
The concept, classification and types of information systems

Various types of information systems provide for the use of a PC as the main technical tool that processes any information. Computers, on which specialized software is present, represent the technical basis, and are also the main tool of such systems.

What it is?

All types of information systems are a specialized software and hardware complex, the main purpose of which is to ensure the reliability of stored data in a computer, as well as to perform a number of functions that are specific to a particular subject area. In addition, such complexes provide the user with an extremely convenient and easy to learn interface.

Today, various types of information systems are used in almost all areas of modern society, including:

  • State institutions.
  • Financial and credit institutions.
  • Production areas.
  • Science.
  • Education and many other areas.

types of information systems

While various types of information systems are being created, a wide variety of problems may arise related to a formal algorithmic or mathematical description of the problem being solved. The effectiveness of its work, as well as the degree of automation, determined by the degree of human participation during the adoption of certain decisions based on the information received, directly depends on how well this system is created.

The more accurate the mathematical description of the problem is, the more opportunities there will be to ensure that all information is completely processed using a computer, and the less will be the direct participation of the person himself in all these processes. This is what determines the degree of automation of various tasks.


This type of information system is a task in which absolutely all elements are known, as well as how they are interconnected. In structured problems, there is the possibility of expressing their contents in the form of a mathematical model that has an extremely accurate solution algorithm. It is worth noting that in the overwhelming majority of cases, such problems have to be solved several times, while they are of a routine nature. The main goal for which these types of information systems are used in the organization is to highlight the solution of structured tasks, as well as providing complete automation of their solution, that is, when the role of a person in the whole process is practically absent.

this type of information systems


Such tasks make it impossible to isolate certain elements or to establish a certain connection between them. Due to the fact that such types of information structures do not provide for the possibility of creating an initial mathematical description and, accordingly, the subsequent development of the algorithm, their solution is associated with a number of difficulties. The possibilities of using an information system in this case are insignificant, that is, in most cases in such situations the decision is made directly by the person himself, who is based on his own experience, as well as various data that he received from different sources.


An expert information system and its types are a program that behaves like an expert in a certain field.In other words, such a system is often strictly specialized, and all its solutions correspond to the area under consideration.

Among typical examples of the use of such expert systems, it is worth highlighting the solution of problems like fault localization in various equipment, for example, in medical diagnostic devices.

Other species

Also, the classification and types of information systems offer several more basic options:

  • Tame. Such systems completely lack any modern technical means that would ensure data processing, and the person himself is directly involved in the execution of all the actions. For example, in this case, the activities of a manager in a company in which handheld computers are completely absent can be considered, and a specialist works with such an IP.
  • Automatic. These are by far the most optimal information systems. The structure and classification of such systems provides for the implementation of any operations related to data processing, and is carried out without direct participation from the person.
  • Automated. In the functioning of such information systems, information processing is carried out with the participation of both the person himself and various technical equipment, but the main role is still assigned to the computer. In the modern interpretation, considering the types of information systems support, the concept of an automated system is also considered without fail. It is equipped with a number of specialized modifications. At the same time, there are also different types of automated information systems that are divided among themselves according to the scope of use or the nature of data processing.

Scope of application

Information systems were originally intended to provide fully automatic execution of certain tasks assigned to various structural units.

 classification and types of information systems

Among the main functions that take on various types of information management systems, it is worth highlighting:

  • Operational control and regulation of processes.
  • Operational and forward planning.
  • Accounting.
  • Supply and sales management and many other tasks.

Process management

The main types of information systems for process control are used to automate the various functions that are currently assigned to production personnel. Such systems are quite actively used today in the organization process. They help to maintain the technological process in the modern engineering and metallurgical industries.

Computer Aided Design

The concept and types of computer-aided design information systems provide for the automation of various functions that are assigned to architects, designers, designers or design engineers who are creating new equipment or various technologies. Among the main functions that such systems take upon themselves, it is worth highlighting the implementation of engineering calculations, the formation of design and graphic documentation, as well as detailed modeling of currently designed objects.


These systems are intended to fully automate all the functions of the company, and therefore they cover the entire cycle of work, from design to the subsequent sale of products. It is worth noting that the creation of such systems is quite complicated, since in this case a careful approach is required from the point of view of the main goal, for example, making a profit, conquering a certain sales market and much more.

types of structures of information systems

It is worth noting the fact that such a method can provoke the occurrence of significant changes in the structure of the company itself, and not all managers decide on this.

Information retrieval

Initially, it is worth considering how, in this case, the problem is formulated in a general way. To do this, you should answer three questions:

  • What to look for? (which sources of information are needed).
  • Where to looking for? (where these sources may be located).
  • How to search? (which tools can be used).

If we consider what are the main sources of information on the Internet, then the types of data in information systems will be all kinds of www documents, articles located in newsgroups or lists, mailings, various library files, directories of address information and many other sources.

information system and its types

In this case, you can manually search for information, that is, find out addresses from various specialized magazines or use all kinds of paper directories that contain data classified by category. On the Internet, the most important thing is to learn how to use special tools, the main purpose of which is to collect information about resources, as well as provide users with extremely fast search services.

What is such a system?

The information retrieval system is a full-fledged software and hardware complex that has its own web interface and also allows you to quickly find this or that information on the Internet. The software part of the search engine is a basic engine that includes a whole range of programs. In most cases, it is the strictest trade secret of the organization that developed the search engine.

The main task posed to such a system is a thorough search for various data that are relevant to the information needs of certain users. It is extremely important in this case not to lose anything in the process of searching for information, that is, to determine absolutely all documents that are related to a user request, but that do not provide anything superfluous. It is for this purpose that a characteristic is used, which determines the quality of the search procedure, and it is called "relevance".

Metasearch system

This format of information systems is a specialized tool that sends a user’s request to several search engines and directories at once, and sometimes to a hidden virtual space in which data is collected. As a rule, they are not indexed by the majority of traditional search engines. Gathering the necessary results, such a system completely erases any duplicated links, and then, in full accordance with the algorithm established by it, combines and groups the results, thus forming a common list.

information systems structure and classification

Unlike individual directories, meta-search types of information systems structures do not provide for a database, but at the same time they save a tremendous amount of time, since there is no need to enter queries in various search engines. It is for this reason that, in most cases, extradition is highly relevant. Most often, metasearch systems are used by webmasters who try to find out if their site is in the top of the search engine’s search results, what ratings it currently has, and how popular the links are.

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