced by the enhanced development of another.

Conscious Reality and Foresight

Look, after all, even for many clairvoyants, the types of presentation of information that is perceived by their brain can radically differ from everything that an ordinary person feels or feels. Many scientific minds believe that there is a kind of universal information field from where such people are able to read data about future events.

main types of information

It turns out that everything is predetermined initially, which means that a person can very conditionally and relatively influence the upcoming events embedded in a single information field. So the conclusion suggests itself that we all live in a matrix where everyone has their own destiny.

Text information

Types of data and information in text form are one of the varieties of visualization of what is happening. The simplest example is ordinary media (magazines, newspapers, etc.) or computer files containing text in an accessible and understandable language for an individual.

types of information information

Yes, of course, the information file, say, in Japanese, also has a certain meaning, but without knowing the language itself, such a text turns into a regular, meaningless picture, from which it is impossible to extract absolutely no benefit.

By the way, this also applies to the so-called dead languages ​​of antiquity, cuneiform writing or decoding of the hieroglyphs of extinct civilizations.This type of data often combines the visual context, since all the above types of cuneiform and hieroglyphs do not imply specific words, but whole sentences and concepts. The same hieroglyphs of the East relate to this particular type.

Numerical information

If we talk about what this type is, it can be noted with confidence that a person from the time of his rational existence has always been used to counting how much and what he has in his hands. It is clear that in most cases this was not limited to ten fingers, and the Slavs called the “darkness” the same type as hundreds or thousands.

types of media

In the modern world, there is the concept of infinity, which is very difficult to imagine. The largest number to which the name was given, until recently, had the name "googol" (10 to the hundredth degree), but today numbers and more are officially given to the names. So, for example, the largest number, namely 10 to the 3033 degree, is called “millellion”, although theoretically known numbers and more, which have no name, and which are non-systemic. However, such types of information will not tell the average person much, and only specialists in the field of quantum physics and space exploration with its non-trivial distances will be in demand.

Coded computer information

If we consider modern computer systems, in them the types of information and their presentation in binary code play a paramount role.

types of data and information

Basically, it all boils down to the fact that computers recognize only requests and answers in the form of zero and one. This can also be interpreted as a negative or positive response to the submitted request or interpretation of the confirmation response as “true” or “false” (true or false). Actually, it was on such requests that all computer systems were originally built.

Even teams of conditions and the creation of branches in processes such as “if, then” are still based on the affirmation or denial, after the completion of which a transition to a specific action is carried out.

Here it is worth noting the fact that, for example, coded binary information was sent on a platinum disk to the expanses of Cosmos with the Voyager mission. What’s most interesting (the US National Aerospace Agency for some reason prefers to keep silent about this): an almost exact copy of the message was received in the form of a picture on a wheat field, made in an unknown way to us (like, by the way, all the others, including the originally appeared crop circles) .

Unfortunately, we cannot decipher these types of information so far, because they relate simultaneously to visual, and to numerical, and to encoded, and even to physical phenomena of changes in the structure of plants in a way that is not only incomprehensible to us, but not familiar at all. From the point of view of our knowledge, this is impossible from the very beginning by its nature.

Types of Media

Well, if we talk about the types of media that give us information every day, besides all of the above, we can note the same media in the form of radio, television, print media such as newspapers and magazines, and, of course, the World Wide Web, whose influence on people's minds lately it has grown incredibly.

types of information

And, what is most sad, so many people have got such a serious addiction that it’s scary to think what this, in the end, can lead to. An even greater concern is the fact that many Internet users believe everything that is printed there, simply unconditionally.

The truth was told by that politician who once claimed that the one who owns the information owns the world (or rather, can manipulate the consciousness of the masses). And this is today one of the most painful issues that require an immediate solution, because the majority turns into the most ordinary virtual zombies with a crippled psyche.

In addition, it is often enough to meet the use of the so-called effect of the 25th frame, which is prohibited by international conventions because of their direct negative impact on the subconscious level of a person. But is it in the modern world, where huge money rules the ball, does it stop someone?


In general, the topic of information technology is that of the past, that of the present, that the future can continue for a very long time. But I want to think that even such a brief review will allow anyone to conclude what exactly they are and what they are.

Moreover, it’s worth showing at least a little imagination to imagine what awaits us in the not so distant future. Even Nikola Tesla expressed the idea that any kind of information information (or rather, separate or common components) can be transmitted without any cost to any distance, and they will be perceived by each person instantly and without distortion. This is also indicated by the use of the so-called Kozyrev mirrors, which are capable of changing the perception of time and distorting space.

But, what is most interesting, the global information that we get from a single source does not affect it in any way. So draw conclusions. Maybe we are just at that stage of development that does not allow us to perceive all the information about the world order in an instant? Or maybe we just don’t have that sense organ that allows us to perceive a greater number of dimensions than four, as is customary to describe our world? Today, after all, it has been scientifically proven that there are at least twelve measurements. What it is and how to perceive such types of information, one can only guess.

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