
Recreational areas - a type of special economic zone for tourism and public recreation

Throughout the world, the practice of creating special territories where residents of a particular locality, as well as its guests spend hours of leisure. Such areas include recreational areas. Absolutely all segments of the population rest here, from the youngest citizens to the retirement age.

What is a recreation area?

Tourism and recreation zone (TRZ) is a special type of economic zone where the state and residents create favorable conditions for the development of tourism and mass recreation for the population.recreation areas

Among the main goals of organizing such zones are the following:

  • facilitating the development of tourism in a particular region;
  • increasing the competitiveness of the tourism business;
  • development of health resorts;
  • increasing the level of prevention and treatment of various diseases.

In tourist and recreational areas often begin to develop deposits of mineral water, various natural resources with healing properties, which also include healing mud.

What are the advantages of organizing such zones? Globally, this contributes to the fact that investments are beginning to be attracted to the country, a new competitive product appears. What is also important, ordinary rest and travel go to a higher level.

In addition, the creation of recreational areas increases the population of a certain area, as new specialists in various fields are attracted here.

Recreational Area Characteristics

Let us consider in detail how the recreational zones differ from other special zones of an economic nature. First of all, it is worth noting that at the time of creation of the described zones, land plots of residents or legal entities may be located on their territory. Also, the territory may cover several sites belonging to different municipalities at once.creation of recreational areas

Another feature of this area is that there can be various objects, including housing, infrastructure, any private buildings. Sometimes land plots included in the zone are specially protected by law.

Recreational areas of the Russian Federation

According to the decisions of the Government of Russia in February 2007, it was decided to designate seven territories on the territory of the country that were awarded the status of tourist and recreation.

These recreational areas are located in regions such as:

  • Stavropol region.
  • Krasnodar region.
  • Altai Republic.
  • The Republic of Buryatia.
  • Altai region.
  • Irkutsk region.
  • Kaliningrad region.

Later, special economic zones were created on Russky Island, as well as on the territory of the Chechen Republic. The latter then became part of the tourist cluster, located in several districts: the North Caucasus, the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory. All these recreational zones of Russia contribute to the development of both domestic tourism and foreign visitors in the state.recreational areas of Russia

Which TRZ are the most popular

One of the most unique recreational areas is considered to be a national park called the Curonian Spit. It is located in the Kaliningrad region and is a sandy peninsula. This area in its landscape, beautiful landscapes, animal and plant diversity is absolutely not like other recreational areas.Therefore, crowds of tourists come here to relax, who admire not only the beauty of the area. It is also interesting to see the cultural and historical heritage in the form of a settlement of fishermen, architectural monuments.

No less popular is the special economic zone "Caucasian Mineral Waters" in the Stavropol Territory. Particular emphasis is placed on innovative technologies of balneotherapy, the use of innovations in the spa industry. In particular, it is planned to use the mineral water of the Batalinsky spring as productively as possible for treatment and rehabilitation. And the healing mud, which is taken from the Tambukan repository, is suitable for fangotherapy. Another novelty for preventive purposes is phytoaeroionization.

Attracts travelers and the zone of tourist-recreational type "Mountain Altai" due to its unspoiled nature. This territory is considered as a multidisciplinary zone, where such activities as cognitive, recreational, therapeutic, sports and fitness are successfully implemented.types of recreational areas

The interests of business and the state

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses are especially interested in working in special economic zones. The reason for this is the provision of a wide range of services, including points of various kinds of entertainment, trade, catering, etc. With the right approach, the tourism business, sports, recreation, etc.

In addition, tax incentives provided to residents of recreational areas are attractive for businessmen. So, it is possible to pay taxes at a reduced tax rate. It also provides the right to establish a special ratio to the basic depreciation rate - this applies only to equity.

According to the calculations of financiers, each tourist and recreation zone brings serious income to the state budget. Due to them, the contribution to tourism from the GDP increases. If the whole mechanism is fully adjusted and tested, it is planned to create additional recreational zones after some time.tourist recreational area

What is prohibited in the territory of TRZ

Despite the fact that on the territory of the Russian Federation there are various types of recreational areas, the law does not allow any of them:

  • To develop and extract mineral deposits. The only exceptions are deposits of mineral waters and healing mud.
  • To process minerals and scrap of non-ferrous and ferrous metals (only industrial spilling of mineral water is allowed).
  • To release goods and process them, if they relate to excisable goods.

According to Russian law, the power government has the full right to supplement the above list of prohibited actions in the territories of special economic zones.

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