
MFC functions. Multifunctional Center. Provision of state and municipal services

Multifunctional centers providing state and municipal services (MFCs) began to open in Russia in 2010. In the past 3 years, this process has been particularly active. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, today there are more than 2.5 thousand centers and more than 10 thousand MFC offices in the country. The network covered not only large cities, but also small settlements. Authorities say that about 94% of the country's residents have the opportunity to contact government agencies through a “one-stop shop” service. And Russians are actively using this opportunity - only in Moscow about 70-80 thousand people receive MFC services daily.

MFC functions

What are multifunctional centers

A multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services is an institution that is the link between state or municipal authorities and an ordinary resident of the country. The project was created with the aim of making it easier for Russians to access the services of government agencies that may be needed in a given life situation. An extensive system of centers allows a citizen to receive a service near his place of residence and without queues. In addition, with his problem, he does not go to a harsh official, but to a friendly employee in a multifunctional center. As a result, not only time is saved, but also nerves, because none of us likes to go to authorities.

World experience shows that the creation of a unified service significantly increases the efficiency of the process of obtaining citizens' services of state bodies. The results of sociological studies suggest that the most common problems that people encounter when contacting “official authorities” are:

  • Queues
  • the need to apply again;
  • the need to submit a voluminous package of documents that must be collected by visiting other instances;
  • poorly organized process of informing visitors about the services of the body.

The solution to all these problems is the introduction of the “one-stop-shop” service. Now a person does not need to upholster the thresholds of several institutions, since all issues are resolved in one place - at the MFC. Addresses, telephones and the mode of operation of the centers can be found on their official websites and on the public services portals of each region.

How is the work of the MFC organized?

The “single window” service implies that the services of state bodies at all levels - federal, regional and municipal - are in one place. At the same time, multifunctional centers and departments interact among themselves on the basis of concluded agreements. They cover the procedure for exchanging documents and information, deadlines for carrying out procedures and the responsibility of all participants in the process.

In practice, it works very simply - a person addresses his problem to the center as an intermediary. The most commonplace example is that a visitor needs the services of a “passport office” (needed extract from the house book or some similar help). The MFC through the information system addresses the appropriate authority, enters the customer data and generates the necessary document. Another common example is registration (registration). At the same time, of course, you will not manage one visit. The MFC accepts the citizen's document and transfers it to the appropriate unit of the Migration Service, where registration is carried out.Within the established period, the document is transferred back to the MFC, from where the citizen can pick it up. Turning to the multifunctional center for the provision of municipal services for "registration", a person receives a result after about a week, while he is exempted from having to visit the FMS in person.

MFC public services

Which authorities can be contacted through the "single window"

Decree of the Government of Russia No. 797 dated September 27, 2011 established a list of services that can be organized in multifunctional centers. The functions of the MFC include the organization of services provided by the following bodies and services:

  • Ministry of the Interior (MVD) - providing information on the presence (absence) of a criminal record, on the fact of criminal prosecution or its termination, on administrative offenses in the field of traffic rules.
  • The Federal Migration Service (acting as a division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 2016) - receiving and issuing documents on registration at the place of residence or stay (including registration of foreigners and stateless persons), issuing a general passport, receiving documents for an international passport (while in The MFC does not fully issue a passport, but only accepts documents, that is, a person will have to personally come for a passport to the FMS).
  • Pension fund - registration of citizens, issuance of a certificate for maternity capital and consideration of applications to dispose of them, accepting applications for benefits or rejecting them, accepting applications for transfer to a non-state pension fund, accepting applications for establishing a pension and supplementing it, informing on the state of the pension account, on social assistance, on pension legislation and much more.
  • Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) - informing about the availability of enforcement proceedings in relation to citizens and legal entities.
  • Civil registry offices - registration and divorce, registration of the birth and death of a person, the issuance of certificates and extracts.
  • Rosreestr - registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, cadastral registration, provision of information from the Real Estate Register and Cadastre.
  • Federal Property Management Agency - preliminary approval and provision of land (with and without tendering), issuing extracts from the Register of Federal Property.

 MFC St. Petersburg

In addition, regional executive bodies and local authorities (administrations) can provide public services through the MFC, the list of which includes more than 70 items. They include a wide range of services in the field of family and childhood: queuing for a place in a kindergarten, addressing the issues of adoption of children, accrual of benefits and other measures to support large families. In addition, it is possible to pass through the MFC the readings of water and electricity meters, register with the labor exchange, initiate the process issuing building permits or redevelopment of the apartment and will receive a lot of different services. Some MFCs assist in obtaining licenses, permits for the installation of advertising structures, hunting ticket and so on.

How MFCs can help entrepreneurs

The functions of the IFC can be useful for people who are or are just about to start an entrepreneurial activity. Among other things, they can contact the following authorities:

  • Federal Tax Service (FTS) - registration of individuals as private entrepreneurs and peasant farms, providing information from various open state registers (taxpayers, legal entities, entrepreneurs, disqualified persons), receiving applications for a tax certificate, informing citizens about tax issues legislation.
  • Rospotrebnadzor - filing notifications by entrepreneurs engaged in certain types of activities;
  • Fund social insurance - acceptance of reporting, registration and deregistration of entrepreneurs acting as policyholders.

Government services and a little more

The service of multifunctional centers does not stand still - the legislation provides opportunities for expanding its powers. This means that the list of services will be expanded. For example, from the end of 2016, it will be possible to exchange a driver’s license at the MFC or restore it in case of loss (now this is possible only in the traffic police). In addition, the Ministry of Economic Development is talking about the imminent introduction of an experimentally opportunity for the population to receive an international passport at the MFC without visiting the FMS.

In addition, the Ministry of Economic Development recommends that the services develop support services that would make the treatment of clients completely comfortable. For example, the installation of ATMs, payment terminals and copy machines, the provision of legal and notarial services, as well as Internet access.

MFC travel passport

Differences in MFC activities by region

So far, the “single window” service in each region provides its own set of services. In some regional MFCs (Moscow, St. Petersburg) more services are provided than in smaller settlements. In addition, within the same city, different service units may provide services that differ in their set. The most popular of them, such as registration or obtaining certificates, are carried out in most departments. More “narrow” services, for example, consulting on pension and tax issues, registration of foreign citizens, interaction with entrepreneurs and others, are implemented only in some offices and centers.

The leader in terms of the number of MFCs is Moscow: 163 points of customer service have been created in the city according to the “single window” system. In the centers of public services of Moscow for visitors the most complete list of public services is presented, in addition, they are constantly expanding. For example, recently, according to Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, it became known that an experiment was soon planned on registering pensions at the MFC.

The cultural capital of Russia is slightly behind Moscow in terms of the number of MFCs - St. Petersburg has 58 such institutions. However, it is worth considering that the population of the city is 2.5 times less than in Moscow. Therefore, in the two largest cities of Russia, the coverage of residents with public services centers is approximately the same - for 70-80 thousand inhabitants there is one center or office of the MFC. St. Petersburg, like Moscow, provides its residents with the widest range of public services that can be obtained from the “one-stop shop” service.

In addition, the leaders in the number of centers are the Rostov and Volgograd regions, as well as the Krasnodar Territory.

MFC services

How quickly can I get services at the MFC

Each public service has a statutory deadline for performance, which authorities have no right to violate. For example, for registration at the place of residence (stay), this period is 3 days from the moment when the documents were received by the registration authority (migration service). The functions of the IFC include the transfer of documents to the appropriate state structure, which requires additional time. Most often it is no more than two to three days. Thus, the term for the provision of services increases slightly, but the level of convenience for the client is the opposite.

According to the centers themselves, there are practically no queues in them. For example, in Moscow, more than 15 minutes expect to receive only 1% of MFC clients. The working hours in the institutions of different cities are set in such a way that visitors can use their services after hours. There are offices working until 21:00, as well as on Saturdays. And in the capital of Russia we have gone even further - here the centers are open from 8:00 to 20:00 every day, seven days a week. It is worth paying attention that in order to receive some services, you must make an appointment in advance through the MFC website.

Legal regulation

The activities of the MFC are regulated by Federal Law No. 210-FZ of July 27, 2010. He sets organization principles services, rights and obligations of the centers themselves, as well as state bodies in terms of cooperation with the MFC. Public services are based on agreements on the interaction of bodies with each other and with the “one-stop shop” service. In accordance with this law, the municipal and state authorities are obligated to provide the MFC with the necessary information, as well as access to information systems that contain such information.

MFC operating mode

More specific rules for the organization and operation of MFC divisions are established in government decree No. 1376 of December 22, 2012. It defines the minimum regulatory requirements for such parameters as the material and technical and information support of the MFC, the operating mode, location, the area of ​​the center (office), the number of windows and some others. The issue of interaction of the centers with state and municipal bodies and the procedure for concluding agreements are highlighted in the above-mentioned government decree No. 797. This document also defines the list of services that are sold through the centers and offices of the “single window” service.

The project for the implementation and development of the service of multifunctional centers is led by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. The fact that new MFC service offices are built and created is monitored by regional authorities and local authorities. The regions are entrusted with developing the network of centers mainly at their own expense, but they can, if necessary, receive assistance from the federal budget.

New MFC Name: "My Documents"

In the past three years, the Ministry of Economic Development has been actively developing the IFC project - the addresses of new divisions now and then appeared on maps of Russian cities. At the end of 2014, it became clear that the MFC needs to change its name. Since then, the rebranding of the system of multifunctional centers has begun - the service is called "My Documents". Under this name, new offices are opened and old ones function. The updated “one window” service operates under the motto “For all occasions.” The curator of the project, the Ministry of Economic Development, has developed a unified standard for the provision of services for all centers and offices of the country, no matter in which regions they are located. The ministry says that they set themselves the goal of creating a truly friendly and customer-oriented service that could become a reliable assistant in the process of communicating with government agencies and facilitate the receipt of a wide variety of documents.

mfc addresses

Future plans

Today, the functions of the MFC are constantly expanding. The plans of the Ministry of Economic Development to gradually introduce the full support of a person throughout his life. And, more precisely, in the following life situations:

  • at the birth of a child;
  • when changing marital status - a wedding or divorce;
  • when changing the name or surname;
  • when changing your place of residence or stay;
  • when you open your own business (registration IP);
  • when registering a land plot, building a house or buying an apartment;
  • if necessary, restore documents due to their loss;
  • upon retirement;
  • at the death of a loved one;
  • in many other cases.

These are those moments in life when it is especially important for a person not to be distracted by “paper” matters, but to deal with the situation as quickly as possible.

If the department’s plans are destined to come true, then perhaps the time is not far off when an ordinary Russian will never meet a single official in his life. But seriously, the positive effect of the activities of the centers cannot be overlooked. Many compatriots have long had time to evaluate the work of the IFC. The reviews they leave, in general, indicate that this innovation is very useful. Yes, it’s worth recognizing that not everything is perfect yet. And many service centers and offices are not able to provide a full range of services.But you need to take into account the fact that the Russian "one-stop shop" is still in its infancy. And work on its development and improvement has not yet been completed.

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