
Student rights at school. Rights and obligations of a student

If each student adheres to the school Charter, the educational institution will always have a friendly and comfortable atmosphere.

Before identifying a child in first grade, parents and teachers must explain to him not only the rules of behavior. The child must know his rights and obligations. You can read about this in our article.

Who is eligible for training

Education is in the interests of man, society and the state. If the study is paid, not every adult will be able to give his child not only secondary, but also primary education. Precisely because education is free, all children can safely study in a public institution.

What is elementary school? Children go to first grade to learn. Before teaching a child various sciences, teachers are obliged to explain to schoolchildren all the rights, duties and rules of conduct in an educational institution. To begin, let's figure out who has the right to secondary education. Only Russian citizens or not?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation in article 43 says: everyone has the right to education. Regardless of age, nation, religious education, or gender, any individual living in Russia is obliged to study and receive secondary education. If a person does not speak Russian, he will not be able to participate in the educational process.

According to Part 4. Article. 43, everyone is required to master a common school curriculum. After the child has received secondary education, he has the right to enter a higher educational institution on a competitive basis in order to receive a profession. Education is aimed at developing the personality of each person. After graduation, each student must have knowledge in a certain amount. Each child must pass exams that evaluate his knowledge before leaving school. Only then a certificate is issued, which serves as the basis for admission to the university.

Important! The right to education in Russia is only a citizen of our country.

What are student rights at school?

Not all children want to study properly, and not because they are stupid. The fact is that students do not always observe a friendly and calm atmosphere in the school. Because of this, the desire to learn and gain relevant knowledge very often disappears. Children need to know the rights of the child at school and in the classroom.

And adults themselves do not always know the laws in order to talk about them with their children, and then teach them to defend their interests.

student rights at school

Student rights at school:

  1. The child has the right to a full school curriculum.
  2. To respect his personality - the teacher should not be rude and rude to the child.
  3. The child has the right to a friendly and relaxed atmosphere while studying.
  4. The student has the right to an objective assessment of his knowledge: the teacher should not underestimate or overestimate the child's points.
  5. The student can express his opinion, and the teacher must listen to the student’s thoughts and explain to him whether he is right or not.
  6. The child has the right to his own point of view and must be able to prove the truth if he is confident in his thoughts and judgments.
  7. To the inviolability of their personal belongings - the teacher or peers should not take items such as a phone, tablet, textbook, etc. without the student’s permission.
  8. On vacation - the teacher should not take part of the break, continuing his lesson.
  9. The student has the right to consult with a lawyer or psychologist.
  10. Every child has the right to freedom of movement around the school during a break.
  11. Every student must know their rights.

For each student, primary education should begin with a study of the rights and obligations of the child and the teacher.

Student rights in the lesson

Each child wants a friendly attitude not only from peers, but also from teachers. The teacher will not always tell the student what point he put for the answer or for the written test. It is not right. Each child has rights not only at school, but also in the classroom.

Very often, teachers do not understand the discomfort experienced by children who are deprived of the opportunity to know about their successes and failures.

Student rights in the lesson:

  1. The child must know what point they put him for knowledge.
  2. The student has the right to know all his grades for the subject.
  3. The child can express his opinion on the topic of the lesson.
  4. The student has the right to go to the toilet in the classroom without asking for help, but informing the teacher.
  5. The student in the lesson can correct the teacher if he makes a reservation.
  6. The student has the right to raise his hand and answer, if this relates to the topic of the lesson.
  7. The student can leave the class at the end of the lesson (when the bell rings).

On this, the rights of the student in school and in the lesson are not limited. The child has the right to full-fledged service, which consists in the availability of a qualified health worker, protection, etc. Read more ...

The student’s rights to healthy and quality service

right to education

Each student has the right to a full, high-quality and healthy education. How to do it? It all depends on the administration of the school and the state. A healthy school atmosphere will be maintained if the following conditions are met:

1. The child has the right to receive quality and free medical care during the working day.

2. For the student, the administration must create cleanliness throughout the school.

3. Each class should be well lit.

4. The noise level must not exceed the norm.

5. The temperature at the school should be comfortable for classes.

6. Food should be healthy and of high quality. At least 20 minutes are allotted for her.

7. For hygiene in the toilet should be everything you need: soap, paper, towel.

Adults must protect the rights of the child at school. After all, only mental and physical education of the student depends on them.

Rights of the child in the classroom lesson

In each school, the class teacher conducts educational work with the children. This lesson is called classroom.

The rights of a student in Russia in this lesson:

1. Children have the right to choose a topic of discussion. They must come to a common denominator. The student has the right to make an interesting presentation on the topic of the lesson or to tell an entertaining story.

child rights at school

2. Each student can in a calm atmosphere discuss a story or presentation, express his thoughts. The teacher should not interrupt the child. If the student is wrong, the teacher must correct him and explain what is said incorrectly.

Student Responsibilities at School

Each student not only has rights, but also certain responsibilities both in the lesson and in school. We’ll talk about this later.

Responsibilities of a student in a public educational institution:

  1. Every student must respect all school employees.
  2. Each student is required to greet the elders.
  3. The child must respect the work of adults. This applies not only to teachers, but also to the caretaker, cleaning lady, etc.
  4. The student must comply with the school schedule.
  5. The student is obliged to study in good faith, mastering knowledge and skills.
  6. If the child was absent from school, he must present to the class teacher a medical certificate or a note from the parents (guardians).
  7. Each student is required to comply with all the requirements of the principal, teacher or other adults, as far as the Charter of the school is concerned.
  8. The student is required to adhere to all hygiene standards: to be clean, tidy and dressed according to the rules of the school.
  9. Every child must comply with safety regulations.
  10. If a student finds a suspicious person or abandoned bag on the school grounds, he must immediately notify the school.
  11. The child must maintain order, cleanliness both in the school building and on its territory.
  12. If the student urgently needs to leave the lessons, he is obliged to bring a note from the parents to the class teacher in advance.

Duties of students in the lesson

Each student needs to not only adhere to all norms and rules at school, but also in the classroom. Still, the teacher transfers knowledge, and in order to assimilate it, it is necessary to adhere to some rules.

elementary education

In each school there is a charter for this student, with whom he can get acquainted in his spare time.

Student responsibilities in the lesson:

  1. Each student is obliged to conscientiously carry out homework in each subject.
  2. The child is obliged to present the diary to the teacher upon request.
  3. The student must carefully listen to everything that the teacher says in the lesson.
  4. The student is obliged to bring all the necessary accessories to the classes: pen, ruler, pencil, books and notebooks.
  5. The child should not have extra items and toys in the backpack.
  6. The student is obliged, as instructed by the teacher, to approach the board or respond from the spot without interruption.
  7. Each student is required to learn the passed topic and pass it to the teacher when he requires it.
  8. The student is obliged to come to the lesson on time, without delay.
  9. During class, the student should be quiet. If he has a desire to answer in the lesson, he needs to raise his hand.
  10. The student is required to obey the teacher.

All the rights and obligations of the student must be not only known to the students and school staff, but also unquestionably performed.

Student Behavior Rules

Each student is obliged to adhere to a certain behavior both in the classroom and during the break.

rights and obligations of a student

Rules of conduct in the classroom:

  1. Each child should come to classes 15 minutes before the call in order to have time to change clothes and prepare for the lesson.
  2. The student should not be indoors in outer clothing or hat.
  3. The student must be in the classroom at the moment the bell rings.
  4. The child should not go to classes with or after the teacher.
  5. At that time, when the teacher came, the children should rise in order to greet him.
  6. The child is obliged to be quiet during the lesson and not to distract other children.
  7. When the lesson is in progress, the student should not chew gum or eat food.
  8. During classes, it is forbidden to use mobile communications.

Student Behavior Rules for Breaks

The child is obliged to behave properly, not only in the lesson, but also during the break. This means that there are certain rules prescribed in the school charter. Let's look at what orders a student should adhere to at school.

Student behavior during breaks:

  1. At a time when the bell rang from the lesson, the child is obliged to put his workplace in order and prepare for the next lesson.
  2. At a break, the student should calmly walk around the school, and not run.
  3. The student is obliged to communicate with peers in a friendly manner (not to fight and not quarrel).
  4. Greet all school workers.
  5. If the child enters the room and the teacher is behind, the student must skip the elder.

What is forbidden to a student in school?

There are some things that are strictly forbidden for a student to do:

  1. The child can not jump on the stairs and ride on the railing.
  2. Do not carry life-threatening objects with you to school.
  3. It is forbidden to play cards on the school grounds.
  4. Do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  5. Do not open the door sharply, as you can hit someone.
  6. It is forbidden to be rude and rude to elders.
  7. A schoolchild should not use foul language not only with adults, but also with other students.
  8. It is forbidden to take other people's things, especially to spoil them. If the child nevertheless damaged someone else's property, parents are obliged to reimburse its full cost.
  9. It is forbidden for a student to come to a lesson without completing homework.

Student problems at school

A child has some problems with peers and teachers. Why is this happening? Problems of children in school are due to behavior. He can’t sit quietly on a chair, he is spinning, he is interfering with his desk neighbor, teacher and all the children. The teacher, accordingly, is angry with him, and the learning process is disrupted.

schoolboy right classroom

There are also slow children who do not have time to learn the educational material on a par with their peers.

Here are just two examples of what students may have problems with learning.

Therefore, children should still know the duties and rights of a student in school in primary school.

What consequences entail non-fulfillment of the school charter

If the child does not explain the rights and obligations of the student, he can easily become a violator. What can happen if you do not comply with the rules? First, the student is reprimanded by the teacher. If the student did not obey and continues to damage property, fight, etc., then parents are called to school, who are invited with their child to the director. It all depends on the specific behavior. If a student beats children endlessly, steals, causes moral pain, then he can be expelled from school.

student rights in Russia

To prevent this from happening, the administration, class teacher or other adults can arrange classroom lessons to familiarize children with behaviors. The rights and obligations of the student are the law for both teachers and students. And it must be adhered to in a government agency.


In order for a child to have a positive reputation in school, he must be taught from the first grade how to behave in school. Each student should know what are not only responsibilities, but also the rights of the child in school. Teachers are often unfair to students. Children do not always know what grade the teacher gave them knowledge. Also, teachers very often underestimate or overestimate scores. In this case, parents are required to go to school and protect the rights of their child in a controversial situation. Student rights at school must be strictly respected by educators. This is extremely important in the development of the younger generation. To date, the theme of "Protecting the rights of the student" is relevant. They can be helped not only by parents, but also by social services. Children have the right to call and report their problems on the helplines of these organizations.

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