
The concept and types of municipalities

In the framework of the topic of local self-government, the study of such a phenomenon as a municipal formation is relevant. The level of effectiveness of key processes in the region and, as a result, even the country depends on the competent implementation of its development strategy.

The essence of the definition

According to the law of the Russian Federation, urban, rural and united by a common territory settlements or any settlement that has a budget, property falls into the category of municipal formations, and local self-government bodies also function.

types of municipalities

These signs are legal in nature, but there are also socio-economic factors that determine the motivation of specific territories regarding the acquisition of the status of municipalities:

  • A special place of a settlement in the system of division of labor. It is an opportunity to highlight the settlement in such a way that it is attractive to investors.
  • Of great importance is the fact that the regional authorities are interested in the formation and development of settlements on the territory of the Russian Federation that could operate on an economic basis and turned out to be economically active and sustainable. It is worth noting that the support of the population also plays an important role in the development of these types of entities.
  • Economic self-sufficiency. In this case, it is worthwhile to understand the fact that there is an actual number of business entities that can make a profit, and, as a result, will be interested in the development of settlements that are part of education.
  • Providing the population with the opportunity to independently deal with issues of local importance, extracting organizational and economic resources for this.

Types of municipalities in the Russian Federation

Speaking about the differences between territories that have the ability to carry out local self-government, it is worth highlighting 5 types of settlements that are defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  1. Urban settlement. This definition is relevant for a large village or small city, where the implementation of local self-government is carried out by residents without the involvement of intermediaries. For this, elected bodies are used. Those urban settlements that cannot be described as urban districts are part of municipal districts.
  2. Rural settlement. In this case, we are talking about one or more rural settlements that are united by a common territory. These may be villages, villages, hamlets, auls, villages, villages, etc. Local representatives of the population are also involved in local self-government.
  3. Municipal District. This category includes several settlements united by a common territory. Self-management of such settlements is carried out according to the same scheme as in the previous categories. It is also possible to carry out certain state functions. Similar powers are transferred to the population through the laws of the Russian Federation.
  4. Downtregional territory of federal significance. Types of municipalities in the Russian Federation include such settlements that are part of the city. The issue of local self-government is resolved here similarly to other categories of territories.
  5. City district. This type is not part of the municipal district. Decisions of local governments are made on the basis of federal laws of local importance.

types of municipalities in the Russian Federation

It is worth paying attention to the fact of the implementation of municipal reform in the Russian Federation. The bottom line is that the result of these changes is local government system which has two levels. We are talking about the following structure: the territory of all subjects of the Russian Federation is divided into urban districts and municipal areas.

There is also a division directly of the districts themselves on the territory of rural and urban settlements. If the area is not densely populated, then the formation of inter-settlement territories is not excluded.

The urban district as a type of municipality does not imply the presence of settlements of other types.

Establishment of borders and territories

Such a process can be defined as one of the key stages in the formation and, if necessary, changes in municipal formations. It can also be part of the state registration of charters.

The definition of territories covers the lands of rural, urban settlements, as well as recreation areas sites used for the development of settlements, and other categories within the municipality, regardless of the fact of which purpose or form of ownership in question.

concept and types of municipalities

It is important to know about the following features: municipal lands are subject to civil and land law. Moreover, territories within the framework of entities can be defined as an object of constitutional law.

The process of changing territories, whatever types of municipalities are in mind, is initiated by the population or government bodies, as well as local self-government. Moreover, such changes can be made only after the consent of the local population.

Charter of municipalities

Based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation, each type of education should have a charter, which requires the following information:

  • the order and structure of the formation of self-government bodies;
  • forms and guarantees of full participation of the population in the process of resolving issues of local importance;
  • boundaries and composition of the municipality;
  • the procedure according to which an early termination of powers is carried out, recall, or expression of distrust towards the elected bodies;
  • types and grounds of responsibility accepted by officials and local authorities;
  • procedure and conditions for organizing municipal service;

 municipal budget types

  • powers and names of elected, as well as other local authorities;
  • issues of local importance in the process of conducting a municipality;
  • types, order of entry into force and conditions for adoption of legal normative acts;
  • considering the types of municipalities, it is necessary to identify such a clause of the charter as the issues of organizing local self-government, which are determined by the compact residence in a particular territory of various communities, national groups, indigenous peoples, including the Cossacks, taking into account local, historical and other traditions;
  • guarantees regarding officials;
  • financial and economic basis for the implementation of local government, disposal, ownership and use of property;
  • guarantee that the rights of officials will be respected;
  • other types of provisions relating to competence, the procedure for local government, and their organization in accordance with the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.

Any types of territory of municipalities must have a formed charter that will fulfill the function of a normative act that allows for self-regulation. It is with him that other decisions, actions and acts of local self-government and its bodies will be correlated.

Budget and Property

The fact that any types of municipalities in the Russian Federation imply the presence of local finance and property is obvious.And this fact clearly indicates the need for some degree of autonomy of the process of managing economic relations at the level of a specific territory.

But the implementation of such a strategy is complicated by certain factors. We are talking about the lack of stable experience in the efficient operation of finances and property that belong to a particular entity. An inconvenient and incomplete legal regulation of the functions of the municipal economy contributes to the complex of obstacles.

municipalities types and order of education

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, various types of municipalities can place property of local governments, extra-budgetary funds, enterprises, non-residential premises, housing, educational, sports, healthcare, cultural and other institutions, the local budget, financial and credit organizations and banks in the ownership category. In other words, property can be understood as various property - both movable and immovable.

Features of financial management

Touching on a topic such as the types of the budget of a municipality, it is worth initially clarifying the terminology. Under local budget you need to understand the formation and expenditure of monetary resources, which occurs as part of the calculation of the fiscal year. The purpose of such funds is to fulfill expenditure obligations of various types of settlements. This implies the formation of a system of expenses and incomes of municipal intracity formations, certain districts, districts adjacent to the city, as well as rural territories.

Each of the entities listed above forms its own reserve and has the right to rely on the receipt of funds from the federal budget and resources of the subject of the Russian Federation in the process of regulating financial activities.

The nuances of self-government

Studying such a topic as the types of bodies of the municipality, it is worthwhile to understand the features of local self-government.

Such bodies have two main types of formation: the first way of education is based on elections, the second - appointment, co-opting and delegation. What exactly will be formed by local authorities, the law of the Russian Federation does not clearly determine. This can be housing and communal services, heads of key divisions, deputy heads of administration (elected), inspectors, etc.

type of activity of the municipality

It should be understood that local governments are not included in the system of state power. In other words, such forms of governance are separated from the state in the format of structural and organizational power. It also means that all issues related to their formation are decided by the local population. Higher government structures have no right to intervene in these processes. At the same time, the head of the administration, being an elected official, receives “his own competence”. This fact highlights the autonomy that various types of municipalities have.

Features of the administrative definition of the city

Speaking about such a type of education as a city, it should be noted that it has a number of features. We are talking about indicators such as spatial heterogeneity, density and population, size, marginal self-sufficiency, diversification, etc. Therefore, when analyzing the concept and types of municipalities, the city should pay special attention.

In the Russian Federation, the format of capital cities is used, as well as the district subordination, regional (regional) centers and small settlements. The use of such a classification implies taking into account such features as the location within the administrative division and the population size.

As a characteristic feature of cities as a form of territorial settlements, one can determine their belonging to administrative-territorial units.When considering municipalities, the types and formation order of these territories, it is important to understand that smaller settlements are restrained on the way to official administrative status by such factors of the city as the indivisibility and integrity of the economy.

Management principles

The key task of any municipality is the stable growth of living standards. The process of achieving this goal involves providing the population with various municipal services, which determine the quality of life.

If you pay attention to the fact which type of activity of a municipality having the format of a city is a priority, it is worth noting that the range of services will be quite wide:

  • possession, disposal and use of municipal property;
  • integrated socio-economic development of the territory;
  • implementation of fees and taxes of local importance;
  • approval and implementation of the functions of the local budget;
  • regulation of the planning and development of those territories that are related to the formation of a municipal character;
  • adoption of the charter and, if necessary, its amendment;
  • control of the process of land exploitation, etc.

 types of bodies of the municipality

Such a topic as the concept and types of municipalities includes information on two areas of issues related to their activities.

The first area involves the full responsibility of local governments for partial or full funding: the maintenance of the housing stock, institutions related to the social sphere, non-residential premises, water, gas, heat supply systems, the organization of transport, information services, fire safety, etc.

The second area of ​​activity is focused on the implementation of certain functions by other stakeholders in the absence of mandatory funding. It is about promoting employment, providing the necessary services of food, consumer services, trade, socio-cultural and housing, as well as media.


As a conclusion, it is worth repeating the idea that the types of municipalities are rural, urban and other settlements that are united by a common territory with the implemented system of local self-government.

urban district as a type of municipality

And this is a fairly effective form of administrative division, which involves a certain autonomy through the formation of its own charter and budget.

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