
Sewing bedding as a business from A to Z. Sewing bedding at home - a business plan

sewing bedding as a businessIt is known that people who know how to skillfully wield a sewing needle, since ancient times, enjoyed universal respect.

Handcrafting (such as sewing and embroidery) has always been important, since clothing is an essential item for a person, and no less necessary than food or water.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many entrepreneurs have chosen sewing clothes as a niche for business. Currently, a huge number of trademarks and brands are known that offer their products to the consumer. But to take its place in this area is very difficult.

How to choose a profitable niche for business?

Today, the service market offers tailoring for both the masses and exclusive single models for wealthy customers. In addition, the manufacture of accessories and much more. Millions of new and old ideas for entrepreneurs.

But if you rely not only on fashion trends, it becomes clear that in each person’s daily life there is another very important place - this is his personal space for relaxation. Everyone knows the feeling of joy and peace experienced after a working day on beautiful bedding in their favorite bed. If you think about it, then every person, regardless of gender and age, has several sets of bed linen. Therefore, clothing and food are not the only things people need in everyday life. Then it’s logical to consider sewing bedding as a business. Where to begin?

To organize any business, including such as sewing bedding at home, a business plan is urgently needed. But do not rush to spend all available finances. Before compiling it and making a detailed calculation of all expenses and incomes, you need to find out whether the production of bed linen is a fast-paying business with high profits.

Profitability assessment

According to statistics, more than 50 million Russian families use up to seven sets of bed linen. Sales growth is growing year by year, on average it is 25%. The absolute market leader are Russian manufacturers. Almost 75% of consumers use their products. Turkey and China are less popular with Russians. Expensive bedding of Italian brands is bought much less often, and even then most often as a gift.

It becomes clear that sewing bedding for sale is very profitable. With high demand, this type of activity has little competition, which means that sewing bedding as a business will bring good profit to the entrepreneur and will quickly pay off. An advantage is that its organization requires a minimum of equipment.

The stages of organizing the production of bed linen at home

The production of bedding at home does not require the specific skills of cutters. But when organizing larger-scale production, such specialists are necessary. Sewing bedding is a fairly simple form of manual labor.

All sets are made according to patterns established by European standards, therefore, it wins in comparison with sewing clothes, which is famous for a variety of models and sizes. The technology for making bedding is simple. It can be divided into several stages: layout of patterns on fabric, cutting, sewing with processing of the edges of the product and wet-heat treatment of the finished sleeping set.

For entrepreneurs who decide to start sewing bedding at home, a business plan is calculated faster and much easier if you resort to the help of specialists. But here it should be decided how much you intend to produce the selected products. Please note that the cost of sewing bed linen at the factory is significantly different in the amount of financial investment.

Fabric selection

According to market research, when buying bedding, Russian consumers give the greatest preference to fabrics made from natural raw materials. These include cotton (calico), linen, silk and satin. Coarse calico linen takes the leading place in sales in the Russian market. As you know, calico is a cotton fabric, characterized by a very tight weave of threads.

This material is practical to use, since it does not undergo deformation during repeated washing, and the pattern applied to the fabric does not fade and does not fade during the ironing process and other wet-heat treatment. Coarse calico, unlike other natural fabrics, practically does not crease.

Cotton bed linens are hypoallergenic and convenient to use, and given its low market value, it becomes clear that this is the undisputed leader in sales, and the demand for it is unlikely to become less.

What determines whether your business will be highly profitable?

From the data of social surveys it follows that more than half of the inhabitants of Russia, when buying bedding for personal use, prefer domestic producers. High demand and relatively little competition in this market segment allow us to assert with confidence that the production of bed linen is a business with a fairly large profit, obtained in a short period of time. So where do you start this highly profitable activity? How to sew bedding for sale?

Required Documentation

First you need to register with your nearest tax office as an individual entrepreneur by filling out the relevant documents and choosing the necessary tax system. It should be remembered that sewing bedding as a business should be legal. After receiving tax registration certificates body can begin to purchase the necessary equipment.highly profitable business

For sewing bedding at home, you must have household equipment - a sewing machine, overcasting unit (overlock) and an iron for ironing.

To establish a business with high profitability, it is not worth saving on sewing equipment.

But that is not all. It must be remembered that sewing bedding as a business at home and within a large enterprise has significant differences both in paperwork at all the authorities and in material costs for equipment and rental space.

Differences of IP from LLC. Which is better to choose?

In order to make good competition and take its rightful place in the market, it is necessary to organize large-scale production by registering its activities as a limited liability company.

This form of business organization makes it possible to cooperate with large suppliers of raw materials and, accordingly, with the proper production volumes, it is possible to reach a high level of sales revenue, which does not allow the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Small companies will also get their own piece of "pie". Thanks to new fashion trends for non-standard furniture, private manufacturers will always have a fast-growing income. Designers often turn to individual entrepreneurs to order tailoring of bed linen that matches the declared interior.

We are looking for suppliers and launch an advertising campaign

For a successful start in the bedding business, it is necessary to find suppliers of fabrics and accessories in the shortest possible time. Large firms or manufacturers that place their wholesale and retail warehouses in all large cities of the Russian Federation can easily cope with this function.

After purchasing everything necessary for the production, we proceed to the creation of booklets with different options for the production of sleeping sets, as well as catalogs with samples of fabrics and related accessories. The next stage is the organization of an advertising campaign in print media, on the Internet, on radio and television. The cost of advertising in such an activity as the production of bed linen, a business plan includes a must.

Payback and cost difference at the start

According to rough estimates, about 100,000 rubles will be needed to open and organize a business for sewing bedding sets at home. This amount is relevant for an individual entrepreneur and includes the costs of documenting the indicated status in all instances, the purchase of necessary equipment, the acquisition of fabrics and accessories, as well as an advertising campaign.

Benefit: reality or myth?

Statistics show that the payback of this type of business exceeds 50% in the shortest possible time. Therefore, after accumulating experience and client experience, it is necessary to move to the next, larger level of production. For this, registration of activity in the status of LLC is performed.

This will open the doors of large suppliers and will significantly reduce the cost of manufactured bedding sets. Reducing the nominal price of the finished product will make it possible to reduce the market value of the goods, which will entail an increase in profits due to increased turnover. In addition, the status of a limited liability company allows the production of bedding with its own logo. And an individual entrepreneur does not have such a right.

sew bedding

How to bring a business to a high-income level?

When opening a large sewing production, it should be remembered that the initial starting capital increases tenfold, since only the opening of an LLC requires quite large investments. Significantly increase costs and rental of premises, the purchase of industrial equipment of an industrial level, the hiring of employees and the organization for them of both jobs and a comfortable recreation area. According to GOST, the sewing workshop must be at least 40 m2 and cannot be combined with a dining room, a warehouse for storing fabrics and accessories, a room for wet-heat treatment and a cutting shop. For all of these facilities, labor standards and state standards must be observed to avoid conflicts with inspection and supervisory authorities.

In order to reduce rental costs of premises suitable for all regulatory enactments and state standards and the size of salaries for employees, it is necessary to organize large factory production in industrial zones outside large cities. Payment for work and rental of premises in the suburbs is much lower. It must also be remembered that larger volumes of production require the involvement of packers of finished products, while an individual entrepreneur can easily do this on his own.

Sales markets

It’s worth thinking about sales market finished goods. As a mass consumer, large wholesale companies, chain stores, and retail outlets selling finished products are well suited. Close attention should be paid to kindergartens, motels and hotels. They can also turn out to be good and worthwhile customers. Ready-made bedding sets can also be delivered to hospitals and hospitals.

It should be noted that sales channels should be sought before the organization of large-scale production.Also, to assess the purchasing power and overall profitability of a business, it is better to issue a test batch of goods using the services of any garment factory.

An example of reducing the cost of the finished product

It is known that large domestic companies working in this business industry invite only designers to work, who subsequently develop layouts for the appearance of finished bedding sets. Sewing workshops themselves are located in other countries, such as China, which helps reduce costs for the cost of finished products.

Keeping up with the times, or Doing business online

You also need to remember that most of the sales are currently online. Therefore, to increase profits, you should create your own website where you can post information about the company that is interesting for both potential buyers and suppliers.

But it’s better to go even further and open an online store, as new customers can immediately buy goods without intermediaries, and this will bring additional profit. True, for the organization of a selling site also requires considerable financial investments. But as they say, it's worth it.

As you know, the market price of the finished product is affected not only by cost, but also by many other factors. An important role in the evaluation of finished products is played by purchasing power.

What price are residents of large cities willing to pay for quality bedding?

According to marketers' research, today the price for a ready-made set for a half bed varies between 300-500 rubles. A standard double set for sleeping is estimated at 800 rubles. But many buyers are willing to pay twice as much for quality bedding.

Memo for businessman

Taking into account all of the above, it should be remembered that when organizing the production of bedding, both at home and at the scale of the garment factory, in order to assess the adequacy of the business project itself and its profitability, a competent business plan is needed that takes into account all the nuances of this kind of activity. It also provides an opportunity to fully assess all the risks when opening a new business and unhindered to reach high income in a short time.

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