
Children's rights in Russia. Protecting the rights of children in Russia

The rights of children of Russian citizens are a set of principles enshrined in domestic and international documents. At the global and national levels, there are many acts regulating the status of persons under the age of 18. Let us further consider how protecting the rights of children in Russia. children's rights in Russia

Normative base

The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the main document adopted at the international level. In Russia, its provisions are fundamental to all other laws. There are 54 articles in this document. All provisions apply to all children in the world. In the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 124 is considered the main document. It establishes guarantees for the rights of the child in the country. In addition to these documents, the regulatory acts governing this area include:

  • Family Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
  • Federal Law governing the activities of guardianship and trusteeship councils.
  • Federal Law establishing the principles of a system for preventing juvenile delinquency and neglect.
  • Decree of the President, according to which the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child of Russia operates.
  • Code of Administrative Offenses and other acts. Convention on the Rights of the Child in Russia

Declaration of the Rights of the Child

Russia has international principles adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1959. The provisions, first of all, establish the equality of all minors, regardless of gender, race, religion, language, color, social or national origin, birth or other circumstances related to the birth of a person. The law and other state measures should guarantee the rights of children in Russia, provide social support, provide favorable conditions and opportunities for mental, spiritual, moral, physical and social development, while preserving dignity and freedom. The publication of acts regulating this area should be aimed at realizing the interests of minors. the rights of children of Russian citizens

Fundamental rights of children in Russia

From birth, the name, surname and patronymic must belong to a minor. Parents choose the first by mutual agreement. Middle name is given by the name of the father. In one or another subject of the Russian Federation, a different procedure may be established. Children's rights in Russia include the ability of a minor to have a family and communicate with relatives. Socially, mentally or physically inferior minors must be provided with a specific regime, special education and care, necessary for them due to their condition.

Children's rights in Russia contain a provision on providing minors with compulsory, free general education. In case of emergency, minors should be one of the first to receive the necessary help. Normative acts prohibit taking children to work if they do not reach the established age minimum, entrust activities that could become dangerous for his life, health, and moral development. Children's rights in Russia also include the opportunity to be educated in an atmosphere of friendliness and tolerance, mutual understanding and respect for their interests. protection of children's rights in Russia


Every child should have it. The family is necessary to ensure the full physical and moral development of the personality of the minor. In this regard, adoption is a priority way of arranging a child. Every minor has the opportunity to know their parents. An exception to this provision may be the case when the secret of adoption should be kept.In addition, every child has the right to receive parental care. This provision includes several points that are the direct responsibilities of the father and mother. So, parents should provide care for:

  • Health.
  • Development.
  • Education.
  • Material support.

Failure to fulfill obligations by parents can lead to deprivation of their rights to a child. With such a decision, the minor will be transferred to the custody of the relevant authorities or immediate relatives. A child living in a family should be provided with adequate food, clothing, housing, entertainment and medical care. For the fullest realization of the rights of the child to receive the necessary content, care for babies should be provided in the antenatal and postpartum periods.

This, in particular, is about proper medical care, benefits provided by the state. Inside the family, children should receive the necessary education in love and mutual respect. In this case, minors must be protected from all violence, cruelty, exploitation. Children may not be traded in any form. The upbringing of minors in the family should be focused on personal development, awareness of responsibility for their actions. Commissioner for the Rights of the Child of Russia

Communication with relatives

Every child has the right to do so. In addition to parents, close people are:

  • Grandfathers.
  • Grandmothers.
  • Brothers.
  • Sisters.
  • Aunts.
  • Uncles and others.

It should be noted that the implementation of this right should not depend on whether the parents are married or not. Today, the judicial practice is such that, when divorced, a minor remains, as a rule, with his mother. Moreover, in most cases, the decision establishes the right of the father and other relatives to see and communicate with the child.

Preservation of freedoms and interests

All children have the right to protection. First of all, the parents act as guarantors of the preservation of the interests and freedoms of the minor. They are legal representatives of the child to state, law enforcement, local and other bodies, individuals. In this case, parents do not need a power of attorney. They can protect the rights of their children through kinship. A birth certificate is provided to confirm it. If parents are absent, then their function is performed by guardians, adoptive parents, trustees. The rights of the child are protected by the prosecution. The law provides for cases when a minor can defend his own interests. This is allowed if he is recognized as capable before the age of 18 (emancipated). declaration of the rights of the child in Russia

Personal opinion

The child has the right to express his thoughts on any issue. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between situations where opinions can be taken into account and when is mandatory. Inside the family, the child can speak out on any issue regarding his interests and freedoms. When he reaches 10 years old, his thoughts should be taken into account when making any decision related to him. From 10 years old, the opinion and consent of the child are mandatory when considering issues related to his freedoms and interests. In particular, this is necessary when:

  • adoption.
  • restoration of parental rights.
  • change of surname (name).
  • the appointment of a trustee or guardian.
  • changes in patronymic, last name and first name upon adoption or its cancellation.

Special cases

In order to avoid the development of homelessness and child crime, local and state authorities are obliged to provide care for children left without parents. Public organizations, guardianship and guardianship authorities should be involved in resolving this issue. In Russia, there is a procedure for placing such children in families. This is done through adoption, guardianship, and other means.

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